Learn Uzbek. ���� ��������� ���� (original) (raw)



This is a copy of my Telegram-channel for learning Uzbek language.

Uzbek, like other Turkic languages, is interesting for its logic, consistency. This is its difference from modern Germanic languages, those formed by multiple mixing of Slavic and Germanic languages and multiple compromises between them. The Turkic languages have not changed much over the centuries, keeping the pure logic of constructing words and sentences...

The Uzbek language has 2 alphabets. One is based on the Latin alphabet, the other is based on the Cyrillic alphabet. The Latin based alphabet consists of 26 letters, three digraphs sh, ch and ng, and an apostrophe. The Cyrillic based alphabet consists of 35 letters.


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B b D d F f G g H h I i

J j K k L l m N n P p Q q

R r S s t U u V v X x Y y Z z

Oʻ oʻ Gʻ gʻ Sh sh Ch ch Ng ng

Pronunciation of letters:

"A " as in the word "cat"

"B " as in the word "bat"

"D " as in the word "den"

"E " as in the word "bet"

"F " as in the word "fish"

"G " as in the word "go"

"H " as in the word "house"

"I " as in the word "me"

"J " as in the word "joke" or as in "vision"

"K " as in the word "cold"

"L " as in the word "list"

"M " as in the word "man"

"N " as in the word "next"

"O " as in the word "hot" or as in "call"

"P " as in the word "pin"

"Q " like a " K ", but further back in the throat

"R " as in the word "rat" (trilled, like in Russian)

"S " as in the word "sick"

"T " as in the word "toe"

"U " as in the word "put" or as in "choose"

"V " as in the word "van"

"X " - "ch" as in German "Bach" or Scottish "loch"

"Y " as in the word "yes"

"Z " as in the word "zebra"

"O' " as in the word "row", "fur"

"G' " like a French or German "r"

"Sh " as in the word "shoe"

"Ch " as in the word "chew"

"Ng " as in the word "king"

Apostrophe is used either

  1. to mark the phonetic glottal stop when put immediately before a vowel or

  2. to mark a long vowel when placed immediately after a vowel.

Examples with " a ":

ana - that, there (points to something distant)

mana - this, here (points to something close)

aka - older brother

uka - younger brother

aka-uka - brothers

ana aka - that is the older brother

mana uka - this is the younger brother

mana aka-uka - these are brothers


Almost always, the stress in Uzbek words is put on the last syllable!

Examples with " i ":

ip - thread

igna (nina) - needle

iz - track(s)

imzo - signature

Misollar - Examples:

Mana ip - This is a thread

Ana ip - That is a thread

Mana nina (igna) - This is a needle

Mana iz - This is a track (These are tracks)

Mana imzo - This is signature

Examples with " o ":

non - bread

bola - child

ol - take

olma � apple

Misollar - Examples:

Mana non - This is a bread

Mana bola - This is a child

Karim, nonni ol - Karim, take a bread

Lola, olmani ol - Lola, take an apple


In Uzbek, the predicate is at the end of a sentence!

Examples with " u ":

bu - this, "this is"

uzum - vine, grapes

uchun - for

uy - home

uzun - long

Misollar - Examples:

Bu olma - This is an apple

Sardor, bu olmani ol - Sardor, take this apple

Mana uy - This is a home

Mana uzum - This is a vine

Umida, uzumdan ol - Umida, take these grapes

Mana Karim uchunuy - This house is for Karim

Bu uzum shirin - These grapes are sweet

Aziz, uzumdan ol - Aziz, take these grapes

Sevara uchun uzum ol - Take these grapes for Sevara

Uzbek prepositions are always placed after the word to which they refer!

Examples with " e ":

etik - high boot

eshik - door

el - people

erkak - man

ertaga - tomorrow

echki - goat

kelmoq - to come

The affix "-moq" gives an indefinite verb form.

Misollar - Examples:

Bu echki - This is a goat

Mana eshik - Here is the door

Ana etik - There is a high boot

Karim, ertaga kel - Karim, come tomorrow

Aziz, etikniol - Aziz, take the high boot

Tursun, eshiknioch - Tursun, open the door

Lola, echkini olib ket - Lola, take the goat away


There are no prefixes in the Uzbek language. But there are many affixes that go in a certain order after the root of the word. The root of a word, as a rule, consists of 1-2 syllables; the main part of the word is often a set of affixes.

The affix "-ni" is used in the accusative case.

Examples with " o' ":

to�rt - four

bo�r - chalk

ko�z - eye

ko�cha - street

do�st - friend

so�z - word

o�z - own, -self-

Misollar - Examples:

Mana bo�r - Here is the chalk

Tursun, bo�rni ol - Tursun, take the chalk

Uzun ko�cha - Long street

So�zlarni o�qing - Read the words

O'z oilam - My ownfamily

Men buni o'zimqilaman - I do it myself

Examples with " q ":

qor - snow

quyosh - sun

quloq - ear, ears

qog�oz - paper

o�rtoq - comrade

qishloq - village

Misollar - Examples:

Qor yog�di - It was snowing

Quyosh nurlari - Sun rays

Quloq solmoq - listen

Yozuv qog�ozi - Writing paper

Qo�shni qishloq - Neighboring village

Examples with " g' ":

g�oz - goose

bog� - garden

tog� - mountain

g�alaba - victory

g�ayrat - energy, ardour

Misollar - Examples:

G�oz bolasi - Gosling

G�oz go�shti - Goose meat

Mevazor bog� - Orchard

Tog� etagi - Foot of the mountain

Tog� cho�qqisi - Peak

G�alaba qozonmoq - To win a victory

G�ayrat qilmoq - To act energetically

Examples with " h ":

ham - and, both

hayot - life

hozir - now

hazil - joke

hikoya - story

hamma - all

hafta - week

harakat - movement, motion

Misollar - Examples:

Ko�cha harakati � Street traffic

Men ham o�qiyman, sen ham o�qiysan � And I will teach, and you will

Hayot kechirmoq � To spend life, to live

Hazil qilmoq � To joke (qilmoq - to do)

Hikoyalar to�plami � Collection of stories

Hamma narsa � All things

O�tgan hafta � Last week

Examples with " j ":

juda - very

juma - Friday

jo�ja - chicken

jim - calm, quiet

janjal - scandal

janub - south

Examples with " ng ":

ong � consciousness

tong � dawn

bong � scream

jang � battle

Kishilik olmoshlari - Personal pronouns

Men � I

Sen � Thou

U � He, She, It

Biz � We

Siz � You

Ular � They


In Uzbek, as in other Turkic languages, there is no grammatical gender.

So�roq olmoshlari - Interrogative pronouns

The interrogative pronoun Kim? - Who? - is used only in relation to people, and in relation to everything else Nima? - What?

Misollar � Examples:

� Bu kim? � Who is this?
� Bu Rustam. � This is Rustam.
� U kim? � Who is it?
� U � muhandis. � He is an engineer.
� Siz kimsiz? � Who are you?
� Men shifokorman. � I am a doctor.
� Bu nima? � What is this?
� Bu kitob. � This is a book.
� Mana bu nima? � What is this?
� Mana bu avtobus. � This is a bus.

Interrogative sentences are constructed in three ways:

1. Using interrogative particles (mi, -chi, -a):

Bu yaxshi kitobmi? - It is a good book, isn't it? (kitob - book)

Siz talabamisiz? - Are you a student? (talaba - student; -siz - 2nd person plural affix)

U-chi? What about him?

U shifokor-a? - He is a doctor, isn't he?

2. Using interrogative pronouns:

Ana bu nima? - What is there?

3. Using interrogative intonation:

Soat ikki bo'ldi? - It's two o'clock now (isn't it)?
(soat = hour, ikki = two, bo'ldi = was (bo'l = is, -di = past tense affix))

The word order in the interrogative sentence is usually the same as in the answer. That is, the interrogative pronoun is in the place of the word containing the answer.

Important affix "LAR�:

"Lar� is the main affix for the plural:

bolalar � children, so�zlar � words, tog�lar � mountains etc.

In some cases, this affix can be used not only with nouns, but also with other parts of speech, for example, with verbs:

Qidirdilar, ammo topolmadilar - They searched, but could not find.

In addition, this affix is used to convey a respectful attitude:

otamlar - my dear father, onamlar - my dear mother;

Xush kelibsizlar! - Welcome dear guest!

Egalik qo�shimchalari - Possessive affixes:

The Uzbek language has possessive affixes that are attached to names to indicate that a given object belongs to any person or object.

After the final vowel:

1st person, singular:� �m�;�� plural: �miz�

2nd person, singular:� �ng�;�� plural: �ngiz�

3rd person, singular:� �si�;�� plural: �si� or �lari�

After the final consonant:

1st person, singular:� �im�;�� plural: �imiz�

2nd person, singular:� �ing�;�� plural: �ingiz�

3rd person, singular:� �i�;�� plural: �i� or �lari�

This refers to the person and number inherited from the person or thing to which the object belongs.

