Greaves, Prof Harold Richard Goring - Archives Hub (original) (raw)

Six letters relating to the proposed Provisional Committee to create a United Nations University Institute, Nov 1942, addressed to Harold Richard Goring Greaves (subsequently Professor of Political Science in the University of London); and six other letters relating to lectures arranged by the Centre for Studies in International Affairs, 1943-1951. The letters are as follows:
1. Letter to Greaves from Eduard Benes, President of the Czech Republic, 16 Nov 1942. 'I have received and read with much interest your letter of 10th November in which you furnish me with particulars of your Provisional Committee for creating a United Nations University Institute in London. I note that amongst those with whom you are in touch is Dr. Slavik, our Minister of Education, as well as Dr. Ripka and Dr. Císar;. These gentlemen will, I am sure, let you have their views on the project from the Czechoslovak point of view.We have also in England a Czechoslovak Association of University Teachers, who will certainly be most interested in the idea. For myself, as a former Professor of Sociology, I naturally welcome any effort to promote understanding between university teachers of different nationalities. At the present epoch especially such association is of outstanding importance'.
2. Letter to Greaves from John Gilbert Winant, United States Ambassador, 16 Nov 1942. 'Thank you for your letter of November 12th telling me about the suggestion for the establishment in London of an International University Institute. I was interested in this and would like to attend the meeting to be held at the British Academy on Monday November 23rd. Unfortunately I have a previous engagement at that time and am sorry I cannot be with you. I would appreciate, however, your keeping me informed concerning any plans which may be decided upon in this matter and I am gratified for your courtesy in writing [to] me'.
3. Letter to Greaves from (George) Gilbert (Aimé) Murray, 17 Nov 1942. 'I am afraid I cannot come to the meeting at the British Academy on November 23rd, and I am still not quite clear in my mind about the purpose of the International University Institute. Of course I can see that there is great danger that all over the world intellectual values will be thrust aside and the whole intellectual side of life undervalued and neglected. This is partly the deliberate influence of both Nazism and Communism. If the International Institute is to be concerned with the preservation of these intellectual values, I can see important work for it'.
4. Letter to greaves from Richard Austen Butler, Board of Education, 8 Nov 1942. 'Thank you for your letter of 12th November...I should like to keep in touch with progress with this scheme but I shall be unable to attend meetings personally. I am, however, asking my Public Relations Officer, Mr. D.H. Leadbetter, to attend the meeting next Monday...'.
5. Letter to Greaves from Joseph Bech, Luxembourg Minister for Foreign Affairs, 18 Nov 1942. 'I am entirely in agreement with this scheme which I consider would be of immense value in helping to solve the problems of reconstruction which will arise in the near future and I am grateful to you for having invited me to take part in the launching of such an Institute. I, therefore, accept with much pleasure, your kind invitation to be present at the meeting on Monday, 23rd November, at the British Academy...'
6. Letter to Greaves from Ivan Mikhailovich Maisky, Soviet Ambassador, 20 Nov 1942. 'Thank you for your letter of the 12th November inviting me to attend the meeting your Provisional Committee are holding...which I regret I am unable to attend'.
7. Letter from Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands to Mr. Clow Ford, 23 Oct 1943, regarding a lecture series at the Centre for Studies in International Affairs. 'I am extremely sorry that owing to an important conference I am unable to attend the opening night on Tuesday next. I have asked General Phaff to represent me...'.
8. Letter from Henry Moore to Allen M. Parker, Organising Secretary of the University of London, 5 Jul 1950, acknowledging his letter of 23 Jun.
9. Letter from Robert (William) Speaight to Allen M. Parker, 10 May 1951, acknowledging his letter.
10. Letter from Robert (William) Speaight to Allen M. Parker, 16 Jun 1951, concerning a dinner engagement.
11. Letter from Cecil Day-Lewis to Allen M. Parker, 3 Aug 1951, concerning a dinner engagement.
12. Letter from Hugh (Todd Naylor) Gaitskell to Allen M. Parker, 21 May 1953, concerning his lecture to be delivered on 24 Jul at the Centre for Studies in International Affairs.