Alexander Video (original) (raw)

Alexander Video provides links to the very best Alexander Technique videos available online and in DVD format. In addition to introductory videos, you will find videos about specific applications of the Technique, talks and demonstrations by master teachers, and descriptions of the Alexander Technique by students. Your comments and suggestions for additional videos are always welcome.

Here are a few featured videos:

A Short Introduction to the Alexander Technique by Marjorie Barstow:

British Medical Journal Video Introducing the Alexander Technique:

An Introduction to the Technique for Musicians:

Biographical video about the life of F. Mathias Alexander, founder of the Alexander Technique, and general introduction to the Technique:

47 Second video introduction to the Alexander Technique: Watch

2 1/2 minute video description of what happens during an Alexander Technique lesson: Watch

Marjory Barlow explains an important point about Alexander Technique directing: Watch

This site is a service of Alexander Technique Nebraska, Online Posture and Movement Coaching & Life Bridge Coaching