House of Representatives Members - 25th Parliament 1963-1966 - (original) (raw)

This is the full list of members of the House of Representatives (25th Parliament) elected on November 30, 1963.

The 1963 election was the seventh of nine victories for the coalition and the seventh of seven consecutive victories for Prime Minister Robert Menzies.

The Coalition came within one seat of losing in 1961. In 1963, a campaign built around State Aid to non-government schools and the future of the US North-West Cape facility in Australia enabled Menzies to win his last election victory. The election is remembered for the Liberal Party’s use of the “faceless men” label against the ALP. The assassination of President John F. Kennedy took place one week before the election. After 16 years as prime minister, Menzies retired in January 1966.

In a 122-seat House of Representatives, the Liberal Party won 52 seats (+7) and the Country Party 20 (+3), for a coalition total of 72 (+10). The ALP won 50 seats (-10), wiping out most of its gains from 1916. The government secured a majority of 22 seats.

The Liberal Party won 37.09% of the primary vote (+3,51%), the Country Party 8.94% (+0.43%) and the ALP 45.47% (-2.43%). The estimated two-party-preferred vote for the coalition was 52.60%, with the ALP on 47.40%, a swing against the ALP of 3.10%.

The Democratic Labor Party polled 7.44% of the primary vote (-1.27%), its preferences again contributing to the Coalition’s win, especially in Victoria.

Because the election was called a year early, there was no accompanying half-Senate election. There were separate half-Senate elections in 1964, 1967 and 1970. House and Senate elections were brought back into line in 1974 and have remained that way since.

The members for the Northern Territory (Jock Nelson-ALP) and the Australian Capital Territory (Jim Fraser-ALP) did not have voting rights, other than on matters affecting their territory. They are counted as members on the list below but not included in the seat tallies shown above.

There were seven by-elections during the life of the 25th Parliament, all in coalition seats.

The Liberal Party retained the seat of Denison after the death of Athol Townley. It retained the seats of Angas, Parramatta and Robertson, after the resignations of the sitting members. Sir Garfield Barwick was appointed Chief Justice of the High Court. Alexander Downer was appointed High Commissioner to London. Following the retirement of Sir Robert Menzies, the by-election for Kooyong was won by Andrew Peacock.

The Country Party retained Riverina after Hugh Roberton resigned. However, it lost Dawson to the ALP’s Dr Rex Patterson, after George Shaw died.

The table below shows 131 members, reflecting all who served in the parliament.

Members of the 25th Parliament – 1963-1966
Party Number of members Died Died % Living Living %
COALITION 78 75 96% 3 4%
TOTAL 131 128 98% 3 2%
— Liberal Party / LNP 57 56 98% 1 2%
— Country Party 21 19 90% 2 10%

There are three members of the 25th Parliament still living:
1. Dr Wylie Gibbs, Liberal (Bowman-Qld), 102
2. Peter Nixon, Country Party (Gippsland-Vic), 96
3. Ian Sinclair, Country Party (New England-NSW), 95

The most recent deaths were:
2024: Tom Hughes, 101
2024: Manfred Cross, 94
2023: Bill Hayden, 90
2021: Andrew Peacock, 82
2020: Doug Anthony, 90
2019: Dr Jim Forbes, 95
2017: Len Bosman, 93, and Ian Robinson, 91

The table below lists members by their party affiliation, seat, term and age.

