Water frost and ice: the near-infrared spectral reflectance 0.65 - 2.5 µm. (original) (raw)



The spectral reflectance of water frost and frost on ice as a function of temperature and grain size is presented with 1-1/2% spectral resolution in the 0.65- to 2.5-micron wavelength region. The well-known 2.0-, 1.65-, and 1.5-micron solid water absorption bands are precisely defined along with the little studied 1.25-micron band and the previously unidentified (in reflectance) 1.04-, 0.90-, and 0.81-micron absorption bands. The 1.5-microns band complex is quantitatively analyzed using a nonlinear least squares algorithm to resolve the band into four Gaussian components as a function of grain size and temperature. It is found that the 1.65-micron component, which was thought to be a good temperature sensor, is highly grain-size dependent and poorly suited to temperature sensing. Another Gaussian component appears to show a dependence of width on grain size while being independent of temperature. The relative apparent band depths are different for frost layers on ice than for thick layers of frost and may explain the apparent band depths seen in many planetary reflectance spectra.


Journal of Geophysical Research

Pub Date:

April 1981




