Struwwelpeter, first published in Germany in 1844, contains ten cautionary tales for children, each one with a clear moral and overly exaggerated consequences for misbehavior. In one parable, a mother warns her son not to suck his thumbs. The son continues his habit. A tailor with giant scissors joins the scene, and the story heads in a dreadful direction.
Sanya Glisic, Struwwelpeter, cover
Sanya Glisic, Struwwelpeter, title page
Sanya Glisic, Struwwelpeter, title page detail
Sanya Glisic, Struwwelpeter, title page detail
Sanya Glisic, Struwwelpeter, title page detail
Sanya Glisic, Struwwelpeter, preamble
Sanya Glisic, Struwwelpeter, Struwwelpeter himself
Sanya Glisic, Struwwelpeter, Suck a thumb tailor
Sanya Glisic, Struwwelpeter, Johnny head in the air