The Common Lisp Cookbook (original) (raw)

This is a collaborative project that aims to provide for Common Lisp something similar to the Perl Cookbook published by O'Reilly. More details about what it is and what it isn't can be found in thisthread from comp.lang.lisp.

The credit for finally giving birth to the project probably goes to "dj_special_ed" who postedthis message to comp.lang.lisp.

If you want to contribute to the CL Cookbook, you can

Yes, we're talking to you! We need contributors- write a chapter that's missing and add it, find an open question and provide an answer, find bugs andreport them, or justsend questions and wait for somebody else to answer them. (If you have no idea what might be missing but would like to help, take a look at thetable of contentsof the Perl Cookbook.) Don't worry about the formatting, just send plain text if you like - we'll take care about that later.

Thanks in advance for your help!

The pages here on Sourceforge's web server should be fairly up-to-date - they're automatically checked out of theCVS repository once per day. You can also download anightly CVS tarball for offline browsing. More info, including mailing list(s), can be found at theSourceforge project page. There's also a available.



Other online sources of CL information

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Copyright © 2002-2007 The Common Lisp Cookbook Project

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