Ken Silverman's Utility Page (original) (raw)


232 bytes

This screen saver uses the VESA DPMS functions. You can select between 3 options: STAND-BY, SUSPEND, and OFF.



50,442 bytes

Copies files at 115,200 baud using the serial port. Uses compression. Automatically skips files AND parts of files that haven't changed. For example, if you appended some bytes at the end of a huge text file, CCOPY will update the file very quickly.



55,488 bytes

Copies files over a local network using the IPX protocol. Useful when you have problems sharing hard drives. I used this all the time when testing games over a network.



6,369 bytes

Use this utility to run a given program on all specified files located in the current directory and any subdirectory of the current one. For example you could play all .WAV files in all subdirectories of C:\WINDOWS with just a single command.



276,511 bytes

A multi-purpose word search utility for solving anagrams, word jumbles, crossword puzzles, hangman, Wheel of Fortune, 4x4 Boggle games, etc.. Includes word list (SOWPODS), highly compressed using my own algorithms (alphabetic tree, suffix reuse, Huffman). Supports search based on wildcards, phone numbers to words, and other weird features. Want to know my favorite use? In the middle of a Boggle game, claim you have to go to the bathroom, but instead run this program and print out the results. Guaranteed to annoy everyone at the table! Source code included.



4,608 bytes

Returns information about your CPU by dumping the results of the CPUID instruction. It also auto-detects the CPU's currently running frequency (in MHz).



33,290 bytes

Bored of 80*25, 80*43, and 80*50 text modes? This program can set your DOS text dimensions to crazy resolutions like: 128*96 or 40*12. (Warning: Doesn't work on all video cards because it sets the video mode using VESA, and then writes some VGA registers to make the video card think it's in text mode again.)



52,571 bytes

This used to be called KC.EXE, but since I now use my windows version, I decided to optimize my keystrokes and rename this to KCD.EXE. This is a 32-bit text editor for DOS featuring smooth panning, support for large text files, and keys similar to DOS EDIT.



27,354 bytes

Use this program to expand mathematical expressions into sums and products that don't require parenthesis. For example: kcalc (a+b)(a-b) gives: +a*a, -b*b.



18,442 bytes

Press a key and this program spits out the scan code. Extended codes such as arrow keys are returned as a single byte in range: 128-255



37,988 bytes

View an entire directory of GIF files quickly. Can select any 8-bit VESA resolution on the command line. Will use Wide DAC VGA palette if available (8 bits per color instead of the usual 6). This feature is great for 256-color grayscale. Can display larger GIF files than most other programs (including Internet Explorer) because KGIF uses memory to cache only the compressed GIF data. (Doesn't support animated GIFs yet.)



47,350 bytes

View an entire directory of JPEG files quickly. Can select any available VESA resolution and color depth (8,15,16,24,32 bits) on the command line. For old VGA cards, KPEG will display more than 256 colors by TIME DITHERING (320*200*8 mode only) By time dithering, I mean that KPEG averages the colors across 32 display pages and quickly flipping between them. (Doesn't support "progressive" JPEG yet.)



57,601 bytes

View an entire directory of PNG files quickly. This program requires support for 32-bit VESA modes. Can display larger PNG files than most other programs because KPNG uses memory to cache only the compressed PNG data. (Doesn't support 16-bit color depths.)

DOS32 (32-bit color only)


36,610 bytes

Detects the rate at which your mouse reports x & y movements. Slow mouse rates can destroy the "apparent" frame rate of any application which doesn't interpolate the mouse data. If you find this number is less than the frame rate of your screen, you could try installing a mouse driver specific to your mouse and playing with the options. Also somebody out there made a neat program that runs in Windows 95/98 that can change the rate without requiring a reboot! In an internet searcher, try the keyword "PS2RATE.ZIP"



54,416 bytes

Tests 8,16,32, and 64-bit memory writes to system memory, VGA memory, and linear frame buffer memory (if available).



54,416 bytes

Tests 8,16,32, and 64-bit memory reads from system memory, VGA memory, and linear frame buffer memory (if available).



