JoM-Emit, 1999, Volume 3 (original) (raw)

JOM-EMIT LogoJournal of Memetics -
Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission

Issue 1 - June


Survival of the institutionally fittest concepts by Martin de Jong(72Kb) 1-19


A Note on the Origin of `Memes'/`Mnemes' by John Laurent (6Kb)20-21 Commentary and Discussion _Memetics and the Edge of Chaos_- If Price and Ray Shaw (19Kb) 22-26 Commentary on Derek Gatherer's paper: Why the `Thought Contagion' Metaphor is Retarding the Progress of Memetics, in volume 2, issue 2.

Commentary on Nick Rose's Paper: Controversies in Meme Theory, in volume 2, issue 1.

Issue 2


_Applying Memetics to Financial Markets: Do Markets Evolve towards Efficiency?_by Joshua Frank (85Kb) 87-99

Do Animals Have Memes? by Simon Reader and Kevin Laland(31Kb) 100-108

Different Types of Memes: Recipemes, Selectemes and Explanemes by John Langrish(50Kb) 109-122


A Report On The Conference "Do Memes Account For Culture?" Held At King's College, Cambridge by Rober Aunger (30Kb) 123-131

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Bruce Edmonds,Centre for Policy Modelling, Jan-1999.