In the third person, the number is not inherited. The affix "lari" = "lar"+"i", here "lar" gives us the plural of the subordinate object.


my house �uyim; our house �uyimiz;

my houses �uylarim; our houses - uylarimiz;

your (thy) house �uying; your house - uyingiz;

your (thy) houses �uylaring; your houses - uylaringiz;

his house - uyi; their house �uyi;

his houses - uylari; their houses �uylari.

Examples with a final vowel:

otam � my father

otang � your (thy) father

otasi � his (her) father

otamiz � our father

otangiz � your father

otasi � their father

Examples with a final consonant:

maktabim � my school

maktabing � your (thy) school

maktabi � his (her) school

maktabimiz � our school

maktabingiz � your school

maktabi � their school

Examples � sentences:

Kitobim qani? � Where is my book?

Kitobingni ol � Take your book.

Kitobini ber � Give me his (her) book.

Kitobingni o�qi � Read your book.

Kitobimni o�qi � Read my book.

Kitobingni o�qiyman � I will read your book.

Kitobimiz kimda? �Who has our book?

Kitobingiz stolda �Your book is on the table.

Kitobingizni kim o�qidi? �Who has read your book?

Kitobingizni men o�qidim � I read your book.

Names of the days of the week:

Yakshanba - Sunday

Dushanba - Monday

Seshanba - Tuesday

Chorshanba - Wednesday

Payshanba - Thursday

Juma - Friday

Shanba � Saturday

Examples of yes/no questions:

Aziz shanba kuni ishladimi? - Did Aziz work on Saturday?

Ha, Aziz shanba kuni ishladi. - Yes, Aziz worked on Saturday.

Yo�q, Aziz shanba kuni ishlamadi. - No, Aziz did not work on Saturday.

Sen hafta kunlarini aytib bera olasanmi? - Can you name the days of the week?

Ha, aytib bera olaman, marhamat. - Yes, I can, please.

Siz shanba kuni ishlaysizmi? � Do you work on Saturday?

Dushanba kuni majlis bo�ladimi? � Will there be a meeting on Monday?

Lola dushanba kuni ishga boradimi? (or "Lola dushanbada ishga boradimi?") - Will Lola go to work on Monday?

Ha, Lola dushanba kuni ishga boradi. - Yes, Lola will go to work on Monday.

Seshanba kuni-chi? - And on Tuesday?

Seshanba kuni� ham boradi. (or "Seshanbada ham boradi") - Yes, and on Tuesday, too, will go.

Interrogative sentences can be formed using the following interrogative pronouns:

Kim?, Kimlar?� � Who?��(We say "Kimlar" if we know that there are several persons)

Nima?, Nimalar? � What?�� (We say "Nimalar" if we know there are multiple items)

Qanday? � Which?, What kind of...?, How?

Qanday qilib? - How?, In what way?

Qaysi? � Which?

Qaysi biri? - Which one of...?

Qancha?, Necha? � How much?, How many?

Nechta? � How many (items)?

Nechanchi? � Which (one) is on the bill?

Qachon? � When?

Qachondan beri? � Since when?

Qayerda? - Where?

Qayerga? - In which direction?

Qayerdan? - Where from?

Nega? - Why?

Nimaga? - Why? For what?

Examples of wh�questions:

Bu qanday qalam? Bu qora qalam.

What kind of pencil is this? This is a black pencil.

Teatr qaysi ko'chada joylashgan? Teatr Zarafshon ko'chasida joylashgan.

Which street is the theater located on? The theater is located on Zarafshon Street.

Siz qayerda o'qiysiz? Men universitetda o'qiyman.

Where do you study? I am studying at university.

U nimaga qiziqadi? U tarixga qiziqadi.

What is he interested in? He is interested in history.

Siz haftaning qaysi kuni dam olasiz?

Which day of the week do you rest?

Haftaning qaysi kunlari ishlaysiz?

What days of the week do you work?

Yakshanba kuni qayerga bormoqchisiz?

Where do you want to go on Sunday?

There are 2 features of the use of possessive affixes:

1. At the root of some words, a vowel in the second syllable disappears:

singil (sister) � singlim, singlimiz, singling, singlingiz, singlisi (my sister, our sister, �);

shahar (town) � shahrim, �;

bo'yin (neck) � bo'ynim, �;

qorin (belly) � qornim, �, qorni.

Voy qornim! = Woe is me!

2. At the root of two-syllable words ending in the consonants k or q,

- k changes to g:���� ko'ylak (shirt) � ko'ylagi, chelak (bucket) � chelagi,� yur�k(heart) � yur�gi,

- q changes to g':��� o'rtoq (comrade) � o'rtog'i, qishloq (village) � qishlog'i, bo�t�l�q (little camel) � bo�t�l�g�i.


son - numeral, number

yil � year

oy - month

hafta � week

kun - day

soat � hour

Numerals are divided into cardinal (miqdor son) and ordinal (tartib son).

Cardinal numerals answer the questions "Qancha?", "Nechta?", "Necha?".

Ordinal numerals answer the question "nechanchi" (which) and are formed by adding suffixes to cardinal numerals:

-nchi (after final vowels);

-inchi (after final consonants).

1 � bir

2 � ikki

3 � uch

4 � to�rt

5 � besh

6 � olti

7 � yetti

8 � sakkiz

9 � to�qqiz

10 � o�n

20 � yigirma

30 � o�ttiz

40 � qirq

50 � ellik

60 � oltmish

70 � yetmish

80 � sakson

90 � to�qson

100 � yuz

1000 � ming

Ordinal numerals examples**:**

Uchinchi eshikdan kir! - Enter the third door!

Bu qirq oltinchi uy� - This is the forty sixth house

Ertaga o'n birinchi dars bo'ladi � Tomorrow will be the eleventh lesson

Birinchi yil o'tdi � The first year has passed

The use of cardinal numerals in sentences often looks like Number + ta + Noun:

Bu ko'chada sakkizta uy bor - There are eight houses on this street

Yigirma yettita olma bor - There are twenty seven apples

Another way is to use numerative words

Here are the most used numerative words:

dona � piece, item

nusxa � example of a book or a document

bosh � animal unit

tup � plant unit

nafar � person

juft � couple

yosh - used to indicate age�� (yosh � young)


yetti dona daftar � seven copy-books

to�rt tup daraxt � four trees

o�n nafar o�quvchi � ten students

In many cases, neither the "-ta" affix nor the numerative word is used. For example, when we talk about time:

Ikki soat kutdik - We waited two hours

Bu yerda ikki yil yashadik - We lived here for two years

Bizga uch hafta kerak - We need three weeks

Nouns after numerals are not formed by the affix �lar:

ko�k qalamlar � blue pencils�� (no numerals)

beshta qalam � five pencils

besh dona qalam � five pieces of pencils

o�n tup daraxt � ten trees

Yer� - land, place.

Qay � Which? What kind of...? (rarely used)

Qaysi � Which?

Qaysi = Qay + si,�� �si� is possessive affix, 3rd person.

Qayer = qay + yer

Qayer? � What kind of place is it?

Bu qayer? Bu dalamiz. � What kind of place is it? This is our field.� (dala � field)

Let's recall such interrogative pronouns:

Qayerda? - Where?

Qayerga? - In which direction?

Qayerdan? - Where from?

Bu ko'cha qayerda? � Where is this street?

Qayerga qarayapsiz? � Where are you looking?

U qayerdan kelgan? � Where did he (she) come from?

Bu yerga keling! � Come here!

bu yerda � here

u yerda � there


- Men O�zbekistondan keldim.

- O'zbekistoning qayeridansiz?�� qa+yer+i+dan

- Toshkentda yashayman.

- I came from Uzbekistan.

- Where in Uzbekistan are you from?

- I live in Tashkent.

Words to memorize

bola - child

aka - older brother

uka - younger brother

aka-uka - brothers

ota - father

ona - mother

ota-ona - parents

singil - younger sister

opa - older sister; mother

opa-singil - sisters

o'g'il - son

qiz - girl, daughter

kishi, odam - human

qariya - old man


Bolalarim bor - I have children

Akam sayrga chiqdi - My brother went for a walk

Bu odam mening o'g'lim - This man is my son

Singlingizning yashil ko'zlari - Your sister has green eyes

Qizimiz o'tgan yili tug'ilgan - Our daughter was born last year

In Uzbek, often the same word can act as both an adjective and an adverb.

Adjectives do not change in number.

Words to memorize (adjectives/adverbs):

katta - big; older�� /�� kichik - small; younger

yaxshi - good; well�� /��yomon - bad

oq - white�� /��qora - black

baland - tall�� /��past - lower

uzun - long�� /��qisqa, kalta - short

yosh - young�� /��qari - old (man); eski (thing)

achchiq - bitter�� /��shirin - sweet

issiq - hot�� /��sovuq - cold

og�ir - heavy�� /��yengil - easy

tez - fast, rapid, quick, quickly�� /�� sekin - slow, slowly

ko'p - many, much�� /��kam, oz - few, small


katta yo'l - big road

yaxshi odamlar - good people

yaxshi ishlamoq - to work well

Yaxshi qoling! - Stay well!

past tog' - low mountain

Oq yo'l! - Have a good trip!

oq bo'r - white chalk

sovuq suv - cold water

og�ir chelak - heavy bucket

tez o'sish - rapid growth

sekin harakat - slow motion

ko'p daraxtlar - many trees

yosh ayol - young woman

kichik qiz - little girl

yomon kishi - bad guy

qora qor - black snow

baland bog' - high garden

uzun arqon - long rope

qisqa ko'cha - short street

qari kishi - old man

shirin konfet - sweet candy

issiq ko'l - hot lake

yengil ish - light work

kam miqdor - small amount

bir oz sut - a little of milk

eski uy - old house

achchiq tutun - bitter smoke

Imperative-subjunctive verbs

(buyruq-istak mayli)

In Uzbek, the imperative and the subjunctive moods of a verb are considered to be one mood.