Members of the 25th Parliament – 1963-1966
No. Name Party Seat Term Began TermEnded Birth Death Age
1. Lance Barnard ALP Bass (Tas) 29.05.1954 02.06.1975 01.05.1919 06.08.1997 78
2. Noel Beaton ALP Bendigo (Vic) 16.07.1960 09.04.1969 28.12.1925 18.12.2004 78
3. Kim Beazley ALP Fremantle (WA) 18.07.1945 10.12.1977 30.09.1917 12.10.2007 90
4. Sam Benson ALP / Ind Batman (Vic) 01.09.1962 29.09.1969 12.07.1909 26.07.1995 86
5. Fred Birrell ALP Port Adelaide (SA) 30.11.1963 11.04.1974 07.12.1913 23.07.1985 71
6. Gordon Bryant ALP Wills (Vic) 10.12.1955 19.09.1980 03.08.1914 14.01.1991 76
7. Dr. Jim Cairns ALP Yarra (Vic)Lalor (Vic) 10.12.195525.10.1969 25.10.196910.11.1977 04.10.1914 12.10.2003 89
8. Arthur Calwell ALP Melbourne (Vic) 21.09.1940 02.11.1972 28.08.1896 08.07.1973 76
9. Clyde Cameron ALP Hindmarsh (SA) 10.12.1949 19.09.1980 11.02.1913 14.03.2008 95
10. Joe Clark ALP Darling (NSW) 15.09.1934 29.09.1969 29.07.1897 09.12.1992 95
11. Fred Collard ALP Kalgoorlie (WA) 09.12.1961 13.12.1975 06.06.1912 01.12.1986 74
12. Rex Connor ALP Cunningham (NSW) 30.11.1963 22.08.1977 26.01.1907 22.08.1977 70
13. James Cope ALP Cook (NSW)Watson (NSW)Sydney (NSW) 21.05.195510.12.195525.10.1969 10.12.195525.10.196911.11.1975 26.11.1907 03.02.1999 91
14. Dominic Costa ALP Banks (NSW) 10.12.1949 25.10.1969 10.12.1900 23.09.1976 75
15. Frank Courtnay ALP Darebin (Vic) 22.11.1958 29.09.1969 06.06.1903 31.03.1980 76
16. Wilfred Coutts ALP Griffith (Qld) 29.05.195409.12.1961 22.11.195826.11.1966 10.06.1908 04.11.1997 89
17. Frank Crean ALP MLA Albert Park (Vic)MLA Prahran (Vic)Melbourne Ports (Vic) 10.11.194522.01.194928.04.1951 07.11.194701.03.195110.11.1977 28.02.1916 02.12.2008 92
18. Manfred Cross ALP Brisbane (Qld) 09.12.196118.10.1980 13.12.197519.02.1990 12.08.1929 30.01.2024 94
19. Dan Curtin ALP Watson (NSW)Kingsford Smith 10.12.194910.12.1955 10.12.195523.09.1969 14.02.1898 04.02.1980 82
20. Fred Daly ALP Martin (NSW)Grayndler (NSW) 21.08.194310.12.1949 10.12.194911.11.1975 13.06.1912 02.08.1995 83
21. Ron Davies ALP Braddon (Tas) 22.11.1958 13.12.1975 25.07.1919 05.06.1980 60
22. Len Devine ALP East Sydney (NSW) 28.09.1963 29.09.1969 14.10.1923 29.05.2008 84
23. Gil Duthie ALP Wilmot (Tas) 28.09.1946 13.12.1975 21.05.1912 13.06.1998 86
24. Allan Fraser ALP Eden-Monaro (NSW) 21.08.194325.10.1969 26.11.196602.11.1972 18.09.1902 12.12.1977 75
25. Jim Fraser ALP ACT (ACT) 28.04.1951 01.04.1970 08.02.1908 01.04.1970 62
26. Bill Fulton ALP Leichhardt (Qld) 22.11.1958 11.11.1975 18.06.1909 15.11.1988 79
27. Pat Galvin ALP Kingston (SA) 28.04.1951 26.11.1966 30.03.1911 24.09.1980 69
28. George Gray ALP Capricornia (Qld) 09.12.1961 02.08.1967 02.10.1903 02.08.1967 63
29. Charles Griffiths ALP Shortland (NSW) 10.12.1949 02.12.1972 26.06.1903 17.05.1982 78
30. Brendan Hansen ALP Wide Bay (Qld)MLA Maryborough (Qld) 09.12.196112.11.1977 18.05.197422.10.1983 21.08.1922 19.12.1999 77
31. Ted Harding ALP Herbert (Qld) 09.12.1961 26.11.1966 12.06.1921 03.02.2004 82
32. Eli James (Jim) Harrison ALP MLC (NSW)Blaxland (NSW) 23.04.194310.12.1949 28.10.194929.09.1969 12.10.1903 09.09.1976 72
