Doors of Chaos: Volume 1 Review - IGN (original) (raw)

There are things known, and things unknown…

Doors of Chaos Vol. 1

Written by: Ryoko Mitsuki Art by: Ryoko Mitsuki

Over time, some books develop a certain style to them. Whether it's the flow of the writer (buoyed by adept translation) or the skillful brush of the artist, these books immerse you almost instantly, and you fail to see any flaws they might actually contain. Then, at the other end of the spectrum, you have those books that flounder in a sea of different looks and feels, never really clinging to any one, and suffering for it. Doors of Chaos falls somewhere in between those two extremes, and as often is the case, it's going to be up to the individual reader to decide whether or not to praise or condemn the book for it.

Mizeria and her sister Clarissa are "Living Keys" – gifted with the ability to open (Clarissa) and close (Mizeria) four portals that will unleash chaos on the world should all four open at the same time. Unfortunately, Clarissa has been abducted by their unscrupulous trainer who wants to unleash said chaos, and Mizeria is not sure that she, the sicklier and less proficient at her craft, will be able to stand against her former master, let alone her sister. It's a really compelling story for those willing to check it out, but it is hampered by a couple things that, for me, stood out like sore thumbs. One is simply a matter of my taste, but the other is pretty unforgivable.

Goth-lolita is very hit or miss with me. I can certainly understand the appeal, and Ryoko Mitsuki certainly knows how to draw a compelling figure with lacy costumes and details down to the most intimate. However, the twins, and pretty much any other female character, seem to look more like dolls than actual characters in this world. Perhaps it's possible to draw those huge manga eyes we all love a little too well. As I read this book I really found it difficult to get beyond the feeling I was looking at someone's china doll collection set up and posed for me. A minor quibble, sure, but enough that it distracted me from the parts of the book I should have been paying attention to. Other readers will most likely be willing to get past this without a second thought, so take my feelings on the matter with the proverbial grain of salt.

Do not, however, forgive the poor translation job done on this book. It's really the fault of the adapter, that person who takes the translated words and makes them make sense to us, the English reader of the book. Doors of Chaos had a definite feel to it. If the layered dresses or French revolutionary hats didn't clue you in, then the wispy, airy speech that most characters use should surely do the job. Unfortunately, the flow the language is broken up occasionally when a character uses a "Shaddap!" or some other rough language that's completely out of the time period of this book. Every time I came across one (and there's plenty of them to go around) it broke the overall feel of the book, and I found myself cursing the person responsible for ruining what was otherwise a pretty good fantasy read.

Doors of Chaos is still a good book, but the problem is that it might have been a great book save for a few things that kept it from achieving that greatness. Sure, some of the things I didn't like are solely based on my opinion, but that's the thing about being a reviewer…you get my opinion and can take it or leave it, but hopefully I provide enough information without spoiling anything so you can at least decide whether or not to check it out. Some things, however, are even beyond my domain to influence you. Fans of books like Doors of Chaos will no doubt have the same problems I did with the poor adaptation, and unfortunately may not want to stick around for volume two as a result.

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Doors of Chaos

Doors of Chaos: Volume 1 Review


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