We translate 1st person verbs as a wish, 2nd person verbs as an order/wish, 3rd person verbs as a wish for that person.

olmoq - to take� (the affix "-moq" gives an indefinite verb form)

Olmani ol! - Take the apple!��

Olma - apple. The "-ni" suffix is used in the accusative case, but not always:

Olma ol! - Take an apple!

Imperative-subjunctive affixes:

After the final vowel:

1st person, singular:� �-y�;�� plural: �-y-lik�

2nd person, singular:� no affix, or in polite form - "-ng";�� plural: �-ngiz�

3rd person, singular:� �-sin�;�� plural: �sin� or �-sin-lar�

After the final consonant:

1st person, singular:� �-ay�;�� plural: �-ay-lik�

2nd person, singular:� no affix, or in polite form - "-ing";�� plural: �-ingiz�

3rd person, singular:� �-sin�;�� plural: �sin� or �-sin-lar�

If we are in the case of 3rd person pl. and we discard -lar, it turns out a less respectful, commanding tone.

Words to memorize:

och - open

yop - close

o'tir - sit down, sit

tur - stand up, stand

yot - lie down, lie

ol - take

ber - give

ishla - work

Examples for Imperative-subjunctive:

Men ishlay. - I would work.

Biz ishlaylik. - Let's work.

Sen ishla! - Work!�� /�� Siz ishlang! - Work please!

Siz ishlangiz! - Work (please)!�� (plural)

U ishlasin. - It would be nice for him (her) to work.

Ular ishlasin. (or "Ular ishlasinlar") - It would be nice for them to work.

Men o'tiray. - I would sit.

Biz o'tiraylik. - Let's sit down.

Sen o'tir! - Sit!�� /��Siz o'tiring! - Sit down please!

Siz o'tiringiz! - Sit down (please)!�� (plural)

U o'tirsin. - It would be nice for him (her) to sit down.

Ular o'tirsin. (or "Ular o'tirsinlar") - It would be nice for them to sit down.

Words to memorize:

ha - yes

yo'q - no

bugun - today

hozir - now

kerak - "it is necessary"

mumkin - "it is permissible"


Bugun haftaning nechanchi kuni? - What day of the week is it today?

Bugun seshanba. - Today is Tuesday.

Eshikni qachon yopasiz? - When do you close the door?

Hozir yopaman. - I'm closing now.

Bu suv issiqmi? - Is it hot water?

Ha, bu issiq suv. - Yes, it's hot water.

Yo'q, bu sovuq suv. - No, it's cold water.

Bu nima uchun kerak? - Why is this necessary?

Bu kerak emas. - It is not necessary.

emas = not

Words to memorize:

qog�oz - paper

kitob - book

matn - text

harf - letter

daftar - copybook

uy - home

ko'cha - street

yo'l - road

shahar - town

qishloq - village


Bu yaxshi kitobmi? - Is this a good book?

Ha, yaxshi. - Yes, good.

Aka, daftarni bering! - Brother, give me the copybook!

Yo'q, bu mening daftarim! - No, this is my copybook!

Compound words to memorize:

shu - this

shu-shu - ever since

o'sha - same

o'sha-o'sha - ever since

tez - quick

tez-tez - frequent

dona - piece, item

dona-dona - grainly, powdery

dona-dona qilib ...moq - (do something) clearly:

dona-dona qilib gapirmoq - speak clearly,

dona-dona qilib yozmoq - write clearly

juda - very, too much

juda-juda - absolutely

kalta - short

kalta-kalta - (do something) often and intermittent

kalta-kalta qadam bosmoq - to take small steps

rasta - shopping row

rasta-rasta - (stand, move) in rows, in a string

gala - horde, pack

gala-gala - like a horde, in a pack

taka - goat

taka-taka qilmoq - to seek through

xona - room

xona-xona - consisting of separate rooms, honeycomb, checkered

shoda - bundle, necklace

shoda-shoda - bundles; many, a lot of

shona - flower-bud

shona-shona - studded with buds

qayta - again

(qaytmoq - to return)

qayta-qayta - repeatedly, over and over again

g'udda - knob, pimple

g'udda-g'udda - knobby

halqa - circle, ring, (chain) link

halqa-halqa - in rings, in plumes of smoke:

tutun halqa-halqa bo'lib chiqmoqda - smoke billows in rings

boshqa - another

...-dan boshqa - except ...:

sendan boshqa - except you

boshqa-boshqa - separately, different

bo'lak - part, piece

bo'lak-bo'lak - in pieces, in parts

ayrim - special, separate

ayrim-ayrim - separately

alohida - separate, special, detached

alohida-alohida - separately

Demonstrative pronouns

Birlik (singular):

u = that, he, she

bu = this

shu = this here

o'sha = the one, the very

bunday = like this, like that

shunday = so, such

o'shanday = the same, as well

Ko'plik (plural):

ular = those, they

bular = these

shular = these here

o'shalar = those same


Ana u kim? - Who is he?

U � sotuvchi. - He is a salesman.

Mana bu nima? - What is this?

Bu � olma. - It's an apple.

U erda nima? - What is there?

U - daraxt. - That is a tree.

Shu ko'chada yurdingizmi? - Did you walk down this street?

O'sha uyni ko'ryapsanmi? - Do you see that house?

O�sha kuni. - That day.

Bunday taom tezda tayyorlanadi. - Such a dish is prepared quickly.

Bu shunday yuz berdi. - It happened like this.

Siz o'shanday yoshsiz hamon. - You are still so young.

Ular shaharga kelishdi. - They came to town.

Bu boshqa-boshqa narsalar. - These are different things.

Bular boshqa-boshqa. - These are different.

Bu daraxtlar - teraklar. Shular eng baland. - These trees are poplars. These are the highest.

Odamlarni ko'ryapsizmi? O'shalar. - Do you see people? These are the ones.

Words to memorize:

savol - question

javob - answer


Savolingizni bering! - Ask your question!��("ingiz" - possessive affix, "ni" - accusative affix)

U menga javob bersin! - Let him give me the answer!��("sin" - imperative-subjunctive affix)

Words to memorize:

ko�z - eye

quloq - ear

qo'l - hand

yelka - shoulder

bo�yin - neck

qorin - belly


uning go'zal ko'zlari - her beautiful eyes

uzun quloqlar - long ears

Menga qo'lingni ber! (or: "Menga qoʻlingizni bering!") - Give me your hand!

qalin bo'yin - thick neck

katta qorin - big belly

Case formation in Uzbek language

There are six main cases in Uzbek language: nominative, accusative, genitive, dative, locative and ablative:

Genitive (Possessive) Case. Possessive suffix �NING

There is a special suffix construction in Uzbek which means belonging to. Unlike in English, Uzbek possession can be marked by both Possessor and Possessed. In Uzbek the Possessor is suffixed with -ning and Possessed is suffixed with �im, -ing, -i, -miz, -ingiz, �ngiz.

The formation of possessive relationship is following: the Possessor �Anvar� has a possession �kitob� or �ona�. When suffixed in Uzbek it becomes �Anvarning kitobi� (Anvar�s book) or �Anvarning onasi� (Anvar�s mother).

The plurals are formed by the adding -lar to the root word of either the possessor or the possessed or to both according to context. The possessive forms of personal pronouns are usually dropped when a noun already reflects possession: Mening ismim � Barno vs. Ismim Barno.

Words in the possessive case in a sentence are always a definition and are ahead of the word being defined.


Bizning hovlimiz katta. � Our yard is big.

Sening do�sting aqlli. � Your friend is smart.

Bu sening kitobingmi? � Is this your book?

Bizning auditoriya katta. � Our auditorium is huge.

Sening ko�zlaring juda chiroyli. � Your eyes are very beautiful.

Sizning akangiz qayerda ishlaydi? � Where does your brother work?

Maktabning hovlisi chiroyli. � The school yard is beautiful.

Sizning familiyangiz nima? � What's your last name?

Sizning otingiz nima? � What is your name?

Shaharning ko�chalari chiroyli. � The streets of the city are beautiful.

Karimning otasi � o�qituvchi. � Karim's father is a teacher.

Sinf jurnali qayerda?�� � Where's the class register?

Biz Alisher Navoiyning she�rlarini o�qidik.� � We read Alisher Navoi's poems.

O�qituvchimizning topshirig�ini bajardik. � We have completed the teacher's task.

Ariqning suvi toza. � The water of the ditch is clean.