33. Bill Hayden ALP Oxley (Qld) 09.12.1961 08.10.1988 23.01.1933 21.10.2023 90
34. Bert James ALP Hunter (NSW) 09.04.1960 19.09.1980 22.09.1914 30.09.2006 92
35. Les Johnson ALP Hughes (NSW) 10.12.195525.10.1969 26.11.196619.12.1983 22.11.1924 26.05.2015 90
36. Charles Jones ALP Newcastle (NSW) 22.11.1958 04.02.1983 12.09.1917 07.08.2003 85
37. Tony Luchetti ALP Macquarie (NSW) 28.07.1951 11.11.1975 27.05.1904 11.07.1984 80
38. Hector McIvor ALP Gellibrand (Vic) 10.12.1955 02.11.1972 24.11.1900 12.05.1992 91
39. Dan Minogue ALP West Sydney (NSW) 10.12.1949 26.06.1969 18.07.1893 07.01.1983 89
40. Jack Mortimer ALP Grey (SA) 01.06.1963 21.11.1966 xx.xx.1913 08.02.1973 59-60
41. Jock Nelson ALP Northern Territory (NT) 10.12.1949 31.10.1966 28.05.1908 20.06.1991 83
42. Martin Nicholls ALP Bonython (SA) 30.11.1963 30.09.1977 03.04.1917 03.05.1983 66
43. William O’Connor ALP West Sydney (NSW)Martin (NSW)Dalley (NSW) 28.09.194610.12.194910.12.1955 10.12.194910.12.195529.09.1969 29.09.1910 18.09.1987 76
44. Dr Rex Patterson ALP Dawson (Qld) 26.02.1966 13.12.1975 08.01.1927 13.04.2016 89
45. Ted Peters ALP Burke (Vic)Scullin (Vic) 10.12.194910.12.1955 10.12.195529.09.1969 12.06.1897 22.06.1980 83
46. Reg Pollard ALP Ballaarat (Vic)Lalor (Vic) 23.10.193710.12.1949 10.12.194926.11.1966 31.10.1894 24.08.1981 86
47. Len Reynolds ALP Barton (NSW) 22.11.195825.10.1969 26.11.196611.11.1975 19.11.1923 14.07.1980 56
48. Bill Riordan ALP Kennedy (Qld) 12.12.1936 31.10.1966 08.02.1908 15.01.1973 64
49. Joe Sexton ALP Adelaide (SA) 22.11.1958 26.11.1966 24.11.1905 21.04.1974 68
50. Frank Stewart ALP Lang (NSW)Grayndler (NSW) 29.08.195310.12.1977 10.12.197716.04.1979 20.02.1923 16.04.1979 56
51. Tom Uren ALP Reid (NSW) 22.11.1958 16.02.1990 28.05.1921 26.01.2015 93
52. Harry Webb ALP Swan (WA)Stirling (WA)Stirling (WA) 29.05.195410.12.195509.12.1961 10.12.195522.11.195802.12.1972 02.02.1908 15.11.2000 92
53. Gough Whitlam ALP Werriwa (NSW) 29.11.1952 31.07.1978 11.07.1916 21.10.2014 98
1. William Aston Liberal Phillip (NSW) 10.12.195530.11.1963 09.12.196102.12.1972 19.09.1916 21.05.1997 80
2. (Sir) Garfield Barwick Liberal Parramatta (NSW) 08.03.1958 24.04.1964 22.06.1903 13.07.1997 94
3. Jeff Bate Liberal Macarthur (NSW) 10.12.1949 02.12.1972 05.05.1906 15.04.1984 77
4. Len Bosman Liberal St George (NSW) 30.11.1963 25.10.1969 05.02.1924 06.02.2017 93
5. Nigel Bowen Liberal Parramatta (NSW) 20.06.1964 11.07.1973 26.05.1911 27.09.1994 83
6. William Bridges-Maxwell Liberal Robertson (NSW) 05.12.1964 25.10.1969 27.09.1929 15.04.1992 62
7. Alexander Buchanan Liberal McMillan (Vic) 10.12.1955 02.12.1972 04.10.1905 10.09.1985 79
8. Les Bury Liberal Wentworth (NSW) 08.12.1956 11.04.1974 25.02.1913 07.09.1986 73
9. Kevin Cairns Liberal Lilley (Qld) 30.11.196318.05.1974 02.12.197218.10.1980 15.05.1929 06.07.1984 55
10. Fred Chaney Sr. Liberal Perth (WA) 10.12.1955 25.10.1969 20.10.1914 17.12.2001 87
11. Don Chipp Liberal Higinbotham (Vic)Hotham (Vic)Senate (Vic) 10.12.196025.10.196901.07.1978 25.10.196910.11.197718.08.1986 21.08.1925 28.08.2006 81
12. Richard Cleaver Liberal Swan (WA) 10.12.1955 25.10.1969 16.08.1917 25.10.2006 89
