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1 mu {d}ir3-ra-i-mi-ti lugal Year Irra-imitti (became) king
a mu ni3-si-sa2 in-gar Year (Irra-imitti) established justice (in the land)
b mu nibru{ki} ki-be2 bi2-in-gi4-a Year in which (Irra-imitti) restored Nippur to its right place
c mu us2-sa nibru{ki} ki-be2 bi2-in-gi4-a Year after the year in which (Irra-imitti) restored Nippur to its right place
da mu ki-sur-ra{ki} in-dab5-ba Year in which (Irra-imitti) seized Kisurra
db mu ki-sur-ra{ki} ba-hul Year Kisurra was destroyed
e* mu us2-sa ki-sur-ra{ki} {d}ir3-ra-i-mi-ti ba-an-dab5 Year after the year Irra-imitti seized Kisurra (month kin-{d}inanna) (BM 85348)
e mu bad3 ka-zal-lu{ki} ba-gul Year the city wall of Kazallu was destroyed
f? mu bad3 gan2-x{ki}-ir3-ra-i-mi-ti mu-na-dim2 Year (Irra-imitti) built the city wall of 'gan-x-Irra-imitti'