Testing cosmological variations of fundamental physical constants by analysis of quasar spectra (original) (raw)

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Abstract: Contemporary multidimensional cosmological theories predict different variations of fundamental physical constants in course of the cosmological evolution. On the basis of the QSO spectra analysis, we show that the fine-structure constant \alpha=e^2/(\hbar c) and the proton-to-electron mass ratio \mu=m_p/m_e reveal no statistically significant variation over the last 90% of the lifetime of the Universe. At the 2\sigma significance level, the following upper bounds are obtained for the epoch corresponding to the cosmological redshifts z ~ 3 (i.e., ~ 10 Gyr ago):
|\Delta\alpha/\alpha| < 0.00016 and |\Delta\mu/\mu| < 0.00022.
The corresponding upper limits to the time-average rates of the constant variations are |d\alpha/(\alpha dt)| < 1.6\times 10^{-14} yr^{-1} and |d\mu/(\mu dt)| < 2.2\times10^{-14} yr^{-1}. These limits serve as criteria for selection of those theoretical models which predict \alpha and \mu variation with the cosmological time. In addition, we test a possible anisotropy of the high-redshift fine splitting over the celestial sphere, which might reveal a non-equality of \alpha values in causally disconnected areas of the Universe.

Submission history

From: A. Y. Potekhin [view email]
[v1] Fri, 19 Jul 1996 15:31:52 UTC (21 KB)