- Anarchy Online Resources (original) (raw)

November 08, 2020 22:23 UTC - 18.8.55Just updated the database to 18.8.55, thanks everyone for help!

August 14, 2020 07:26 UTC - New stuffThe item database was just updated to version 18.8.53, thanks Leite & Nadyita!

April 01, 2012 10:04 UTC - Happy April Fools' Day!The item database has been updated to 18.4.14!

/ Auno

October 12, 2011 08:24 UTC - 18.4.5Half a year later, the item database has been updated to version 18.4.5.

/ Auno

May 05, 2011 09:13 UTC - 18.3.1DB was finally updated to version 18.3.1 a few days ago, I'll update to 18.4 "soon".

/ Auno

November 19, 2005 22:10 UTC - Character registrationHello all,

You can now register your in-game characters to your account. To do this you must send a tell to a character called Aunoorg in game, the tell must include an unique code for your account to prevent people from registering characters to others' accounts. Instructions for doing this can be found on the My Account page.

Registering will allow you in the future to edit and view your equipment profiles and possibly some other data associated with your account. Because of the high level of abuse in item database comments, I will also require an at least level 50 character to be registered to the user account before it can be used to post comments to items. Character registration might also be required for the forums.

++ Auno

Update: Just to prove my point two idiots from different parts of the world took it to themselves to send more abusive postings yesterday (one of them originated from a bank's network, makes you wonder..). The registration will be required real-soon-now.

Second update: People with registered TL6+ characters can now report bad postings on the item database comments. Please use this feature to tag posts that are abusive, spammy, selling/buying requests or otherwise out of place.

September 01, 2004 11:19 UTC - Alien Invasion - Version 15.6.1 Alien ProbeHello!

I've just patched the website to the current Alien Invasion version, patch 15.6.1. There's quite a few new and updated items ;) I also updated the layout a little, it has some bugs and has only been tested with Mozilla Firefox so you might run into some bugs with Internet Explorer. I'll try to resolve these issues as soon as I can.

Update: The server is peaking at 1600 concurrent connections at the moment.. I set up another database server to handle some of the traffic and the response times should be at 5 seconds or less now. Oh, and thanks for all the donations I've received so far, maybe they'll allow me to replace some of the aging hardware on the primary box :D

Update: The XML dumps of 15.6.1 are now available.

Update: The servers opened some hours ago and the load on the webserver has eased a little, so everything is running on the main server again. Also I would like to note that the version I patched was indeed the 'real' 15.6.1, not a patch from the beta servers.


June 28, 2004 16:07 UTC - Damagedumper, 15.5.4 XMLHey all,

I've set up a link over here for the simple damage dumper program I created for AO a month or so back. Check the link on the menu at left for download URL and instructions on how to use the thing.

I have also finally updated the XML dumps of AO database to the current version, 15.5.4. Other than that, I haven't really been playing AO much lately, as it's summer over here, and it feels that I've beat the game for now. Maybe the Alien Invasion expansion pack this autumn will introduce some new and interesting stuff that will make the game interesting again.
