The Java Fluent API Designer Crash Course (original) (raw)

Ever since Martin Fowler’s talks about fluent interfaces, people have started chaining methods all over the place, creating fluent API’s (or DSLs) for every possible use case. In principle, almost every type of DSL can be mapped to Java. Let’s have a look at how this can be done

DSL rules

DSLs (Domain Specific Languages) are usually built up from rules that roughly look like these

  5. WORD3 [ , WORD3 ... ]

Alternatively, you could also declare your grammar like this (as supported by this nice Railroad Diagrams site):


Put in words, you have a start condition or state, from which you can choose some of your languages’ words before reaching an end condition or state. It’s like a state-machine, and can thus be drawn in a picture like this:

Java implementation of those rules

With Java interfaces, it is quite simple to model the above DSL. In essence, you have to follow these transformation rules:

Note, it is possible to model the above DSL with classes instead of interfaces, as well. But as soon as you want to reuse similar keywords, multiple inheritance of methods may come in very handy and you might just be better off with interfaces.

With these rules set up, you can repeat them at will to create DSLs of arbitrary complexity, like jOOQ. Of course, you’ll have to somehow implement all the interfaces, but that’s another story.

Here’s how the above rules are translated to Java:

// Initial interface, entry point of the DSL // Depending on your DSL's nature, this can also be a class with static // methods which can be static imported making your DSL even more fluent interface Start { End singleWord(); End parameterisedWord(String parameter); Intermediate1 word1(); Intermediate2 word2(); Intermediate3 word3(); }

// Terminating interface, might also contain methods like execute(); interface End { void end(); }

// Intermediate DSL "step" extending the interface that is returned // by optionalWord(), to make that method "optional" interface Intermediate1 extends End { End optionalWord(); }

// Intermediate DSL "step" providing several choices (similar to Start) interface Intermediate2 { End wordChoiceA(); End wordChoiceB(); }

// Intermediate interface returning itself on word3(), in order to allow // for repetitions. Repetitions can be ended any time because this // interface extends End interface Intermediate3 extends End { Intermediate3 word3(); }

With the above grammar defined, we can now use this DSL directly in Java. Here are all the possible constructs:

Start start = // ...

start.singleWord().end(); start.parameterisedWord("abc").end();

start.word1().end(); start.word1().optionalWord().end();

start.word2().wordChoiceA().end(); start.word2().wordChoiceB().end();

start.word3().end(); start.word3().word3().end(); start.word3().word3().word3().end();

And the best thing is, your DSL compiles directly in Java! You get a free parser. You can also re-use this DSL in Scala (or Groovy) using the same notation, or a slightly different one in Scala, omitting dots “.” and parentheses “()”:

val start = // ...

(start singleWord) end; (start parameterisedWord "abc") end;

(start word1) end; ((start word1) optionalWord) end;

((start word2) wordChoiceA) end; ((start word2) wordChoiceB) end;

(start word3) end; ((start word3) word3) end; (((start word3) word3) word3) end;

Real world examples

Some real world examples can be seen all across the jOOQ documentation and code base. Here’s an extract from a previous post of a rather complex SQL query created with jOOQ:

create().select( r1.ROUTINE_NAME, r1.SPECIFIC_NAME, decode() .when(exists(create() .selectOne() .from(PARAMETERS) .where(PARAMETERS.SPECIFIC_SCHEMA.equal(r1.SPECIFIC_SCHEMA)) .and(PARAMETERS.SPECIFIC_NAME.equal(r1.SPECIFIC_NAME)) .and(upper(PARAMETERS.PARAMETER_MODE).notEqual("IN"))), val("void")) .otherwise(r1.DATA_TYPE).as("data_type"), r1.NUMERIC_PRECISION, r1.NUMERIC_SCALE, r1.TYPE_UDT_NAME, decode().when( exists( create().selectOne() .from(r2) .where(r2.ROUTINE_SCHEMA.equal(getSchemaName())) .and(r2.ROUTINE_NAME.equal(r1.ROUTINE_NAME)) .and(r2.SPECIFIC_NAME.notEqual(r1.SPECIFIC_NAME))), create().select(count()) .from(r2) .where(r2.ROUTINE_SCHEMA.equal(getSchemaName())) .and(r2.ROUTINE_NAME.equal(r1.ROUTINE_NAME)) .and(r2.SPECIFIC_NAME.lessOrEqual(r1.SPECIFIC_NAME)).asField()) .as("overload")) .from(r1) .where(r1.ROUTINE_SCHEMA.equal(getSchemaName())) .orderBy(r1.ROUTINE_NAME.asc()) .fetch()

Here’s another example from a library that looks quite appealing to me. It’s called jRTF and it’s used to create RTF documents in Java in a fluent style:

rtf() .header( color( 0xff, 0, 0 ).at( 0 ), color( 0, 0xff, 0 ).at( 1 ), color( 0, 0, 0xff ).at( 2 ), font( "Calibri" ).at( 0 ) ) .section( p( font( 1, "Second paragraph" ) ), p( color( 1, "green" ) ) ) ).out( out );


Fluent APIs have been a hype for the last 7 years. Martin Fowler has become a heavily-cited man and gets most of the credits, even if fluent APIs were there before. One of Java’s oldest “fluent APIs” can be seen in java.lang.StringBuffer, which allows for appending arbitrary objects to a String. But the biggest benefit of a fluent API is its ability to easily map “external DSLs” into Java and implement them as “internal DSLs” of arbitrary complexity.