Jeff Bercovici - Mixed Media (original) (raw)

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Nov 5, 2014

Used Cars, Minus The Headaches

Carlypso is a startup that connects buyers and sellers of pre-owned vehicles without the hassle and uncertainty of Craigslist.

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Nov 5, 2014

Facebook's Maxine Williams On Why Sensitivity And Diversity Don't Mix

Last year, when Maxine Williams started her new job as Facebook's global head of diversity, her first priority wasn't to eradicate hiring bias or make compensation more fair. It was to have people not turn around and walk the other way when they saw her coming down the hallway. "Diversity had this reputation -- [...]

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Oct 30, 2014

Vice Is Getting A 24-Hour TV Channel (In Canada)

Vice Media cofounder Shane Smith likes to say his company intends to be "the next CNN and the next ESPN and the next MTV." It's taking a step in that direction -- and in a northernly direction -- by striking a deal with Rogers Communications for a $100 million Canadian joint venture. Under the deal, Vice and [...]

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Oct 28, 2014

Facebook Spooks Investors With Warning Of Sharp Rise In Costs

It turns out it costs money to build billion-user businesses. Who knew? After paying almost $20 billion this year to acquire WhatsApp and Oculus, Facebook's shareholders may have thought it was time to sit back and enjoy the fruits of their spending spree. But on the company's third-quarter earnings call, Mark [...]

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Oct 28, 2014

Twitter Might Be In Worse Shape Than You Think

For Twitter, old news is bad news. On Monday, the company once again had to tell investors that its strenuous efforts to attract new users met with only middling results in the third quarter. The market reacted much as it did upon receiving similar news in February and May, lopping [...]