Bizning kutubxonamizda kitob ko�p. � There are many books in our library.

Respublikamizning poytaxti � Toshkent. � The capital of our republic is Tashkent.

Toshkentning binolari chiroyli. � The buildings of Tashkent are beautiful.

Siz shaharning qaysi tumanida yashaysiz? � What area of the city do you live in?

Kecha sening maqolangni o�qidik. � We read your article yesterday.

Mening fikrim shu. � That's my opinion.

The possessive case can be formed - with the suffix -ning, and unformed - without the suffix -ning.

The formed possessive case denotes a specific, definite object:

Meningsinglim ishga ketdi � My sister has gone to work

O�quvchiningotasi maktabga keldi� � The student's father came to school

Umarningo�rtoqlari kinoga ketdilar � Umar's comrades went to the cinema

Informal possessive indicates an indefinite meaning:

Shahar ko'chalari uzun va keng bo'lishi kerak � City streets should be long and wide

Often there are nouns in sentences for which the Possessor is not explicitly indicated.

Nouns in the 3rd person must be suffixed (-i or -si) in the following cases:

1. Ownership is known, even if the Possessor is not explicitly specified:

Shahardan tashqarida Sirdaryo oqadi. Daryosi sayozlashdi.

The Syrdarya River flows outside the city. The river became shallower.

2. It is said about a certain subject, the uniqueness of which is emphasized by the definition. In this case, -i (-si) serves as a definite article:

Bu Kickik Halqa yo�li.

This is the Little Ring Road.

About haq, haqda, haqida

haq = truth,

haqda, haqida = about.

Bu kitob o'tmish olimlari haqida. - This book is about the scientists of the past.


Nima haqda yozmoqchisiz? - What do you want to write about?

Present-Future Tense. Personal Endings of Predicates

The simplest and most frequently used grammatical tense in the Uzbek language is Present-Future.

It is so called because the form of verbs (or other parts of speech as a predicate) does not change depending on when an event occurs, in the present or in the future. Time is determined by the context or adverb of time.

For the case of the present tense, this is an analogue of the English Present Simple. By the way, there is also an analogue of Present Continuous in the Uzbek language, but we will talk about this later.


1. Men talabaman. Universitetda tarix fanini o'rganaman. Kechqurun kitob o'qiyman.

I am a student. I study history at university. I read books in the evenings. (Present)

2. Ertaga ishlamaymiz. Biz daryoga boramiz.

We will not work tomorrow. We will go to the river. (Future)

Sentences in the Present-Future are formed using the affixes "a" or "y" and "personal endings".

The personal ending is added to the verb or other part of speech used as a predicate. Since the predicate in the Uzbek language is almost always put at the end of a sentence, a significant part of sentences end in personal endings. This fact gives the originality of Turkic poetry.

Personal Endings:

1st person, singular:� �man�;�� plural: �miz�

2nd person, singular:� �san�;�� plural: �siz�

3rd person, verb, singular:� �di�;�� plural: �dilar�

3rd person, other parts of speech, singular:� no ending;�� plural: �lar�

Examples (predicate is a verb):

bilmoq � to know

Men bilaman � I know, I will know

Sen bilasan � You know, You will know

U biladi � He (she) knows, He (she) will know

Biz bilamiz � We know, We will know

Siz bilasiz � You know, You will know

Ular biladilar � They know, They will know

ishlamoq � to work

Men ishlayman � I work, I will work

Sen ishlaysan � You work, You will work

U ishlaydi � He (she) works, He (she) will work

Biz ishlaymiz � We work, We will work

Siz ishlaysiz � You work, You will work

Ular ishlaydilar � They work, They will work

Examples (predicate is another part of speech):

Siz chiroylisiz � You are beautiful

Ular kichik � They are small

Ular bolalar � They are children

Biz uydamiz � We are at home

Men och emasman � I'm not hungry�� (When we use "emas" = "not", the personal ending is added to the word "emas"!)

If a personal ending is used, the pronoun is often omitted:

Dushanba kunlari ishlayman � I work on Mondays

Chiroylisiz � You are beautiful

Uydamiz � We are at home

Och emasman � I'm not hungry

The interrogative form of verbs in the present-future is formed using the affix -mi, which is added to the end of the word:

Hamma narsani tushunasizmi? Ha, tushunaman. � Do you understand everything? Yes I understand.

Ertaga ishlaysizmi? Ha, ishlayman. � Will you work tomorrow? Yes, I will work.

The negative form of verbs in the present-future is formed by adding the affix -ma, which is inserted after the root. Since "ma" ends with a vowel, the affix "y" follows.

Hamma narsani tushunasizmi? Yo'q tushunmayman. � Do you understand everything? No, I don't understand.

Ertaga ishlaysizmi? Yo'q, ishlamayman. � Will you work tomorrow? No, I will not work.

Time. Time of day. Frequently used adverbs of time

vaqt � time

payt � moment of time

tong � dawn

erta � morning

kun � day

kech � evening

tun - night

tongda � at dawn

ertalab - in the morning

kunduzi - in the afternoon

kechqurun - in the evening

tunda, kechasi - at night

hozir, endi � now

bugun � today

kecha � yesterday

ertaga � tomorrow


yosh � age; young

Siz necha yoshdasiz? - How old are you?

Men yigirma yoshdaman. - I'm twenty years old.


Men yigirmadaman. - I'm twenty.


Yigirmadaman. - I'm twenty.

Here "da" is the affix of the locative case; "man" � personal ending.

Similarly, we can ask and answer:

Men necha yoshdaman? - How old am I?

Siz qirq yoshdasiz. - You are fourty years old.

U necha yoshda? - How old is he (she)?

U ellik bir yoshda. - He (she) is fifty-one years old.�� (there is no personal ending here, because "yosh" is not a verb)

Akang necha yoshda? - How old is your brother?

Akam o'ttiz uchda. - My brother is thirty-three.

Verbs to memorize:

bor - there is/are, existing, have

Menda chelak bor - I have a bucket

bo'lmoq - to be, to take place, happen

Siz kim bo'lasiz? - Who are you?

Sog' bo'ling! - Be healthy!

Bor bo'ling! - I wish you to live!

bilmoq - to know

bilim - knowledge

tushunmoq - to understand

yashamoq - to live (anywhere)

qilmoq - to do

qaramoq - to look

ko'rmoq - to see

eshitmoq - to hear, to listen

tinglamoq - to listen

quloq solmoq - to listen

quloq bermoq - to listen

solmoq - to put

o'qimoq - to read; study (somewhere)

yozmoq - to write

gapirmoq - to speak, to talk

gaplashmoq - to speak, to talk, to negotiate

aytmoq - to say, to speak, to tell; to call, to invite

demoq - to tell (the words) (a case of direct speech, retelling)

so'zlamoq - to talk, to tell, to narrate

(so'z - word)

so'ylamoq - to talk, to tell, to narrate

yurmoq - to go, to move

bormoq - to go (anywhere); to reach

kelmoq - to come

qolmoq - to stay (anywhere)

ketmoq - to go out

qochmoq - to run away

qaytmoq - to return

kechmoq - to overpass, to go through something; to forgive

o�tmoq - to pass, to step over

kirmoq - to enter

chiqmoq - to go outside, to leave

yordamlashmoq, yordam bermoq - to help

ko'maklashmoq - to provide support, to help, to help each other

Compound verbs:

chiqib qoldi � appeared ("leaving, got up")

qochib ketdi � disappeared ("left running away")

If we don't use "a" ("y"), but use a personal ending, this is the Past tense (qoldi, ketdi).


boshlamoq - to begin

bitirmoq - to finish

tugatmoq - to finish

turmoq - to stand, to stand up

o'tirmoq - to sit, to sit down

ochmoq - to open

yopmoq - to close

olmoq - to take

bermoq - to give

Examples � sentences:

Bu yerga keling! - Come here!

Bu yerga qarang! - Look here!

Eshiting! Tinglang! Quloq soling! Quloq bering! - Listen!

Qaytaring! - Return!

Qaytaring! Takrorlang! - Repeat!

Javob bering! - Answer!

Ichkariga kiring! - Come on in!

Kitob o'qing! - Read a book!

Kitobni o'qing! - Read the book!

Derazani oching! - Open the window!

Derazani ochmang! - Don't open the window!

Buni qilma! - Don't do it!

Gapirmang! Gaplashmang! - Do not speak!

Menga yordam bering! - Help me!

Bu dori menga yordamlashadi. - This medicine helps me.

Ular bir-birlariga ko'maklashadi. - They help each other.

Ertaga u unga bir og'iz so'z aytmaydi. - Tomorrow he won't say a word to her.

Earlier it was said that the possessive case affix "-ning" and the possessive affix "-i (-si)" can be omitted. Put crudely, they are used in the same case when in English we use the definite article "the", and are not used in the indefinite case.

Approximately the same can be said about the accusative affix "-ni".

That is, the accusative case, like the possessive, can be "formed" and "unformed".

Example of an unformed accusative case:

Tez orada uy quramiz. - We will build a house soon.

Here the word "uy" has no affix for the same reason that in English we use the indefinite article.

