Digital Typhoon: Typhoon 199918 (BART) - General Information (Pressure and Track Charts) (original) (raw)

Basic Information
1999-09-19 00:00:00 UTC
Death (Latest)
1999-09-25 03:00:00 UTC
147 (hours) / 6.125 (days)
Lifetime [JMA]
147 (hours) / 6.125 (days)
Minimum Pressure
930 (hPa)
Maximum Wind
90 (knots)
Largest Radius of Storm Wind
110 (nm) / 200 (km)
Largest Diameter of Storm Wind
220 (nm) / 410 (km)
Largest Radius of Gale Wind
350 (nm) / 650 (km)
Largest Diameter of Gale Wind
675 (nm) / 1250 (km)
Length of Movement
3422 (km)
Average Speed
23.3 (km/h) | 558 (km/d)
Range of Movement
Latitude 22.6 : Longitude 16.5
Wind Flux
Accumulated Cyclone Energy
Power Dissipation Index
Maximum Pressure Drop
-10 hPa / 06 hours -15 hPa / 12 hours -30 hPa / 24 hours -50 hPa / 48 hours
Data Start
1999-09-17 00:00:00 UTC
Data End
1999-09-29 06:00:00 UTC
Data Duration
294 (hours) / 12.250 (days)
Best Track MPEG-2 (4.50 MB) WMV (4.04 MB) Satellite Imagery (Constant Illumination) MPEG-1 (2.80 MB) MPEG-2 (7.51 MB) WMV (6.47 MB) Satellite Imagery (Sun Illumination) MPEG-1 (1.62 MB) MPEG-2 (4.56 MB) WMV (4.02 MB) AMeDAS Precipitation MPEG-2 (1.86 MB) WMV (1.85 MB) AMeDAS Wind Speed and Direction MPEG-2 (2.35 MB) WMV (2.29 MB) AMeDAS Sun Duration MPEG-2 (1.97 MB) WMV (1.98 MB)
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