Give Us the Data Raw, and Give it to Us Now (original) (raw)

November 7, 2007, by

One thing I find remarkable about many data projects is how much effort goes into developing a shiny front-end for the material. Now I’m not knocking shiny front-ends, they’re important for providing a way for many users to get at the material (and very useful for demonstrating to funders where all the money went). But shiny front ends (SFEs from now on) do have various drawbacks:

When such points are made people often reply: “But you don’t want the data raw, in all its complexity. We need to clean it up and present it for you.” To which we should reply:

“No, we want the data raw, and we want the data now”

Rufus Pollock

Rufus Pollock is Founder and President of Open Knowledge.