The cases of the formed accusative need to be described in more detail.

1. With proper names:

Rashidni toping - Find Rashid.

2. With personal, interrogative or reflexive pronouns:

U meni o�z uyiga taklif qildi. � He invited me to his house.

Siz kimni so�rayapsiz? � Who are you asking?

Anna o�zini hech kimga tanishtirmadi. � Anna did not introduce herself to anyone.

3. With nominalized adjectives:

Qizilni oling. - Take the red.

U bilganini so�zlab bersin. � Let him tell what he knows.�� (bilganini = bil + gan + ini, "gan" turns a verb into a past participle)

Birinchisini oling, men ikkinchisini olaman. � Get the first one, I'll get the second one.

4. With words defined by the form of the possessive case:

Uning otasini uchrashdim. � I met his father.

5. With words formed using the possessive case affix "-ning":

Men bugun kelganingni eshitdim. � I heard you came today.

6. With participles:

Kelganini ko�rdim. � I saw him come.

7. With verbal nouns:

Akam o�qishni bitirdi. � My brother graduated.�� (o�qishni:� o�qimoq � to read; to study; �-ish� is an affix forming a verbal noun)

8. If a word in the accusative case is separated from the predicate by other members of the sentence:

Vazifani soat beshda tugatdik. � We finished the task at five o'clock.

9. When using some verbs of motion, we consider that we are in the accusative case and also use "-ni":

Shaharni kezmoq. � Walking around the city.

In this block materials of the textbook are used:

G.H.Bakieva et al., "Uzbek language for the CIS countries".

The logic of changing adverbs of time according to casesis best demonstrated by examples with the most commonly used adverbs.

We already know the words:

kun - day

tun � night

tong - dawn

erta - morning

kech - evening

kecha � yesterday; night

ertaga - tomorrow

ertaga ertalab � tomorrow morning

kecha ertalab � yesterday morning

ertaga kechqurun � tomorrow evening

ertalab � in the morning, kechqurun � in the evening

bugun kechqurun � tonight

avval � before, first

Avval ishni tugatamiz � We'll finish the job first

Sendan avval ko'rganman � I've seen it before you

oldin� � before, ago

Ikki yil oldin � Two years ago

Ovqatdan oldin � Before meals

Sizdan sal oldin � Just before you

oldinda � ahead

oldinda boradi � goes ahead

oldindan � in advance

oldinga ��forward

ilgari � ago, before; forward

Buyuk alloma ming yil(dan) ilgari yashagan edi � The great thinker lived 1000 years ago

U ilgari ketadi � He goes ahead

ilgaridan � in advance, from the beginning

keyin � after

U mendan keyin kirdi � He came in after me

keyinda � behind

U keyinda qoladi - He falls behind

keyindan � after

so'ng � after (the end of something), later

U bir yildan so'ng o'qishni bitiradi � He graduates in a year

ertadan so'ng � day after tomorrow

o�sha � that

o�sha kecha � that evening

o�shanda � at that time, then

O�shanda mening shaxsiy uyim bor edi. � I had my own house then.

o�shandan buyon � since

buyon = bu+yon; yon � side, sidepiece

Qachondan beri? � Since when?

qachon � when, as soon as

paytgacha � until then (payt - moment of time)

yonida � beside (by place or time)

(yon � side, sidepiece)

yoniga � nearby

yonidan � past (something)

deraza yonida - next to the window

Aziz oʻchoq yonida oʻtiradi. � Aziz sits by the fire.

yoniga kelmoq � to approach

U yonidan o'tib ketdi. � He walked past me.

yaqinda � recently; soon

(yaqin � close (object, person))

yaqindan � close (to something or someone); recently

Yaqinda daryoga bordik. - We went to the river recently.

Biz yaqindan tanishmiz. - We are intimately familiar.

allaqachon � a long time ago

allaqachon kelgan � already arrived

Ranglar � Colors

rang � color, tone, tinge

tus � hue, shade, color; appearance, manner

Qizil rang sizda qanday hislarni uyg'otadi? � How does red make you feel?

Tarkibidagi gemoglobin qonga qizil tus beradi. � Hemoglobin, which is part of the blood, gives it a red color.

rangli� � colored

r_angli bo'yoqlar � colored paints_

tusli � colored

qora tusli ot � black horse

bo'yoq � paint, color

gul � flower

guldasta � bunch of flowers

chechak � flower

Asosiy ranglar � Primary colors:

oq � white

qora � black

qizil � red

ko�k � blue

yashil � green

sariq � yellow

Bu qaysi rang? � What is color?

Bu qizil rang. � This is red.

Gulning rangi qanday?�OR� Gul qanday rangda? � What color is the flower?

Gulning rangi qizil.�OR� Gul qizil rangda. � The flower is red.

Uzbeks often say "ko�k" instead of the word "yashil". For example: ko�k choy (green tea), ko�k o't (green grass). But: Yashil bo'yoq (Green paint).

Uzbek tongue twister:

Oq choynakka oq qopqoq, ko�k choynakka ko�k qopqoq.

White lid on white teapot, blue lid on blue teapot.

rasm � drawing, picture

surat � picture, drawing

asar, san'at asari � work of art

rassom � artist

rasm chizmoq � to paint

Bog�lovchilar - Conjunctions

va � and

qalam va qog'oz�- pencil and paper

ham � ham � both, also, as well as�� (after vowels sounds like "yam")

Bozorda ota ham, onasi ham savdo qiladi. - Both father and mother trade in the market.

hamda � as well as

Seshanba, chorshanba hamda payshanba kunlari bandman. - I am busy on Tuesday, Wednesday and also Thursday.

yo (yoxud, yoki) � or

qora yoki oq � black or white

Yo men boray, yo sen kel. � Either I go or you come

xoh � xoh � either

xoh bugun, xoh ertaga - either today or tomorrow

xoh-noxoh � whether wanting to or not

�no" is a prefix borrowed from Farsi (Persian), which has the meaning of negation

esa � but, as for

O'qituvchining esa hech narsadan xabari yo'q edi. - As for the teacher, he didn't know anything.

bo�lsa � but, as for

Men hamma narsani qildim, u bo'lsa hali buni qilmagan.- I've done everything, but he hasn't done it yet.

bo�lmasa � otherwise, in that case, then

Mayli bo'lmasa, ertaga uchrashamiz. - Okay, then we'll see you tomorrow.

lekin � but; however

ammo � but, though, however

biroq � except, yet, however

U o'qiy oladi, lekin sekin. � He can read, but slowly.

Ammo, ishning muvaffaqiyati aniq emas. � However, the success of the work is not certain.

Suqrot mening do'stim, biroq haqiqat muhimroqdir. � Socrates is my friend, but the truth is dearer to me.

Compound words to memorize - 2:

bormoq - to go

borib-borib - over time, gradually, little by little; in the end.

bo'lmoq - to be, to take place, happen

bo'lib-bo'lib - piece y piece, in parts.

kelmoq - to come

kelib-kelib - subsequently; finally, in the end;

sakramoq - to jump

sakrab-sakrab - ride with difficulty

yov - enemy

yov-yov - enemy attack; fighting, battle

gajak - curl, lock, ringlet (on forehead); a silver or gold ornament resembling a

ringlet and worn by women on the forehead; curled

gajak-gajak - all curly, full of curls

katak - coop, pen; square; cell, chamber; nostril; checkered

katak-katak - made up of many chambers, squares

lo'ppak - mature, full, ripe (usu. cotton)

lo'ppak-lo'ppak - lush, fluffy

teshik - hole, opening

teshik-teshik OR ilma-teshik - full of holes, riddled with holes

chakak - lower jaw

chakak-chakak - emaciated, thin, haggard, hollow-cheeked

Present Continuous Tense

In the Uzbek language, there is a tense similar to the English Present Continuous. It expresses a state, event or action which is taking place at the same time it is being reported.

Use the affix �yap� and personal ending present tense.

In the case of the 3rd person, instead of the personal ending "di", you need to use "ti". This is due to the voiceless ending of the affix "yap".

So, personal endings:

1st person, singular:��man�;�� plural: �miz�

2nd person, singular:��san�;�� plural: �siz�

3rd person, verb, singular:� �ti�;��plural: �ti(lar)�

If we are in the case of 3rd person pl. and we discard -lar, it turns out a less respectful connotation.

As in the case of the Present-Future tense, the personal pronoun is usually omitted unless deliberately emphasizing who is doing the action. A leading pronoun is redundant - its meaning is already present in the personal suffix at the end of the verb.


(uxlamoq � to sleep)

Hozir uxlayapman � I�m sleeping now

Hozir uxlayapsan � You are sleeping now

Hozir uxlayapti�� He is sleeping now

Hozir uxlayapmiz � We are sleeping now

Hozir uxlayapsiz � You are sleeping now

Hozir ular uxlayaptilar � They are sleeping now

Singlim maktabga boradi. Bugun u she'r yodlayapti. � My sister goes to school. Today he is memorizing a poem.

Vazifani bajaryapsizmi? � Are you completing a task?

