Closeminded Science (original) (raw)
Related Websites:
- The Fireplace Delusion
- The Cowpox of doubt
- Peer Review: an iron law of disciplines
- Why I'm Not a Skeptic M. Prescott
- Beliefs, skepticism, possibility H. Flynt
- Precog dreamer vs. Dr. Wiseman (another 'starbaby' scandal?)
- T. Gold Plagarism? Russian deep hot biosphere research
- Bridging the Chasm, a True Believer turns skeptic
- Abuses of Skepticism (CSICOP)
- Anomalistics, a skeptic turns TB
- Pseudo-critical thinkers
- The Objectivity of Science
- Notes from a Parallel Universe, UC Berkeley vs. crackpots
- What You Can't Say 1/2004
- M. Truzzi on investigation of anomalies 11/2003
- Physics Today: the discovery of rapid climate change
- The Plight of the Obscure Innovator
- Stent: Prematurity in Scientific Discovery(now also a book.)
- Radin: A Field Guide to Skepticism
- The Mega Society: Genius, Creativity, and the Mainstream
- Velocity press: Forbidden Knowledge
- Prof. Tangent, nutrition for the mind
-, EXCELLENT (articles, links, quote)
- MENSA column: alternative science
- R. Milton & Neodarwinism
- Sham reasoning, pseudo-inquiry (1997 CSICOP)
- Skeptical look at Astrology (skeptic, not cynical materialist)
- Love of the Marvellous and the Disbelief of the True
- The Burden of Skepticism (Sagan)
- On Skepticism (symptoms of pseudoskepticsm) , from Boerner's page
- Disciplined Minds (book) Scientists are trapped in Dilbert-land too!
- The New Thought Police Suppressing Dissent in Science(from ISIS News)
- Ethics in Science (Bauer)
- anti-CSICOP forum
- Delphi forums: debunking debunkers
- A Habit of Lies: how scientists cheat
- The Logical Trickery of the UFO Skeptic
- Could Gambling Save Science?
- Meteor Noises
- Magicians endorse PSI?
- Truth-seeker's mindset:
- Cargo Cult Science, (R. Feynman)
- The Clinical Attitude toward Arguments (Suber)
- Fallacy of one-sidedness (Suber)
- Pseudo-inquiry (Haack, CSICOP)
- Pseudointellectuals (Harris)
- Skeptic Satires
- How NOT to argue with Creationists (Lippard) , and reply
- The rise of moderation in skept. orgs (S. Hall)
- Debunking Common Skeptical Arguments (W. Wu) , and a rebuttal
- Some Failures of Organized Skepticism (Lippard)
- Dishonest science
- CSICOP sTarbaby scandal
- sTARBABY Rawlins vs. CSICOP
- Crybaby (response to Rawlins)
- True Disbelievers (response to Crybaby)
- Mars Effect Controversy: timeline
- Does psi exist? (Bem & Honorton)
- Links at SKEPTIC mag: critiques of skept.
- CSICOP and the Skeptics: An Overview
- Morphostasis: immune-system heresy (excellent!)
- Archeological Outliers
- Skeptics: what they do and why
- Pseudo-critical thinkers
- Kit Pedler's MIND OVER MATTER: a scientist looks at the paranormal
- Conceptual Conservatism
- The Plight of the Obscure Innovator
- Creationism: You asked for it (fm New Scientist mag)
- Scientific belief as obedience to authority
- Freethinker page
- Keynote Address at 6th Int'l Symp. on Ball Lightning
- Getting 'heresies' published
- "Your Endangered Mind", Lecture and online book, R. Herrman, USNA mathematics
- Journals and organizations for "dissident" science research.
- Refreshingly humble scientific view of evolution/creationism
- Dr. Arp's heretical discoveries
- Arp: What Science has Come To
- More on Arp vs. Academia
- About Arp (from Arp Peculiar Galaxy Club)
- Laser Stars
- Critical Thinking (links)
- Remote Viewing vs. Its Skeptics
- Suprise! results always require interpretation. hilarious!
- Evolutionary Heresy: altruism
- Sturrock-Rockefeller UFO Panel vs. the "skeptics"
- Deep Hot Biosphere, more T. Gold heresies!
- The Anti-Closed-Mind Site
- Dr. B. Pollok's SAFESCIENCE
- Scientific Integrity? whistleblowers beware!
- Stamping Out Dissent, Dr. B. Martin
- Open Questions in Physics from Physics FAQ
- Scientific Misconduct Page
- Arrogance vs. Stupidity
- The Mythical "Scientific Method"
- Pseudoscience or Protoscience?
- A Science Ethics Bibliography
- M. Cremo's Forbidden Archeology
- Cargo Cult Science, R. Feynman
- Parapsychology, blind faith, and "pseudo-skeptics", C. Tart
- Theories and ethical practice in science, course syllabus links
- Characterization of Quack Theories
- Psy-Zone
- Maccabee on Science vs. UFOs
- Science against science
- The "Fusor" and Scientific Knowledge
- Critiques of Organized Skepticism
- The Anti-physics Review
- Stupid Skeptic Tricks (Lippard)
- Bias in peer review
- Peer Review: reform or revolution?
- Weird but true (recommended!) (170K)
- Psi, Grof, Jung, and the Quantum Vacuum
- Peer review as scholarly conformity, from Suppression Stories
- A Letter to a Dissident Scientist, by B. Martin
- The real reason behind suppression of inventions
- Anomalous Meteor Phenomena
- "The Golem", Collins and Pinch debunk scientist's myths
- H. Bauer - Ethics in Science (recommended!)
- Dissident Physics at '95 AAAS meeting
- Myths of Skepticism
- Defending Darwinism: How Far is Too Far? from Origins Research
- Retardation of Science, from Alternate View
- sci.skeptic FAQ: Aren't all skeptics just closed-minded bigots?
- Science and Consensus, from EMF-L
- Discover 5/97, Science vs. Its Own Popularizers: Carl Sagan
- THE ANOMALIST. Don't miss "Moving the Goalposts", and "Pseudoskeptics"
- Ambiguity in research, Science On-Line
- Scientists' treatment of "Heretics", by Dr. Brian Josephson
- L. Frank vindicated, new mini-comet evidence (see "Moving the Goalposts"and CNN article)
- Fund for UFO Research
- Brainmind Bulletin
- Earth mantel heresies
- Debunking the debunkers
- Science Frontiers articles:
- Post-relativist Physics from 'Sumeria'
- "Three Galileos", article from Duesberg page
- Aquatic Ape Theory
- Psi phenomena papers, Frasca page
- The Sourcebook Project, archive of unexplained observations
- B. Haisch UFO essay from the J. Sci. Exploration
- Farce of Physics, Dr. B.G. Wallace
- Panspermia: life evolved elsewhere
- Ways of knowning: Science vs. Religion
- J. Talbot's "Skeptics" quotations
- The Experts Speak
- Psychology of Invention
- Psychology of Science List
- Forbidden Archeology
- Scientists want to censor a Controversial show. See producer's response.
Dr. Margulis' heresies:
- Gaia and evolutionary cooperation-not-competition
- Endosymbiosis
- McClintlock's Jumping Genes
- Heretical catastrophism
- Descaling water magnetically
Collected quotes moved to