Aminet - util/boot/sysvars.lha (original) (raw)

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sysvars is a small CLI tool for the Amiga that creates several environment variables holding valuable system information. These variables can be used, for example, in the startup-sequence to enable/disable certain patches, assigns, and so on.

To install it, copy sysvars into your c directory and add it to your startup-sequence or User-Startup, depending on how early you need the variables.

You can extract the content of the sysvars directory inside this archive to a bootable floppy disk or use the CreateTestDisk script, which formats a disk, installs a bootblock and copies the files.

Currently, the following variables are set...


if CPU is at least 68020:

if Slow RAM (a.k.a Ranger Memory, Trapdoor RAM) is detected

If Slow RAM is the first to be allocated as non-Chip RAM

if bsdsocket.library is available

if UAE is detected (see NOTES and LIMMITATIONS):

if CPU is 68080:



As sysvars is optimized for speed, being compact and system friendly, it is not an elaborate H/W detection tool, such as WhichAmiga. This means that there might be system combinations, where sysvars gets it wrong. Some known limititaions are listed below. Anyway, you can always file a bug report, if you think that sysvars can be optimized.

Kickstart 1.3 and below:

Kickstart 1.2:

Slow RAM detection: RAM speed is not actually measured. Instead, it is assumed that any non- Chip RAM residing at $C0xxxx is actually Slow RAM. This is common for the Amiga 500s with a trapdoor expansion. Thus, if you have an expansion that actually maps real Fast RAM into the $C0 region, sysvars still consideres it to be Slow RAM.

UAE detection: UAE is detected via the uae.resource, which is only there if


As many Amiga users, I have multiple Amigas, booting from flash memory. However, I do not want to maintain multiple operating system configurations. In the past, I have used several tools to branch during startup, which yielded a complex startup-sequence/user-startup and an extended boot time.

I wanted a small fast utility that gives me neat environment variables, so I can write something like this in the startup-sequence:



IF $FPU EQ internal FastIEEE ENDIF

Also, I always wanted to learn M68k assembler. After 30 years using an Amiga this was about time!


The following utilities are mainly intended to test sysvars, but could also be useful in other contexts.


Quickly check if Kick ROM is at least version 36, that is OS 2.0 or greater. If it detects a version below 36, it returns WARN (error code 5). It can be used (like it is in the sysvar test) to write startup-sequences that work for both OS 1.3 and OS2.0+, branching where needed.

probevar (New in 0.14)

A tool for all Amiga operating systems to quickly check for the existence of a local (OS 2.0 and up) or global (OS 1.3 and below) environment variable. It is similar to the Get command of OS 2.0 in that it returns SUCCESS (error code 0) if a variable is available and WARN (error code 5) if not. The difference is that

  1. probevar does not write out the actual value, so you do not have to do a

    NIL: to suppress it

  2. probevar can be used in OS 1.3 and below (only there it queries global variables)

Why is this tool needed now?

In the past, sysvars would set environment variables, such as $UAEMajor to an empty string if it did not detect UAE. So one could always use 'IF "$UAEMajor" EQ ""'. However, with the growing number of supported use cases and variables, the variable space became increasingly polluted. Therefore, I decided to only ever set variables, when the environment warrants for it (see the "Availability" column table at the top). Thus, if UAE is not detected, $UAEMajor will now not be available at all. So, the line IF '"$UAEMajor" EQ ""' would bring up an unwanted requester asking for ENV:, because the OS tries to search for a global variable.


The tool is already quite useable, but there are still some things missing, which I want to fix in future versions (no particular order):


The code is licensed under the MIT License


Version 0.14

Version 0.13

Version 0.12

Version 0.11

Version 0.10

Version 0.9:

Version 0.8: