OCA browser-database for protein structure/function (original) (raw)

Simple searches Help


Enter either a PDB accession code (2ACE), a Gene Ontology id (GO:0042135), an Interpro id (IPR000997), a PubMed id (8989325), a CATH id (10mhA1), a PFam id (PF00959), a Protein Ontology id (PRO:000000090)


Molecule name, class or family, or related term[HEADER, TITLE, KEYWDS andCOMPND fields]


Family name of depositor or author of associated publication [AUTHOR and JRNL fields]

Text query

Any word in the complete PDB text


Gene designation (as in TP53,PDC)


Function description related (as in accelerate, lesion)


Disease description related (as in obesity, Loeys-Dietz, sclerosis, diarrhea)

Method of Structure Determination

FASTA search Help

[Show alignment ] [cutoff value: ] (values < 0.01 are almost always homologous)

Additional searches


Enter 2.17-2.20 for an inclusive range search, or 3.0 for a unique value (in Å) [REMARK 2 field]

Space group

Enter P 21 or P 1 21 1 (both extended and standard Hermann-Mauguin symbols are recognized)[CRYST1 field]


Taxonomy id (9606 for Homo sapiens, 562 for Escherichia coli) or source's systematic name (as in musculus, homo) Combine with kingdom to improve the search results.

Expression Host

Taxonomy id (9606 for Homo sapiens, 562 for Escherichia coli)

Date (lower)

Date entry was released in DAY-MONTH-YEAR format, using either '/' or '-' as separators. The month can be entered as a 3 letter name (as in 9/Sep/1986 ) or as a number (as in 30-11-02)

Date (upper)

Associated group

Prosthetic group, metal ion, ligand or substrate, or its three letter PDB abbreviation (as in isocitric, ICT).[HET and HETNAM fields]

Chain size

Enter 10-20 for an inclusive range search, or 58 for a unique value. Other options are >900 (larger than 900), <30 (smaller that 30).

Number of Models

Enter 10-20 for an inclusive range search, or 58 for a unique value. Other options are >34 (larger than 34), <30 (smaller that 30).

Record Name

( not)

PDB Record Name present in current structure files. There are 119 Record names in use today.


PISCES 30% identity PDB subset
PISCES 60% identity PDB subset
PISCES 90% identity PDB subset
Structures with HOH (water) coordinates
Representative Macromolecules
NMR structures with restraint data
Structures with Electron Density Map