Scholarly Articles (original) (raw)

Below are links to a selection of my papers on politics and well-being. For a complete list of such papers, as well as details on my work on electoral politics, public policy, political participation, labor unions, and democratic theory, see my vita.

“Assessing the Impact of the Size and Scope of Government on Human Well-Being”
Social Forces, 2014

“Organized Labor, Democracy, and Life Satisfaction: A Cross-National Analysis”
Labor Studies Journal, 2012

“State Intervention and Subjective Well-Being in Advanced Industrial Democracies”
Politics & Policy, 2011

“The Politics of Happiness: On the Political Determinants of Quality of Life in the American States”
The Journal of Politics, 2010

“Labor Unions and Life Satisfaction: Evidence from New Data”
Social Indicators Research, 2010

“Public Policies and Suicide Rates in the American States”
Social Indicators Research, 2009

“Assessing the Welfare State: The Politics of Happiness”
Perspectives on Politics, 2008

“Welfare Policy and Subjective Well-Being Across Nations: An Individual-Level Assessment” Social Indicators Research, 2008

“Class Organization and Subjective Well-Being: A Cross-National Analysis”
Social Forces, 2005