Nega o'ynamayapsiz? � Why aren't you playing?��� (o�ynamoq � to play)

Men hozir uy quryapman. � I am building a house now.

There are two more ways to construct the Uzbek Present Continuous:

1. verb + moq + da + personal ending

2. verb + ("a" or "y") + yotir + personal ending�� (This form is usually used in the literature)

In both cases, in the case of a third person, the personal ending is not used!


Ukam Navoiyning she'rlarini yodlamoqda. � My brother is memorizing Navoi's poems.

Navoiyning she'rlarini yodlamoqdaman. � I am memorizing Navoi's poems.

Qayerdan kel_a_yotirsiz? � Where are you coming from?�� (kelmoq � to come)

Buxorodan kel_a_yotirman. � I am coming from Bukhara.

Hozir ham balki bu haqda o�yla**_y_otir**. � Maybe even now he is thinking about it.

Word order in sentence

1. We put the subject at the beginning of the sentence, and only attributives or adjunct of place and time can precede it.

2. The predicate is placed exclusively at the end of the sentence.

3. The dependent members of the sentence come before the principal one.

Yovvoyi hayvonlari � Wild animals:

Tulki � Fox

Ayiq � Bear

Kiyik � Deer

Quyon � Hare, Rabbit

Bo'ri � Wolf

Olmaxon � Squirrel

Fil � Elephant

Sher � Lion

Yo'lbars � Tiger

Maymun � Monkey

Uy hayvonlari � Domestic animals:

Ot � Horse

Toychoq � �olt (young horse)

Eshak � Donkey

Xo'tik � Colt (young donkey)

Sigir � Cow

Buzoq � Calf

Tuya � Camel

Bo'taloq � Young camel

Echki � Goat

Uloqcha � Goatling

Qo'y � Sheep

Qo'zichoq � Lamb

Cho'chqa, To�ng�iz � Pig

Qobon � Boar

It � Dog

Kuchukcha � Puppy

Pishak � Cat

Pishakcha � Kitten

G'oz � Goose

G'oz bolasi � Gosling

Tovuq � Hen

Jo'ja � Chicken

O'rdak � Duck

O'rdakcha � Duckling

Definite Past Tense. Aniq o'tgan zamon fe'li

The definite past expresses an event or action completed in the past, and the speaker was an eyewitness to this action or its participant.

The definite past tense is formed by adding to the verb stem the affix -di, plus the possessive type of personal endings.

Personal endings for Definite Past:

1st person, singular:��m�;�� plural: �k�

2nd person, singular:��ng�;�� plural: �ngiz�

3rd person, singular:�no ending;�� plural: �lar�

Men kirdim � I entered

Biz kirdik � We entered

Sen kirding � You entered

Siz kirdingiz � You entered

U kirdi � He (she) entered

Ular kirdilar � They entered


Kecha biz qishloqqa qaytdik. � Yesterday we returned to the village.

Bugun maktabda darslar bo'ldi. � There were classes at school today.

- Seshanba kuni siz nima qildingiz? �� What did you do on Tuesday?.

- Ishladim. � I worked.

- Bugun ertalab nima qildingiz? � What did you do this morning?

- Kitob o�qidim. � I read a book.

- Turdingmi? � Did you get up?�� Tur+di+ng+mi

- Yo'q, men o'tiraman. � No, I will sit.

The negative form of the definite past tense is formed by adding the negative affix -ma to the verb base, followed by the affix -di and then personal ending:

Ular h�li shahardan qaytmadilar. � They have not yet returned from the city.�� qayt+ma+di+lar

bo�lmoq � to be; to take place, happen; to be finished; to be suitable; to exist, be present; to be found; to become; to divide

Bugun yigirma daraja sovuq bo'ladi. � It will be twenty degrees cold today.

Siz kelajakda kim bo�lasiz? � Who will you be in the future?

Shifokor bo�laman. � I will be a doctor.

Sog� bo�ling! � Be healthy!

Yo�l bo�lsin! � Have a safe trip!

Yo�l bo�lsin? � Where are you off to?

Nima bo'ldi? � What�s happened?

The use of bo'lmoq in the past tense indicates that a change of state has occurred, which may or may not be still relevant at present time:

Bugun kuchli shamol bo'ldi. � There was a strong wind today.

Soat necha bo�ldi? � What time is it?

Soat to�rt bo�ldi. � It's four o'clock.

emoq � to be.

This verb form is obsolete; usually this verb is used in the past tense (edi).

bor � there is/are, existing, present.

This modal verb has no infinitive.


Kecha sovuq edi. � It was cold yesterday.

Qayerda edi? � Where was it?

O�tgan kuni ham ish ko�p edi. � There was a lot of work last day.

O'tgan yili shaxarda edik. � We were in town last year.

It is important:

Menda eshak bor. � I have a donkey.

Menda eshak yo'q. � I haven�t a donkey.

Menda eshak bor edi. � I had a donkey.

Menda eshak yo'q edi. � I hadn't a donkey.

Another way:

Mening akam bor. � I have a brother.

Singlim yo'q. � I don't have a sister.

Words to memorize:

dunyo � world, universe

olam � world, universe, cosmos

sharq � east

g'arb � west

shimol � north

janub � south

bahor � spring

yoz � summer

kuz � autumn

qish � winter

quyosh � sun

osmon � sky

iqlim � climate

yomg�ir � rain

qor � snow

shamol � wind

bulut � cloud

do�l � hail

ayoz � frost

tog� � mountain

g�or � cave

dengiz � sea

ko�l � lake

daryo � river

Verbs to memorize:

o'rganmoq � to study

yodlamoq � to memorize; to recall

unutmoq � to forget

o'ylamoq � to think (of, about), to consider

bitirmoq � to finish, to end; to complete; to liquidate, to destroy

tugatmoq � synonym for " bitirmoq"

o'ynamoq � to play; to dance; to play with

kuylamoq � to sing

ichmoq � to drink

ovqatlanmoq � to eat

ushlamoq � to hold

tashlamoq � to throw

qurmoq � to build

ekmoq � to sow, to plant

tug�ilmoq � to be born

uyg�onmoq � to wake up

ko�rsatmoq � to show

aylanmoq � to spin, to turn; to take a walk

shug�ullanmoq � to be busy with something

The nominative caseis distinguished by the absence of a case affix:

Qush shimolga uchmoqda. � The bird is flying north.

We have considered the formation of genitive (possessive) and accusative cases above.

Now let's study thelocative, ablative and dative cases.

Locative indicates the object or person where the action took place. Often by action is meant possession, "I (you, he, ...) have (has) ...". It can also indicate the time of the action; indicate the location of a person or object.

Nouns and other parts of speech in this case answer questions:

Kimda? (On whom? Who has it?)

Nimada? (On what? What has it?)

Qayerda? (Where?)

Qachon? (When?)

The locative is formed using the affix "da".


Tog'larda sovuq shamollar esadi.

(Cold winds blow in the mountains.)

Menda ikki o�g�il bor.

(I have two sons.)

Chelakda suv bor.

(There is water in the bucket.)

Hafta oxirida biz teatrga boramiz.

(At the end of the week we go to the theater.)

Otam Toshkentda yashaydi.

(My father lives in Tashkent.)

Words in the Ablativecase are formed using the affix -danand indicate:

1. the beginning of the action:

Ish seshanbadan boshlanadi. � The work starts on Tuesday.

2. place of origin:

Kecha akam qishloqdan keldi. � My brother came from the village yesterday.

3. the material from which the object is made:

Bu uy toshdan qurilgan. � This house is built of stone.

4. the object with which we compare something:

U mendan o'n yosh katta. � He is ten years older than me.

The words in the Ablative case answer the questions:

Kimdan? (From whom?)

Nimadan? (From what?)

Qayerdan? (From where?)

Qachondan? (Since when?)

Words in the Dative case indicate the object or person to whom the action is directed, as well as the place or time of the end of the action.

Words in the Dative case are formed using the affix -ga. If a word ends in k or g, the affix -ka is applied; if it ends in qor g�, -qa is applied.

The words in the Dative case answer the questions:

Kimga? (For whom?)

Nimaga? (For what?)

Qayerga? (Where? In what direction?)


Men daftarni o�sha yigitga berdim. � I gave the notebook to that guy.

Darslarga vaqtida tayyorlanamiz. � We will get ready for the lessons on time.

U ertaga daryoga keladi. � He will come to the river tomorrow.

Case forms of the personal pronouns

One letter n is written when the pronouns men and sen are in the genitive and accusative cases; the letter n is added to the pronoun u in the dative, locative and ablative cases before the affixes, for example:

Unga oq qog'oz bering. � Give him a white paper.

Unda non bor. � He has bread.

Undan hamma narsani oling. � Get everything from him.

Words to memorize :

maktab � school

o'qituvchi � teacher

o'quvchi - student, pupil

talaba � student

kasb � profession

hunar - profession, craft

ishchi � worker

ish � work

ishlamoq - to work

sotuvchi � salesman

haydovchi � driver

quruvchi � builder

shifokor � doctor

jarroh - surgeon

murabbiy � coach

muhandis � engineer

harbiy � soldier

dehqon � farmer

cho'pon � shepherd

rassom � artist

siyosatchi � politician

tilshunos � linguist

til - tongue, language

Ingliz tili - English language

ustoz - master, mentor

hamkasb � colleague


Uning otasi - shifokor. - His father is a doctor.

