Grand Comics Database (original) (raw)

The Grand Comics Database (GCD) is a nonprofit, internet-based organization of international volunteers dedicated to building an open database covering all printed comics throughout the world. Give our search a try, take a look at the menu to the left to see how you can help us improve the site, or use to track and manage your comic collection.

Cover Image

Uploading Milestone!

We reached 1,250,000 cover scans !

We reached 1,250,000 comic covers. The milestone issue was the Newsstand edition of Marvel Comics Presents #48 .

Cover Image

Indexing Milestone!

We reached 456,789 indexed issues !

The milestone issue was Earp: Saints for Sinners #0 from publisher Radical Comics.

No More Ads!

Due to a United States IRS ruling regarding advertising revenue as taxable business income, we will no longer be displaying paid advertising on the website.

This is good news for all our users, but we are now fully dependent on donations to cover our costs in the future.

If you wish to donate you can simply click , where for US donors this is tax deductable. Thank you for your use and support.

Updates To The Site! (Mid 2024)

We added a filter option to only see issues in one of your collections for the issue lists for creators, characters and features on That is in addition to the filter by country, language or publisher. From a creator, character or feature page you have a link to the corresponding page on, where on the issue lists the additional filter option appears. For example, here you can filter for issues with Batman as a feature in one of your collections.

For all of these lists of course even more of our data needs to be migrated from text entries to linked records, or even entered at all. So, if you ever wondered about helping with the content of the database ?

Volunteers Wanted For Adding New Comics

Each week, a small number of GCD volunteers add listings to our database for the new comics released that week in North America. These are just the basic listings, not full indexes. This makes it easier for other volunteers who upload covers and for indexers, as well as for people using

Each volunteer covers one publisher or a small group of publishers ("D publishers except DC", for example). From public sources such as ComicsList and Diamond Previews online, they add the issues and make note of the prices and a few other details. We are looking for additional volunteers for this weekly task.

Follow this link for a description of the process and a list of which publishers are currently covered.

GCD Comics Timeline

Peter Christen Asbjørnsen (b. 1812)

1812 January 15 - 1885 January 5
Sammen med Jørgen Moe den ene parten i forfatterparet Asbjørnsen og Moe, som er mest kjent for sin innsamling og nedtegning av norske folkeeventyr.

Captain Beefheart (b. 1941)

1941 January 15 - 2010 December 17
Influential musician who made his mark with masterpieces like "Trout Mask Replica," "Bat Chain Puller" and “Doc at the Radar Station.”

Joe Musial (b. 1905)

1905 January 15 - 1977 June 6
Additional bibliography:
World Encyclopedia of Comics (Chelsea House Publishers, 1976 series) 1976, 1999 (hardcover);
Cartoonist PROfiles (Jud Hurd, 1969 series) #50 (June 1981)

Dick Wingert (b. 1919)

1919 January 15 - 1993 November 24
Wingert's father was a printer who hoped his son would go into business with him. But a high school art teacher helped Wingert secure a three year scholarship to the John Herren Art Institute in Indianapolis. While a student from 1937 through 1940, Wingert assumed he would work in illustration. However, upon graduation he was inducted into the Army. He spent a year in Louisiana with the 34th Infantry Division beginning in February 1941 and was sent to Ireland in 1942 with duties as a medical illustrator. Wingert submitted samples to the newly re-established Stars and Stripes and had several of his cartoons printed. He requested a transfer to the Stars and Stripes division and was moved to London, where he spent the rest of the war. During this time, he created his main character "Hubert". After the war, Wingert returned to the United States, settling in Westport, Connecticut. William Randolph Hearst Jr., whom Wingert had met during the war, suggested he submit cartoons to the New York syndicates. After many rejections, King Features Syndicate picked up Hubert as a daily strip which debuted December 3, 1945. Wingert returned to Nashville, Indiana, home of Indiana's famed art colony, in 1989. He continued drawing Hubert, sometimes with assistants, until his death.

大前貴史 (b. ????)