13. John Cockle Liberal Warringah (NSW) 09.12.1961 03.08.1966 29.09.1908 03.08.1966 57
14. (Sir) John Cramer Liberal Bennelong (NSW) 10.12.1949 11.04.1974 18.02.1896 18.05.1994 98
15. Frank Davis Liberal Deakin (Vic) 10.12.1949 31.10.1966 13.04.1900 28.02.1980 79
16. Roger Dean Liberal Robertson (NSW) 10.12.1949 30.09.1964 12.12.1913 07.01.1998 84
17. Alexander Downer Liberal Angas (SA) 10.12.1949 23.04.1964 07.04.1910 30.03.1981 70
18. Nigel Drury Liberal Ryan (Qld) 10.12.1949 11.11.1975 15.05.1911 17.05.1984 73
19. Dudley Erwin Liberal Ballaarat (Vic) 10.12.1955 11.11.1975 20.08.1917 29.10.1984 67
20. David Fairbairn Liberal Farrer (NSW) 10.12.1949 11.11.1975 03.03.1917 01.06.1994 77
21. Allen Fairhall Liberal Paterson (NSW) 10.12.1949 29.09.1969 24.11.1909 03.11.2006 96
22. Bill Falkinder Liberal Franklin (Tas) 28.09.1946 31.10.1946 29.08.1921 11.07.1993 71
23. Dr Jim Forbes Liberal Barker (SA) 13.10.1956 11.11.1975 16.12.1923 10.08.2019 95
24. Max Fox Liberal Henty (Vic) 10.12.1955 18.10.1974 27.04.1912 27.11.1988 76
25. Malcolm Fraser Liberal Wannon (Vic) 10.12.1955 07.05.1983 21.05.1930 20.03.2015 84
26. Gordon Freeth Liberal Forrest (WA) 10.12.1949 25.10.1969 06.08.1914 27.11.2001 87
27. Dr Wylie Gibbs Liberal Bowman (Qld) 30.11.1963 25.10.1969 26.07.1922 102
28. Adrian Gibson Liberal Denison (Tas) 15.02.1964 29.09.1969 03.11.1935 30.04.2015 79
29. Geoffrey Giles Liberal Angas (SA) 20.06.1964 10.12.1977 27.06.1923 18.12.1990 67
30. (Sir) Paul Hasluck Liberal Curtin (WA) 10.12.1949 12.02.1969 01.04.1905 09.01.1993 87
31. William Haworth Liberal Isaacs (Vic) 10.12.1949 29.09.1969 15.04.1905 01.12.1984 79
32. Harold Holt Liberal Fawkner (Vic)Higgins (Vic) 17.08.193510.12.1949 10.12.194917.12.1967 05.08.1908 17.12.1967 59
33. Peter Howson Liberal Fawkner (Vic)Casey (Vic) 10.12.195525.10.1969 25.10.196902.12.1972 22.05.1919 01.02.2009 89
34. Tom Hughes Liberal Parkes (NSW)Berowra (NSW) 30.11.196325.10.1969 25.10.196902.11.1972 26.11.1923 28.11.2024 101
35. Alan Hulme Liberal Petrie (Qld) 10.12.194909.12.1961 30.11.196302.11.1972 14.02.1907 09.10.1989 82
36. Les Irwin Liberal Mitchell (NSW) 30.11.1963 02.12.1972 01.05.1898 28.01.1985 86
37. William Jack Liberal North Sydney (NSW) 10.12.1949 31.10.1966 01.05.1892 14.09.1982 90
38. John Jess Liberal La Trobe (Vic) 09.04.1960 02.12.1972 15.04.1922 18.10.2003 81
39. Bert Kelly Liberal Wakefield (SA) 22.11.1958 10.11.1977 22.12.1912 17.01.1997 84
40. (Sir) Wilfrid Kent Hughes Liberal Chisholm (Vic) 10.12.1949 31.07.1970 12.06.1895 31.07.1970 75
41. Jim Killen Liberal Moreton (Qld) 10.12.1955 15.08.1983 23.11.1925 12.01.2007 81
42. Robert Lindsay Liberal Flinders (Vic) 29.05.1954 31.10.1966 18.08.1905 06.09.2000 95
43. Dr Malcolm Mackay Liberal Evans (NSW) 30.11.1963 02.12.1972 29.12.1919 08.07.1999 79
44. Dan Mackinnon Liberal Wannon (Vic)Corangamite (Vic) 10.12.194929.08.1953 28.04.195131.10.1966 11.02.1903 07.06.1983 80
45. John McLeay, Sr. Liberal Boothby (SA) 10.12.1949 31.10.1966 19.11.1893 22.06.1982 88
46. William McMahon Liberal Lowe (NSW) 10.12.1949 13.03.1982 23.02.1908 31.03.1988 80