Mening yangi kasbim � quruvchi. - My new profession is a builder.

Universitetni bitirib, tilshunos bo�laman. - I will graduate from university and become a linguist.

Muhandislar shanba kuni ishlamaydi. - Engineers do not work on Saturdays.

Mening hamkasbim sizning tilingizda gapirmaydi. - My colleague does not speak your language.

Hozir talabalar kitob o�qimoqda. - Now students are reading books.



There are no prepositions in the Uzbek language, their role is played by postpositions.

At the same time, there are few "proper postpositions", often their functions are performed by other parts of speech, as well as case forms.


bir uydan ikkinchisiga � �� ���� � ���� � from one house to another

However, some postpositions are very popular:

bilan � (together) with, and; by, from; with that

uchun � for; in order to; because

kabi � such as, like

orqali � through, via, from

qadar � like, as; as much as, as many as; nearly, about; up to, until

uzra � on, over, all over, throughout


Men siz bilan ishlayman. � I will work with you.

Men u bilan faxrlanaman. � I am proud of him.

Shu bilan majlis tamom bo�ldi. � The meeting ended with that.

Men bolalar uchun kitob yozyapman. � I am writing a book for children.

shuning uchun � in order to

U kattalar kabi harakat qiladi. � He acts like an adult.

Men eshik orqali kirdim. � I entered through the door.

Qishga qadar bu sabzavotni saqlab bo'lmaydi. � This vegetable cannot be stored until winter.

Shahar uzra yog'ilardi qor. � It was snowing over the city.

Words to memorize :

chelak � bucket

savat � basket

idish � dish

piyola � bowl

qoshiq � spoon

choynak � teapot

dasturxon � tablecloth (spread over a table or upon the floor); "table" (of food)

quti � box

o'roq � sickle

hamyon � purse

tanga � coin

koptok � ball

chang'i � ski

stol � table

stul � chair

javon � cupboard; wardrobe; shelf.

karavot � bed

arqon � rope

qop � sack

kiyim � clothes ,clothing

ko'ylak � shirt

yopinchiq � coverlet, cape, poncho

shim � trousers

telpak � fur hat

etik � high boot

qidirmoq � to look for, to search for

topmoq � to find


Qaysi ko'ylakni oldingiz, oq yoki ko'k? � Which shirt did you get, white or blue?

Sizga qora shim yoqadimi? � Do you like black pants?� �_(yoqmoq - to please, to be agreeable to)_

Ana shu koptok men uchun! � This ball is for me!

O'z qo'llaringiz bilan javon yasang. � Make a shelf with your own hands.

Dasturxonimizda choynak bor. � There is a teapot on our table.

Olmalarni qutiga soldi. � He put the apples in the box.

Uyimizda uchta karavot yo'q edi. � We didn't have three beds in our house.

Men quyonimni qidiryapman. � I'm looking for my rabbit.

Quyonimni topdim. � I found my rabbit.

Affix -niki

It is used to reflect connection with or belonging to.

The affix �niki is attached to the end of the word or personal pronoun.

bu mening qalamim � this is my pencil

bu qalam meniki � this pencil is mine

OR: bu meniki � this is mine

eshikning ruchkasi � door handle

ruchka eshikniki � handle of the door

OR: bu eshikniki � it's of the door

Personal pronouns with the -niki affix answer the question "Kimniki?" (�**Whose?**�).

meniki � mine

bizniki � ours

seniki � yours

sizniki � yours

uniki � his/hers/its

ularniki � theirs


Bu qalam kimniki? � Bu qalam meniki.

Whose pencil is this? - This pencil is mine.

Xona kimniki? � Anvarniki.

Whose room is it? - Anwar's.

- Olma siznikimi?

- Ha, meniki.

- Yo�q, meniki emas.

- Is the apple yours?

- Yes, mine.

- No, not mine.

- Sening isming kim?

- Ismim Nosir.

- Meniki, Asad.

- What is your name?

- My name is Nasir.

- Mine, Asad.

- Ular kimniki?

- Ular otamniki, meniki emas.

- Whose are they?

- They are father's, not mine.

- Sening isming nima?

- Karim, seniki-chi?

- Meniki ham.

- What is your name?

- Karim, what about you?

- Mine too.

meniki emassan - you are not mine

Bu yilgi mevalar bizniki bo�ladi. � This year's fruits will be ours.

Mevalarning hammasi uniki bo�ladi! � All the fruits will be his!

meni, seni, �

When we encounter a personal pronoun with �-ni� at the end, we realize that it is most likely a pronoun in the accusative case.

But there is a possibility that this is a simplified form of the possessive case, that is, instead of �mening� it is said (or even written) �meni�.


bu meni ishim emas = bu mening ishim emas � this is not my job

meni sevimli ayolim = mening sevimli ayolim � my beloved woman


men seni sevaman � I love you�� (accusative)


yemoq � to eat

yeb bo�lmaydigan OR yesa bo�lmaydigan � uneatable

ovqat � food

ovqatlanmoq, ovqat yemoq � to eat, to feed, to have a meal

Tom ovqat yedi, pivo ichdi va keyin uxlab qoldi. � Tom ate, drank beer and then went to sleep.

ichmoq � to drink

pishirmoq � to cook

qaynatmoq � to boil, to cook

ovqat qilmoq, ovqat tayorlamoq � to cook

tayorlamoq � o prepare

nonushta, nahorlik � breakfast

tushlik � lunch, dinner

kechki ovqat � supper ("evening meal")

nonushta qilmoq, nahorlik qilmoq � to have breakfast

tushlik qilmoq � to have dinner

choy � tea

non � bread

shirmon non, shirmon � rich bread

sho�rva � soup

xo�rda � rice soup

taom � dish, meal solution

idish � dish, vessel, container

idish-tovoq � tableware, crockery

qoshiq � spoon

vilka � fork

tuz � salt

shakar, qand � sugar

shirin � sweet, tasty

mazali � tasty, pleasant

pazanda � cookery specialist

oshxona � dining room, kitchen

chuchvaraxona � dumpling bar

(chuchvara � dumplings,� xona � room)

mehmon � guest

mezbon � host, master of the house

Dasturxonga marhamat! � Welcome to the table!

demoq � to tell, to say, to pronounce

Usually this verb is used when transmitting direct speech or when retelling.


� Menga piolani bering, � dedi.

"Give me a cup," he said.

Kecha sizda ot yo'q dedingiz.

You said yesterday that you don't have a horse.

Salom de.�� OR��Salom deng. � Share a hello.

Nima deysiz? � What are you talking about?

Sizda yigirma tanga bor, deysizmi? � You say you have twenty coins?

Sometimes, in the imperative-subjunctive mood, the affix -gin is added to the verb base instead of -ing. The result is a sentence with a hint of a wish.

For example:

ha degin � say �yes�

ishlagin � work�� (�would you like to work?�)

yozgin � write�� (similarly)

o'qigin � �learn�� (similarly)

The use of �gin as an alternative to the main imperative affix for 2nd-person is also found in other Turkic languages, for example, in Kumyk it will be "����".

Words to memorize:

olmoq � to take

�-a + olmoq (adverbial participle + verb) - to be able (to do something)

tushuna olmayman � I can�t understand

qaza olmayman � I can't dig


qazishim mumkin � I can dig � that is, in the affirmative sentence, the word �mumkin� is more often used

(qazimoq, qazmoq - to dig, qazish - verbal noun "digging")

eplamoq - to cope, to manage to

Ular buni epladi. � They did it.

istamoq, xohlamoq, tilamoq � to want, to wish


Qarindoshlik atamalari

oila � family

xonadon � family, household; house, dynasty

qarindosh � relative

erkak � man

ayol � woman, wife

xotin � wife, woman

rafiqa � wife

kuyov, turmush o�rtoq � husband

juvon � young married woman

bola � child

qiz � daughter, girl

o�g�il � son, boy

nevara, nabira � grandchild

evara � great-grandchild

chevara � great-great-grandchild

aka � older brother

uka, ini � younger brother

opa � older sister

singil � younger sister

aka-uka � brothers

opa-singil � sisters

ota, dada � father

ona, oyi, aya, opa � mother

buva � grandfather

buvi � grandmother

qaynota � father in law

qaynona � mother in law

tog�a � maternal uncle

amaki � paternal uncle

xola � maternal aunt

amma � paternal aunt

jiyan � nephew, niece

How to exchange greetings

Words of greeting


Assalomu alaykum! � Hello!�� (�Peace be with you!�)

Va alaykum assalom! � Hello!�� (�And the same to you!�)

Yaxshimisiz? � Are you okay?

Salomatmisiz? � How are you?

Ishlaringiz qanday? � How are you doing?

Kayfiyatlaringiz yaxshimi? � How are you doing?�� (�Are you in a good mood?�)

Qalaysan? � How are you?�� (Qalay = Qanday)

Xayrli tong!�������� � Good morning!

