ATTHEVENUE@LJ.COM (original) (raw)


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Fuck my last two posts... I'm back.


1st thing on my list: bumping my paid account back up and changing this layout.


Well hello there f-list...

Seeing as the last time I posted was to say I was kinda done with livejournal... and moving on to my other endeavors... well I can sort of officially update on those endeavors. I started up my design blog last month and have finally gotten into a groove where I will update daily so if you guys are interested, my blog is HERE

I'm still working on the official retail and product based portion of my business (which is difficult given the economic situation here) but I hope to have at least some of the products up by next year.

Wish me luck!



13 October 2010 @ 08:22 pm

Dear F-list,

I should have done this earlier and yes, I know I'm reiterating the obvious but I am no longer on LiveJournal (duh). Life has gotten ahead of me and I have found no time to ever update. With my studies in getting my Masters Degree and starting my own business/design firm (which by the way, is moving at a slower than glacial pace) I just don't have the time anymore but I am developing a website and blog that hopefully (I mean hopefully) will be regularly updated.

So once that is set up (I'll probably post it here, if anyone is even interested), entries will most likely start disappearing from here in the coming weeks. I'll most likely keep some of the entries (i.e. icons, graphics, fics, etc.) but the majority will be deleted.

So it's been fun but all things have to end eventually.



So for a few weeks now I've been working on a new comm. The layout was just killing me and I think I've finally gotten it all figured out and fixed.

(click on banner)

It's a blog where I will post the majority of my design work and things that contributed and inspired my career. This is just an easier way to post my portfolio and group everything that I keep piled on my laptop for future references as well as incorporate it into the website I will (hopefully) be starting up soon.

Feel free to friend it or whatever if your really interested in what I do. XD