Nazi conspiracy and aggression. (original) (raw)
Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression Volume IV
Document No. 2271-PS
Editions of 1936, 1938, 1940, & 1943
Editor the Reich Organization Leader of the NSDAP (Dr. Robert Ley).
Published by the Central Publishing House of the NSDAP, Franz Eher Successor, Munich. [Pages 185-187].
The NSBO, The National Socialistic Factory Cells Organization. [Die Nationalsozialistische Betriebszellen-Organisation]
The NSBO is a union of the political leaders of the NSDAP in the DAF [German Labor Front].
The NSBO is the carrier of the organization [Organisationstraeger] of the DAF.
The duties and responsibilities of the NSBO have passed over to the DAF.
The political leaders who have been transferred from the NSBO to the DAF guarantee the ideological education of the DAF in the spirit of the National Socialistic idea.
The German Labor Front
Including the NS Community Strength through Joy [Kraft Durch Freude]
Decree of the Fuehrer of the Nature and Goal of the German Labor Front, dated 24 October 1934
Nature and Goal
Article 1
The German Labor Front is the organization of creative Germans of brain and fist.
In the main, the members of the former unions, the former employee unions and the former employer unions are united in it as members with equal rights.
Membership in the German Labor Front cannot be substituted by memberships in professional, social political, industrial or ideological organizations.
The Chancellor of the Reich can decree that class-organizations which have been recognized by the law should belong corporatively to the German Labor Front.
Article 2
The aim of the German Labor Front is to create a true social and productive community of all Germans [Volks- und Leistungsgemeinschaft].
Its task is to see that every single individual should be able to take his place in the industrial life of the nation in that intellectual or physical capacity which enables him to perform maximum work and thus guarantees a maximum of benefit for the community of the nation.
Article 3
The German Labor Front is a branch of the NSDAP according to the Law for Securing the Unity of Party and State, issued on 1 December 1933. (According to the law, issued 29 March 1935, the DAF will be designated as an affiliated organization [Verband] of the NSDAP. The editor.)
Leadership and Organization
Article 4
The NSDAP has the leadership of the German Labor Front.
The Staff leader of the Political Organization [PO] is the leader of the German Labor Front. He is assigned by the Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor.
He assigns and dismisses the other leaders of the German Labor Front.
These posts should be given in the first place to members of the existing branches of the NSBO and of the NS-Hago [NS Handelsund Gewerkbetreibenden Organization, or the National Socialist Organization of Tradesmen and Commercial Men] who are in the NSDAP, and further to members of the SA and SS.
Article 5
The regional organization of the German Labor Front corresponds to that of the NSDAP.
The aim toward an organic order as laid down in the program of the NSDAP determines the professional organization of the German Labor Front.
The staff leader of the Political Organization determines the regional and professional organization of the German Labor Front; they will be published in the service book of the German Labor Front. [In the 1943 edition the following is added: "Organization Book of the NSDAP"].
Article 6
The accounts [Kassenfuehrung] of the German Labor Front are under the control of the treasurer of the NSDAP on the basis of the first executive decree to the law securing the unity of Party and State, issued 23 March 1934.
Article 7
The German Labor Front has to secure the peace of labor by creating understanding among the enterprise leaders for the justified claims of their following [Gefolgschaft] understanding among the following for the situation and possibilities of their enterprise.
The German Labor Front has the task of finding the common basis between the justified interests of all participants which is in accordance with the national socialistic basic principles and which reduces the number of the cases which are to be referred to the State agencies alone in charge on the basis of the law of 20 January 1934.
It is the exclusive task of the German Labor Front to represent all the parties which are required for the conciliation. It is prohibited to create other organizations in this domain or to permit their activities in this field.
Article 8
The German Labor Front is the carrier of the National Socialist Organization "Strength Through Joy."
The German Labor Front has to provide for professional training.
Furthermore, it has to fulfill the tasks which have been assigned to it by the law of 20 January 1934.
Article 9
The property of the former organizations as mentioned in Article 1 of this decree, including their help and compensation organizations, property managements and industrial enterprises, constitutes the property of the German Labor Front. This property is the original capital for the self-help organization of the German Labor Front.
The German Labor Front, through its self-help organization, should guarantee the existence of each of its members in emergency cases in order to facilitate the progress of the most qualified Germans [Volksgenossen] or to help them to secure an independent life, if possible, on their own ground and soil.
Article 10
This order becomes valid on the day of its publication.
Berlin, 24 October 1934.
Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor
Adolf Hitler
My decree, issued 24 October 1934 about the German Labor Front will be changed so that Article 4 will read as follows:
Leadership and Organization
Article 4
The NSDAP has the leadership of the German Labor Front. The Reich Organization Leader of the NSDAP is the leader of the German Labor Front. He is designated by the Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor.
He designates and dismisses the other leaders of the German Labor Front.
These posts should be given in the first place to members of the branches NSBO and NS Hago who are in the NSDAP and further to members of the SA and SS.
Furthermore: In Article 5, Par. 3, the word "Staff Leader of the PO" will be substituted by "Reich Organization Leader" of the NSDAP.
Berlin, November 12, 1934.
Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor
Adolf Hitler
Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression Volume IV
Office of the United States Chief Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality
Washington, DC : United States Government Printing Office, 1946