Hunting ghosts and history at the New York State Capitol (original) (raw)

Samuel Abbott is the most dedicated watchman the New York State Capitol has ever seen – still doing his job nearly a century after his death.

Abbott was the only casualty of the Capitol’s tragic 1911 fire that also claimed 270,000 original early American documents when it consumed the Assembly Library and part of the New York State Library. But several state employees maintain Abbott’s ghost still makes the rounds in his watchman’s uniform on the fourth and fifth floors of the building’s western side, jingling keys, testing doorknobs and turning out lights.

The case of the loyal watchman is just one of several hair-raising stories visitors hear on the popular Capitol Hauntings Tour during the pre-Halloween weeks. The building, reminiscent of a gothic cathedral or castle, took 32 years to build. Although hundreds of artisans contributed to this $25 million architectural project uneventfully, a few unfortunate workers’ lives were changed forever – some even ended in the building.

Tour Guide Stuart Lehman, NYS Capitol education coordinator, describes the spooky circumstances surrounding the spirits that are said to remain in the building to this day. Lehman created the tour seven years ago because he thought it would be “a good way to get people interested in history and get people into the building who might not sign up for a tour.”

The tour is at times creepy, awe-inspiring and intellectual. Stuart dresses in a 19th century businessman’s suit, complete with spectacles, a pocket watch and a bowler hat, to lead guests on a walking tour of the Capitol building that will invite them to consider the existence of ghosts, admire the unique work of hundreds of craftsmen, and develop a better appreciation for the New York State Capitol’s rich history.

Renowned artist William Morris Hunt painted his life’s work, “The Flight of Night” and “The Discoverer,” onto the walls of the State Assembly, but you won’t find his once-celebrated paintings there now. When the Assembly’s celebrated vaulted ceiling proved dangerous just years after the art was finished, the ceiling was lowered four feet below the murals, which were painted directly onto the sandstone and could not be salvaged. Some believe that although you can no longer see his paintings, you may find Hunt’s ghost. While the paintings remained visible during the artist’s lifetime, Hunt was devastated when plans for additional murals were scrapped for a lack of funding. Some speculate Hunt committed suicide after his body was found in a pond in New Hampshire in 1879.

Reports of strange lights, inexplicable noises and sudden drops in temperature (called “cold spots” by paranormal enthusiasts) in the Assembly have been reported. One Halloween, an Albany group of paranormal investigators recorded an Electronic Voice Phenomenon in which someone seems to say, “William Morris is behind the door.” Perhaps the anguished artist was searching for a glimpse of his work that night.

Hunt’s is not the only ghost in the Assembly. In 1878, one worker fell from scaffolding while plastering the ceiling on a Saturday night. Although he was alive when he was found Monday morning, doctors could not save his life; he died a few nights later. His grave is marked by a unique tombstone carved to look like a tree stump, marking a life cut short – and possibly carved from sandstone borrowed from the Capitol construction site. Lehman explains on the tour that ghost experts believe people who die suddenly or tragically are more likely to haunt the living in the afterlife. Could it be that this injured worker’s spirit is responsible for some of the paranormal disturbances reported in the State Assembly?

Supernatural occurrences in the Capitol aren’t limited to ghosts. In the tragic 1911 fire, although huge portions of the collection of Native American objects were lost, sacred artifacts were entirely untouched, right down to the hair on the medicine masks. Given the ravenous nature of the fire, it is inexplicable how the sacred objects were spared. Is this coincidence or proof of paranormal presence?

Legends about the Capitol suggest a curse placed by a stone carver who hid a tiny demon underneath a sandstone leaf near the historical Million-Dollar Staircase. Some believe a disgruntled worker carved the face to forever curse the building and its occupants, but Lehman says, “We think it was just his sense of fun, something he would know about and nobody else would see.” No one knows exactly when the carving was re-discovered, but it is certainly a highlight on the tour, as guests attempt to spot the tiny face.

The Capitol building seems to be an inviting place for spirits and specters, including Abbott, Hunt, and more. Other ghosts include a man who committed suicide inside the Capitol after his business failed and even President Lincoln, who is said to have visited the Albany area after his funeral. Lehman’s tour grows every year since he founded it, and 150,000 people now participate. If you make a reservation, prepare to be spooked – and to visit again next year!

The Capitol Hauntings Tours are free and open to the public. For more information about tour availability call 473-7582.

Rebecca Isenhart is a Columbia High School student and part of the BOCES New Visions: Journalism and Media Studies program.