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專業嘅Professional x64 Editionx64版係x64 Edition is dựa trên基於based on the cơ sởWindows WindowsServer 2003 Server 2003代碼庫。codebase. Dành cho適用於 x86處理器For x86 processors bộ xử lý x86支持緊 x64supporting the x64 hỗ trợ x64擴充程式。extensions. Phiên bản2003年嘅64位元The 2003 64-bit 2003 64-bit版本係基於Edition was based dựa trên Windows喺Windowson Windows Server 2003 Server 2003上面Server 2003 Dành cho bộ xử lý適用於64位元嘅英特爾For 64-bit Intel Intel Itanium 64-bit.伊丹處理器。Itanium Processors. Phiên bản 2002 dựa2002年嘅版本係基於2002 Version based on trên XP thông thường定期嘅Windows XPregular Windows XP. 家庭版,Home Edition, 專業版Professional 嘅代碼庫Codebase XP Home XP 專業版Professional XP 「Home」"Home" 版本Editions 「專業」"Pro" 版本Editions 64-位元64-bit 版本Editions XP x86 中心Center 媒體Media 嘅版本Edition Server Windows 2003 嘅版本Edition 64-位元64-bit 2003 嘅版本Edition 64-位元64-bit 2002 x64版本x64 Edition 專業版嘅Professional