64,526 bytes

Tests 8,16,32, and 64-bit memory moves from system memory to: system memory, VGA memory, and linear frame buffer memory (if available).



4,921 bytes

After you run "pklite -e" on an exe, run this to hide the PKLite signature. Hackers won't even know that the EXE was compressed with PKLite.



25,600 bytes

Run this to help you calculate the dimensions of something on the windows screen. (One of my few Windows programs to use GDI)



7,680 bytes
11,219 bytes

Test your hearing range using this simple utility. I made sure to eliminate as many 'clicks' as possible, so you can't falsely claim you hear a frequency when you actually don't. This program plays at CD quality. For high frequencies, it will work best with headphones... of course if you have bad headphones then this programs tests your headphones more than your hearing. :) If you can hear over 17500hz, then you've got better hearing (or better headphones) than me. Older people often can't hear above 13000hz.



9,881 bytes

"Renders" a DOS font text file to a PNG file. I used to use this program when I needed to print out a DOS text file which had line-drawing characters. Source code now included.



33,986 bytes

Want to see how fast you can type? Using this program, you can type in any text and it will report the number of words you typed, how many seconds it took you, and how fast you typed it in words per minute. On 02/11/2000, I typed "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." in 2.683 seconds - that's 201.233 words per minute! On 06/28/1999, I typed the names of all 50 U.S. states in alphabetical order (60 words, no capitalization) in 45.094 seconds. I challenge you to beat me! Don't be discouraged though - I'm really, REALLY FAST! You should be proud of yourself if you can get half my score.



33,856 bytes

Tests the features of 8-bit VESA graphic modes. Source code included. Compile with Watcom C.



65,270 bytes

Tests the speed of VBE/AF graphic modes. Too bad that the VBE/AF specification seems to not have caught on. To obtain a VBE/AF driver, you can try installing Scitech Display Doctor (, which puts a file called VBEAF.DRV in the root of your hard drive.



35,357 bytes

Plays WAV or VOC files through the PC speaker. Works in Windows 95/98, but not quite at the same quality as DOS because Windows has no GOOD way of disabling interrupts. Includes source; compile with Watcom C.



73,483 bytes

Just another MP3 player. Code is based on MPG12304.ZIP, but I optimized the player quite a bit and has a couple of silly features like an alarm. Features low CPU usage. Requires an SB-compatible card.



70,021 bytes

Got no sound card? MP3PC plays MP3 files through your PC speaker! For some reason I like to make programs work through the PC speaker. Some people still don't know that it's possible to play real sounds through it. Unfortunately, you must run this in pure DOS mode for it to work.



5,592 bytes

KeN's Change Directory. If you like jumping to different directories quickly, you should try my version of the program, based on one of my favorite Norton Utilities. My NCD program is extremely small and fast. One cool feature is that it stores the entire directory tree (skips hidden directories) in the "NCD.EXE" program file itself. This keeps your HD from getting cluttered and makes the program load even faster.



5,397 bytes

Use to capture a DOS text screen of any dimensions to a file (called TEXTCAPT.TXT) Handy when a program refuses to redirect output to a file with the '>' DOS operator.



126 bytes

Set to 80*25 text mode, clear the screen, and fix the IRQ0 timer rate, all in 16 bytes. Use this instead of typing "MODE CO80,25" and "CLS" when your screen gets messed up when DOS programs crash.



134 bytes

This utility is for the serious QuickBasic programmer who is stuck using WinXP. In WinXP, some old DOS programs (such as Microsoft QuickBasic) stupidly access the floppy drive when you do File..Open. This is really annoying because it wastes 2 seconds while it does this. FLOPPY.COM fixes this behavior by disabling the floppy drive. As a side effect, you can't access the floppy drive until you re-enable it. At the command prompt, type "floppy off" to disable the floppy drive and "floppy on" or "floppy" to enable the floppy drive.

DOS16 (intended to run on WinXP)


265,396 bytes

Ok, obviously this isn't mine. It's the default DOS extender that Watcom C uses. I put it here just in case you need it to run one of my programs.