Download stats for experiment package ChAMPdata (original) (raw)

Data as of Wed. 22 Jan 2025

ChAMPdata home page:release version,devel version.

Number of package downloads from the Bioconductor software package repository, year by year, from 2025 back to 2013 (years with no downloads are omitted):


Your browser may be too old as it does not support the html canvas element. Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads Jan/2025 427 866 Feb/2025 0 0 Mar/2025 0 0 Apr/2025 0 0 May/2025 0 0 Jun/2025 0 0 Jul/2025 0 0 Aug/2025 0 0 Sep/2025 0 0 Oct/2025 0 0 Nov/2025 0 0 Dec/2025 0 0 all/2025 427 866


Your browser may be too old as it does not support the html canvas element. Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads Jan/2024 569 1062 Feb/2024 554 1102 Mar/2024 570 1247 Apr/2024 655 1494 May/2024 684 1520 Jun/2024 791 1953 Jul/2024 847 1538 Aug/2024 910 1723 Sep/2024 918 1693 Oct/2024 1013 1870 Nov/2024 841 1737 Dec/2024 587 1256 all/2024 7384 18195


Your browser may be too old as it does not support the html canvas element. Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads Jan/2023 441 710 Feb/2023 493 827 Mar/2023 691 1226 Apr/2023 656 1121 May/2023 724 1438 Jun/2023 575 1049 Jul/2023 565 1065 Aug/2023 557 1057 Sep/2023 503 954 Oct/2023 576 1290 Nov/2023 687 1235 Dec/2023 913 1388 all/2023 6170 13360


Your browser may be too old as it does not support the html canvas element. Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads Jan/2022 476 746 Feb/2022 444 660 Mar/2022 618 1092 Apr/2022 627 1077 May/2022 674 7369 Jun/2022 539 8856 Jul/2022 531 6014 Aug/2022 476 871 Sep/2022 586 1061 Oct/2022 546 975 Nov/2022 751 1408 Dec/2022 441 867 all/2022 5641 30996


Your browser may be too old as it does not support the html canvas element. Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads Jan/2021 463 1097 Feb/2021 420 1036 Mar/2021 519 1032 Apr/2021 545 1083 May/2021 554 1058 Jun/2021 559 895 Jul/2021 547 888 Aug/2021 524 829 Sep/2021 501 812 Oct/2021 543 857 Nov/2021 690 1117 Dec/2021 484 789 all/2021 5324 11493


Your browser may be too old as it does not support the html canvas element. Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads Jan/2020 395 830 Feb/2020 418 746 Mar/2020 450 780 Apr/2020 465 933 May/2020 550 1025 Jun/2020 497 878 Jul/2020 506 1033 Aug/2020 466 874 Sep/2020 426 799 Oct/2020 482 946 Nov/2020 530 1088 Dec/2020 465 1085 all/2020 4677 11017


Your browser may be too old as it does not support the html canvas element. Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads Jan/2019 390 643 Feb/2019 497 855 Mar/2019 493 846 Apr/2019 567 1065 May/2019 540 1137 Jun/2019 427 732 Jul/2019 443 913 Aug/2019 351 617 Sep/2019 372 1160 Oct/2019 398 961 Nov/2019 450 889 Dec/2019 369 712 all/2019 4032 10530


Your browser may be too old as it does not support the html canvas element. Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads Jan/2018 310 554 Feb/2018 248 445 Mar/2018 341 674 Apr/2018 390 740 May/2018 409 804 Jun/2018 338 672 Jul/2018 368 703 Aug/2018 356 770 Sep/2018 268 515 Oct/2018 356 644 Nov/2018 507 911 Dec/2018 318 572 all/2018 3241 8004


Your browser may be too old as it does not support the html canvas element. Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads Jan/2017 276 492 Feb/2017 280 461 Mar/2017 308 522 Apr/2017 265 485 May/2017 306 572 Jun/2017 341 589 Jul/2017 323 530 Aug/2017 249 441 Sep/2017 283 477 Oct/2017 290 582 Nov/2017 350 689 Dec/2017 243 431 all/2017 2588 6271


Your browser may be too old as it does not support the html canvas element. Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads Jan/2016 182 233 Feb/2016 187 269 Mar/2016 228 355 Apr/2016 239 358 May/2016 245 358 Jun/2016 250 342 Jul/2016 200 291 Aug/2016 170 227 Sep/2016 170 231 Oct/2016 245 399 Nov/2016 281 500 Dec/2016 207 304 all/2016 1989 3867


Your browser may be too old as it does not support the html canvas element. Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads Jan/2015 289 476 Feb/2015 206 337 Mar/2015 343 476 Apr/2015 250 432 May/2015 201 257 Jun/2015 202 290 Jul/2015 177 247 Aug/2015 167 224 Sep/2015 137 207 Oct/2015 195 285 Nov/2015 227 436 Dec/2015 180 267 all/2015 1989 3934


Your browser may be too old as it does not support the html canvas element. Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads Jan/2014 166 248 Feb/2014 172 211 Mar/2014 247 351 Apr/2014 275 377 May/2014 387 626 Jun/2014 305 396 Jul/2014 282 343 Aug/2014 287 401 Sep/2014 347 431 Oct/2014 305 405 Nov/2014 331 423 Dec/2014 306 391 all/2014 2720 4603


Your browser may be too old as it does not support the html canvas element. Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads Jan/2013 0 0 Feb/2013 0 0 Mar/2013 0 0 Apr/2013 0 0 May/2013 0 0 Jun/2013 0 0 Jul/2013 0 0 Aug/2013 0 0 Sep/2013 0 0 Oct/2013 112 211 Nov/2013 173 219 Dec/2013 145 247 all/2013 391 677

All years in one file: <>