????? January 15
Takafumi Oomae (大前貴史) is a manga artist. Known for the series Shikabane Ryouiki (屍領域), Shinigami SaiKoro Game (死神サイ殺ゲーム) and Shinjiteita Nakama Tachi Ni Dungeon Okuchi De Korosare Kaketa ga Gift 『Mugen Gacha』 De Level 9999 No Nakama Tachi Wo Te Ni Irete Moto Party Member To Sekai Ni Fukushu & 『Zamaa!』 Shimasu! (信じていた仲間達にダンジョン奥地で殺されかけたがギフト『無限ガチャ』でレベル9999の仲間達を手に入れて元パーティーメンバーと世界に復讐&『ざまぁ!』します!(マガジンポケットコミックス)).

小村あゆみ (b. ????)

????? January 15
Ayumi Komura (小村あゆみ) is a manga artist who made her debut in 2003. Known for works like Mixed Vegetables (ミックスベジタブル / Mikkusu Bejitaburu) and Usotsuki Lily (うそつきリリィ / Usotsuki Riri).

駕籠真太郎 (b. 1969)

1969 January 15
Shintarō Kago (駕籠真太郎) is an ero-guro manga artist or as he calls himself, a "kisou (bizarre) mangaka." He's known for his visually striking images that are by turns transgressive, violent, surreal, satirical, sexual or all of the above.

Published works include Dance! Kremlin Palace (踊る!クレムリン御殿), Dementia 21 (ディメンシャ 21), Super-Conductive Brains Parataxis (超伝脳パラタクシス), Fraction (フラクション), Anamorphosis no Meijū (アナモルフォシスの冥獣), Harem End (ハーレムエンド), The Big Funeral (大葬儀), Shine! Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere (輝け! 大東亜共栄圏), Super Dimensional Love Gun (恋の超時空砲), The Ultra Power Mongol Invasion (超動力蒙古大襲来), Bride in Front of the Station (駅前花嫁), Atrocious Comedy in Front of the Station (喜劇駅前虐殺), Eccentric People Magazine (奇人画報), Antlion vs BaraBara Girl / Doodlebug vs Girl in Pieces (アリ地獄vsバラバラ少女), The Secrets of World History (真説★世界史大全), Black Theatre: Granny's Dead Body is Stinky (ブラックシアターおばあちゃんが死体くさいよ), Kasutoru Shiki (かすとろ式), Ruggedness Nymphomania (凸凹ニンフォマニア), Brain Damage (ブレインダメージ), Hidari Gawa ni Ki wo Tsukero (左側に気をつけろ), Refurbishment - Everything's Peaceful (新装・万事快調), Six Consciousnesses Thought Changing Ataraxia (六識転想アタラクシア), Health Plan (健康の設計), Aiko, the 16 Year Old Girl (アイコ十六歳), Ana, Moji, Ketsueki Nado Ga Arawareru Manga / Manga of Hole, Character, Blood, Etc. Appearances (穴、文字、血液などが現れる漫画), Wandering Cartoon Eccentricities in Front of the Station (駅前浪漫奇行), Paranoia Street (パラノイアストリート), Murder Techniques Throughout the Ages (すべての時代を通じての殺人術), Hannya Haramita (ハンニャハラミタ), Sudden Delusion (飛び出す妄想) and Superhuman (人間以上).

奥橋睦 (b. ????)

????? January 14
Mutsumi Okubashi (奥橋睦) is a manga artist. Known for Saihate no Paladin (最果てのパラディン), Hai to Gensou no Grimgal (灰と幻想のグリムガル) and Seikai Suru Kado (正解するカド).

宮部サチ (b. ????)

????? January 14
Sachi Miyabe (宮部サチ) is a manga artist and illustrator. Known for Mame Kōde (まめコーデ), Tomodachi 100-ri Kireru ka na (友達100人切れるかな) and Manpuku Yuri (満腹百合).

長崎尚志 (b. 1956)

1956 January 14
Takashi Nagasaki (長崎尚志) is a manga author and editor.

How to Help

There are several ways in which you can help us to improve our site and its content.

The Grand Comics Database Project (GCD) is a volunteer project with the goal of documenting and indexing all comics for the free use of scholars, historians, researchers, and fans.

The GCD acknowledges that the all-encompassing research nature of the project may result in the posting of cover scans for comics with images that some may find objectionable.

Viewer discretion is advised.

The Grand Comics Database Team