Xayrli kun! � Good day!

Xayrli kech!������� � Good evening!

Xayrli tun! � Good night!

Responses to greetings

Hammasi joyida! � I'm alright!

Xudoga shukur! � Thank God!

Words of farewell


Xayr!������� � Bye!

Sog� bo�ling! � Be healthy!

Sog�bo�l! � Be healthy!

Ko�rishguncha! � See you there!

Uchrashguncha!�� Goodbye!

Yaxshi qoling! � Best wishes staying!

Xudo yor bo�lsin! � May God be with you!

Oq yo�l! � Have a safe trip!

Related words

salomat, sog� � healthy

salomatlik, sog�lik � health

kayfiyat � mood, spirits, well-being

joy � place, location

joyida � in place, in order

joylashmoq � to settle, to find a place, to become situated

turar joy � housing, place of residence

hamma, barcha � all, every

hamma narsa � all things, all items

narsa � thing, item

Xudo � God

uchrashmoq � to meet

uchrashuv � meeting

Types of participles in Uzbek

Participles in the Uzbek language are of the following types:

1. Past participle formed with the affix -gan (phonetic variants � -kan, -qan):

o'qigan (read):�� Bu kitobni o'qigan odam. � This is the man who read the book.

yozgan (wrote):�� Bu kitobni yozigan odam. � This is the man who wrote the book.

tug'ilgan kuni � Birthday,

o'tgan yili � last year.

Using this form, an Indefinite Past tense is formed, which corresponds to the English Present Perfect.

2. Present-future participle. It is formed from adverbial participles with the affix -� (-�) using the affix -digan:

ishlaydigan (working or the one that will work), yozadigan (writing or the one that will write).

3. Focal present participle. It is formed from adverbial participles with the affix -� (-�) using the affix -yotgan (after -a) or -otgan (after -y):

kelayotgan (coming), ishlayotgan (working).

4. Progressive past participle. It is formed with the affixes -uvchi, -ovchi:

2019 yil 1 yanvardan barcha ishlovchi pensionerlarga pensiyani to'liq miqdorda to'lash tartibi joriy etildi. � From January 1, 2019, the procedure for paying pensions in full to all working pensioners was introduced.

5. A very rarely used type of the future participle with the affixes -ar (-r)(affirmative form) and -mas(negative form):

kelar / kelmas � the one who will come / the one who will not come;

ko'chmas mulk savdo � immovables sales, property for sale. (ko'chmoq � to move somewhere else)

More often this type of participle is used to form a Future Presumptive tense:

��n ertaga kutubxonaga borarman. � I'll possibly go to the library tomorrow.

Indefinite Past tense

This tense corresponds to the English tenses Present Perfect or Past Simple.

To form this tense, you need to attach the affix -gan and the personal ending of group I. By the personal endings of group I, we mean those that are used in the Present-Future tense, and not in the Definite Past.


Universitetni qachon tugatgansiz? - When did you graduate from university?

U bu kitobni o'qimagan. OR U bu kitobni o'qiganemas. - He has not read this book.

Men 1980 yilda tug'ilganman. - I was born in 1980.

Siz Kaspiy dengizi sohilida bo'lganmisiz? - Have you ever been to the shores of the Caspian Sea?


old � front

orqa � back������

yon � side, flank

o'rta � middle

tomon � side, direction, area

ust � top, top side

ost � bottom, bottom side

past � bottom; low

These words have partially lost the meaning of objectivity and moved into the category of postpositions. Unlike proper postpositions, postpositions-names take possessive and case affixes:

deraza yonida � near the window

daryo oldida � by the river

uy orqasida � behind the house

u tomonga � in that direction

do'kon yonidan o'ddik � we passed by the store


The use of ekan - to be seemingly, apparently. When the information most often presented as new, just discovered fact sometimes unexpected for the speaker himself. The temporal distinction between a past and a present state of affairs is not marked grammatically. The tense must be decided from the context.

This word can be considered as a participle formed from the verb emoq, e+kan (here �kan� = �gan�);

thus, the verb �emoq� is used in practice in two forms: in Definite Past (edi, edim, edik, eding, �) and in the form �ekan�.

shunday ekan � so, in that case

bor ekan �there is, �as long as there is ��

Mehr yurakda bor ekan, ... = As long as there is love in the heart, ...


Bo'yoq juda yorqin ekan � The paint is really bright

men hayotda bor ekanman � as long as I am alive

Bolangizni boshida otasi bor ekan, siz bor ekansiz � As long as your child has a father, you exist

Undan mening xabari bor ekan � I have a message from him

Bizda bunday planlar yo'q ekan � We have no such plans

Menda juda ko'p yaxshi ko'ylaklar bor edi � I had a lot of good shirts

Mening shaxsiy uyim bor edi � I had my own house

Mening shaxsiy uyim yo'q edi � I didn't have my own house

The poem "Oʼsha men edim"

Author � Xurshid Abdurashid

Singer � Shuhrat Daryo

Analysis of the text of the poem:

Oʼsha men edim� Derazang yoniga qoʼndi kabutar Ilkida oʼrogʼliq maktub bor edi. Senga boqib turgan maʼyus koʼzlari, Shu onda nedandir umidvor edi. Sen esa pardani yopib qoʼyding jim, Oʼsha men edim-ku, oʼsha men edim. That was me... A pigeon has landed on your window He had a message. Sad eyes were looking at you, At that time, he was hoping for something. And you quietly closed the curtain. That was me, that was me. qo�nmoq � to get down (on something) oʼrogʼliq maktub � a folded message, a scroll ilkida � in the hands (poetic) (also the homonym ilk � first, initial) boqmoq � to look at, �ga boqmoq � keep an eye on, to observe shu onda � at that moment (on = moment) nedandir � for something esa - as for, however, whereas yopib qoʼymoq � to cover, to close (qoʼymoq � to put, to place; to stop) jim � quiet, still
Koʼchaga chiqding sen bogʼ aylangani, Daydi shamollarday xayoling tarqoq. Bogʼ kezib yurarding shunda nogahon Oyogʼing ostiga tushdi bir yaproq. Oʼsha yaproq kabi sochilgandi kim? Oʼsha men edim-ku, oʼsha men edim. You went out for a walk in the garden, Your mind is scattered like the wind. You were walking in the garden, and suddenly A leaf fell at your feet. Who threw this leaf? That was me, that was me. aylanmoq � to spin, to turn; to go or walk around, to take a walk daydi � wandering shamol+lar+da+y � like the wind xayol � thought(s), imagination, idea, fancy tarqoq � spread out, scattered kezmoq � to walk about, to stroll; kezib yurmoq � inspect shunda � at the same time (an indication of an action, an event) nogahon � sudden (= nogohon = nogoh, see below) oyoq � leg, foot (oyogʼing � your leg, your foot) ost � bottom side, bottom; ostiga � down, under tushmoq � to fall, to descend yaproq � leaf kabi � such as, like sochilmoq � to scatter, sochilgan � scattered
Bogʼda gullar terding avaylab asta Nogoh qoʼllaringga sanchildi tikan. Nozik qoʼling bilan sugʼurding uni Deding �Shunday gulda tikan bor ekan�. Senga talpingandi shu tikan, gulim, Oʼsha men edim-ku, oʼsha men edim. You were carefully picking flowers in the garden, Suddenly a thorn pricked your hands. You took it out with a gentle hand And said: "There was a thorn in such a flower." This thorn that reached you, oh my flower, That was me, that was me. termoq � to gather, to pick up avaylab � taking great care, carefully asta � slowly, quietly; carefully nogoh = no+goh � sudden; goh � sometimes, at times; yomg'ir goh yog'adi, goh tinadi � sometimes it rains, sometimes it stops; goh-goh � from time to time. sanchilmoq � to stick in tikan � thorn nozik � delicate; sensitive; graceful (noz � tenderness) sugʼurmoq � to pull or draw out; to wrest talpinmoq � to reach
Soʼng qaytding uyingga oʼy surib sokin, Deraza yoniga qoʼyding gullarni. Tin olmoq dardida choʼkding toʼshakka Va yigʼlab oʼqiding �Oʼtkan kunlar�ni. Kimnidir oʼylading, koʼzlari sim-sim, Oʼsha men edim-ku, oʼsha men edim. Then you went back to your house in a calm reverie, You put flowers by the window. With the thought of rest, you lay down in bed And you read "Bygone Days" with tears. You were thinking about someone, your eyes were twinkling, That was me, that was me. o'ylamoq � to think, o'y � thought surmoq � to push, to move;� oʼy surib � thinking about something sokin � quiet, peaceful, still qoʼymoq � to put, to place tin olmoq � to relax, to take a breath; tin � breath; tinim � peace, rest dard � malady, ailment; concern, worry cho'kmoq � to get down, to sit down, to lie down toʼshak � mattress, bed yigʼlamoq � to cry, to weep �Oʼtkan kunlar� - �Bygone Days� - novel by Abdulla Qodiriy sim-sim � throbbing, twinkling

Recitation of the verse "O'sha men edim"

(taken from here)


Last updated: 26.08.2024, 11:00.

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