Avalon Project - A Decade of American Foreign Policy 1941-1949 (original) (raw)

A Decade of American Foreign Policy 1941-1949
Havana Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics, July 21-30,1940 (1)

(a) Resolution on the Peaceful solution of conflicts (2)


In behalf of the closest possible unity of the continent, it is imperative that differences existing between some of the American nations be settled,

The Second Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics


To recommend to the Governing Board of the Pan American Union that it organize, in the American capital deemed most suitable for the purpose, a committee composed of representatives of five countries, which shall have the duty of keeping constant vigilance to insure that states between which any dispute exists or may arise, of any nature whatsoever, may solve it as quickly as possible, and of suggesting, without detriment to the methods adopted by the parties or to the procedures which they may agree upon, the measures and steps which may be conducive to a settlement.

The committee shall submit a report to each meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs and to each international conference of American states regarding the status of such conflicts and the steps which may have been taken to bring about a solution.

(b) Declaration on Reciprocal Assistance and Cooperation for the Defense of the Nations of the Americas (3)

The Second Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics


That any attempt on the part of a non-American state against the integrity or inviolability of the territory, the sovereignty or the political independence of an American state shall be considered as an act of aggression against the states which sign this declaration.

In case acts of aggression are committed or should there be reason to believe that an act of aggression is being prepared by a non-American nation against the integrity or inviolability of the territory, the sovereignty or the political independence of an American nation, the nations signatory to the present declaration will consult among themselves in order to agree upon the measure it may be advisable to take.

All the signatory nations, or two or more of them, according to circumstances, shall proceed to negotiate the necessary complementary agreements so as to organize cooperation for defense and the assistance that they shall lend each other in the event of aggressions such as those referred to in this declaration.

1 The following table gives a brief listing of the major Inter-American Conferences:

I. Periodic International Conferences of American States

First -- Washington, October 2,1880 - April 19, 1890.
Second -- Mexico City, October 22, 1901 - January 22, 1902.
Third -- Rio de Janeiro, July 21, 1906 - August 26, 1906.
Fourth -- Buenos Aires, July 12, 1910 - August 30, 1910.
Fifth -- Santiago, Chile, March 25, 1923 - May 3, 1923.
Sixth -- Habana, January 16 - February 20, 1928.
Seventh -- Montevideo, December 3 - 26, 1933.
Eighth -- Lima, December 9 - 27, 1938.
Ninth -- Bogota, March 30 - May 2, 1948.

II. Special Conferences on Peace and Security

Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace, Buenos Aires, December 1-23, 1936.
Inter-American Conference on Problems of War and Peace, Mexico City, February 21-March 8, 1945.
Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Continental Peace and Security, Rio de Janeiro, August 15-September 2, 1947.

III. Meetings of Foreign Ministers

First Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the American Republics, Panama, September 23-Octobor 3, 1939.
Second Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the American Republics, Habana, July 21-30, 1940.
Third Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the American Republics, Rio de Janeiro, January 15-28,1942. Back

2 Report of the Secretary of State on the Second Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics, Habana, July 21-30, 1940, Department of State publication 1575, Conference Series 48, P. 71. Back

3 Report of the Secretary of State on the Second Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics. Habana, July 21-30,1940, Department of State publication 1575, Conference Series 48, pp. 71-72. Back