bayecosocialists (original) (raw)

The next meeting of the Bay Ecosocialist Project will be on July 9, 7-9pm at the Niebyl Proctor Library, 6501 Telegraph.

Please join us to organize for the upcoming August 3 mobilization in Richmond, CA at the Chevron refinery and continue discussion of organizing a fall/winter conference.

June 20 – CNA/NNU Rally Against Austerity & Keystone XL

Nurses, environmentalists and other community members will be marching across the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco on June 20 to send a message to Wall Street and leaders in Washington, DC a message: Stop the Keystone XL pipeline! Stop austerity!

Rally organizers say that Keystone represents the false choices of the austerity era. Jobs VS the planet. Economic recovery VS healthy communities. Our money or our lives.

The protesters are demanding to tax Wall Street to help save our environment.

Rally: Noon
Location: Battery East off Lincoln Boulevard near the Golden Gate Bridge Pavilion
For more information visit the website of NNU:

After the rally, a march will cross the Golden Gate Bridge.
Hashtags: #nurses and #NoKXL

Sponsoring organizations:
National Nurses United
Credo Mobile
Sierra Club
Asian Pacific Environmental Network
Friends of the Earth
Food and Water Watch
Sierra Club SF Bay Chapter
Equal Health Network
Keystone XL Action Council
Center for Biological Diversity
UNITE HERE! Local 2850
Movement Generation
Bay Localize
Citizens Climate Lobby
Sustainable San Rafael
Rainforest Action Network
California League of Conservation Voters
Global Exchange

Building on the success of the Ecosocialist conference in NY this past April, the Bay Ecosocialist Project organized its first meeting last night. There was a spirited open discussion among panelists and 80 meeting participants about how to stop the climate crisis created by the 1%. A follow up meeting was announced to continue building an ecosocialist current in the broad environmental/anti-climate change movement:

JUNE 20, 6:30PM

Niebryl Proctor Library Bay
6501 Telegraph
Oakland, CA

Contact us at

Profit driven economic growth and its reliance on fossil fuels places it at odds with people and planet. The ecosocialist project wants to build a new, socially just, sustainable society based on grassroots democracy and within ecological limits by building a mass movement against climate change and environmental disasters. We want to create a society which focuses on meeting human need and ecological restoration, not profits for the ruling class.What is Ecosocialism? Why do we need it? How do we get there? A panel discussion will discuss these questions and solicit responses from the audience. Please join us!

The Panel:
Mark Ostapiak, SEIU Local 1021.
Ragina Johnson with the International Socialist Organization.
Andrew Greco, from the Bay Area Ecosocialist Project
Michael Rubin from Solidarity.

Moderated/facilitated by Amy Solar-Doherty, from the Bay Area Ecosocialist Project.



We will be joining the international day of action–March Against Monsanto. Join the protest, get involved, and meet activists of the Bay Ecosocialist Project on March, 25, 2013 at 11am, Union Square in San Francisco and in Oakland, Clinton Square, corner of 6th Ave. and International Blvd.

For more information go to

ALSO, SAVE THE DATE: SYSTEM CHANGE NOT CLIMATE CHANGE Panel discussion with leaders and activists of the movement to fight climate change with mass action and anti-capitalist solutions.

System Change Not Climate Change