47. Robert Menzies NationalistNationalistUAP/Liberal MLC East Yarra (Vic)MLA Nunawading (Vic)Kooyong (Vic) 02.06.192830.11.192915.09.1934 11.11.192931.08.193416.02.1966 20.12.1894 15.05.1978 83
48. Hubert Opperman Liberal Corio (Vic) 10.12.1949 10.06.1967 29.05.1904 18.04.1996 91
49. Andrew Peacock Liberal Kooyong (Vic) 02.04.1966 19.11.1994 13.02.1939 16.04.2021 82
50. Billy Snedden Liberal Bruce (Vic) 10.12.1955 21.04.1983 31.12.1926 27.06.1987 60
51. Philip Stokes Liberal Maribyrnong (Vic) 10.12.1955 25.10.1969 25.10.1906 18.10.1983 76
52. Reginald Swartz Liberal Darling Downs (Qld) 10.12.1949 02.11.1972 14.04.1911 02.02.2006 94
53. Athol Townley Liberal Denison (Tas) 10.12.1949 24.12.1963 03.10.1905 24.12.1963 58
54. Harry Turner Liberal MLA Gordon (NSW)Bradfield (NSW) 07.08.193720.12.1952 18.11.195211.04.1974 08.07.1905 19.09.1988 83
55. William C. Wentworth Liberal MacKellar (NSW) 10.12.1949 10.11.1977 08.09.1907 15.06.2003 95
56. Ray Whittorn Liberal Balaclava (Vic) 16.07.1960 11.04.1974 04.10.1911 10.08.1995 83
57. Keith Wilson Liberal Senate (SA)Sturt (SA)Sturt (SA) 01.07.193810.12.194910.12.1955 30.06.194429.05.195431.10.1966 03.09.1900 28.09.1987 87
1. Charles Adermann Country Maranoa (Qld)Fisher (Qld) 21.08.194310.12.1949 10.12.194902.11.1972 03.08.1896 09.05.1979 82
2. Ian Allan Country Gwydir (NSW) 19.12.1953 30.04.1969 03.01.1916 13.02.2000 84
3. Doug Anthony Country Richmond (NSW) 14.09.1957 18.01.1984 31.12.1929 20.12.2020 90
4. Bill Armstrong Country Riverina (NSW) 27.02.1965 25.10.1969 01.07.1909 22.02.1982 72
5. Charles Barnes Country McPherson (Qld) 22.11.1958 02.11.1972 13.11.1901 24.10.1998 96
6. Wilfred Brimblecombe Country Maranoa (Qld) 28.04.1951 31.10.1966 06.02.1898 14.09.1973 75
7. John England Country Calare (NSW) 05.11.1960 11.11.1975 12.10.1911 18.06.1985 73
8. Laurie Failes Country Lawson (NSW) 10.12.1949 29.09.1969 06.10.1899 07.07.1976 76
9. John Hallett Country Canning (WA) 30.11.1963 18.05.1974 09.10.1917 09.08.1999 81
10. Mac Holten Country Indi (Vic) 22.11.1958 10.12.1977 29.03.1922 12.10.1996 74
11. Robert King Country Wimmera (Vic) 22.11.1958 10.11.1977 22.03.1920 30.06.1991 71
12. Philip Lucock Country Lyne (NSW) 22.03.1952 19.09.1980 16.01.1916 08.08.1996 80
13. Don Maisey Country Moore (WA) 30.11.1963 18.05.1974 06.05.1915 20.04.2005 89
14. John McEwen Country Indi (Vic)Murray (Vic) 23.10.193710.12.1949 10.12.194920.03.1971 29.03.1900 20.11.1980 80
15. Peter Nixon Country Gippsland (Vic) 09.12.1961 04.02.1983 22.03.1928 96
16. John Pettitt Country Hume (NSW) 30.11.1963 02.12.1972 25.09.1910 25.12.1977 67
17. Hugh Roberton Country Riverina (NSW) 10.12.1949 21.01.1965 18.12.1900 13.03.1987 86
18. Ian Robinson Country Cowper (NSW)Page (NSW) 30.11.196301.12.1984 01.12.198424.03.1990 27.03.1925 23.03.2017 91
19. George Shaw Country Dawson (Qld) 30.11.1963 09.01.1966 28.07.1913 09.01.1966 52
20. Ian Sinclair Country MLC (NSW)New England (NSW) 23.04.196130.11.1963 24.10.196331.08.1998 10.06.1929 95
21. Winton Turnbull Country Wimmera (Vic)Mallee (Vic) 09.02.194610.12.1949 10.12.194902.11.1972 13.12.1899 15.01.1980 80

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