cheap_knockoffs (original) (raw)

03 December 2010 @ 06:45 am

There is a woman on Facebook who currently has a number of icons posted in an album, that she is claiming are her own work. They're not. She also has at least one wallpaper image posted against the express wishes of the original artist who has asked that their work not be reposted anywhere else.

click here for the photo album in question

The Caption on the Album is 'ICON'S BY ANDREA ST JOHN'

Stolen Icons (at least the one's I can provide proof for)

Icon originally posted by faith_mars

Icon posted on Andrea St John's Facebook Page!/photo.php?fbid=121754984554571&set=a.112235702173166.13846.100001602103685

( More proof of theft here...Collapse )

30 December 2008 @ 09:30 pm

09 September 2008 @ 06:17 pm

SERIOUSLY, you guys? SERIOUSLY? You guys KNOW what this community is about. We make is so clear. This is first, and foremost, a safe place for fellow iconmakers to rant. This is not a wank community. It never was, it never will be. Having people come in and start trolling for their own amusement is just irrating. Yes, it may be funny to some people, but that's not really the thing we want here. So no, we're not going to be accepting the people who just trolled the fuck out the last post. I mean, I belong to ONTD, but I'm not about to go over to some random community and start spamming them for nothing. One of the rules over there specifically says "Taking it to other people's journals, Myspaces, houses or bodily orifices is double-unsweet. Internet drama is best kept elsewhere." So. Look. I know people won't listen to this, but we're a community who would like to stay relatively small, and wank-free. Plus, I cannot fucking deal with this, and neither can Liss or Hell. We have other shit to do.

Keep cool, my bbs. Keep cool.

Like a month ago I catched this girl (jordanlover) who stole some of my colored screencaps and made icons (my caps), I asked her nicely but She lied to me and then deleted her journal.

A few days later, out of the blue, someone created this journal -> socult and started making icons.

Mine -> Image and video hosting by TinyPic Hers -> Image and video hosting by TinyPic

(mmmm funny, negative space, same concept...but I let it go).

And then the other day I saw this
Funny, before she deleted her journal She was asking about the texture I used

Mine -> Image and video hosting by TinyPic Hers -> Image and video hosting by TinyPic

And I know, I'm not the one who discovered those kind of textures, but I normaly use it in negative space and IT'S JUST SO WEIRD! Do you think is the same girl? Both were/are from Australia :/

16 December 2007 @ 02:23 pm

Hello, my pretties!

A few things:

o1: Where on Earth have all you new kids come from? I love this! I expect new, epic levels of bitching in the next few days, bbs. Take a look at the rules to brush up on how we work around here.

o2: I re-did the header, userinfo, and such, because it was getting pretty ugly around here. That's just not acceptable.

o3: Suggestions! We want them. This community has little, brief periods of a crazy influx of snark, and then ridiculously long dry spells. Let's try to figure out a way to have a constant level of said snark, yes?

You may now go back to your regularly scheduled bitching.

28 October 2007 @ 01:15 pm


Firstly, I am so glad this place is bringing the snark back. I missed it. Secondly, I just want to ask that could people please F-Lock their entries? I obviously can't do it, so if you could, that would be fantastic. Also, I don't know why I didn't put this in the rules (my brain must have short-circuited, or something), but sock journals ARE NOT ACCEPTED. If you just created your journal, have no entries, no userpics, and no information, I really can't let ya in. Because sock journals are what trolls are made of. And we don't like trolls. Well, we like making fun of them, but not to the extent that we'll let them in.

OKAY! So, go about your bitching as usual. Thank you!

OKAY.Guess what? This place is officially locked-up. Want to join? Read this first:


1. You know what? We KNOW that the same thing, same phrase is going to appear on a gazillion icons in fandom. We're not talking about ripping off a piece of text. Jesus. Don't assume things like that when you clearly haven't read the damn rules. We're here to try and defend some highly respected people who have been ripped off and insulted, and who can't say a thing about it. I DON'T CARE ABOUT A FREAKING PIECE OF TEXT. I'm guilty of doing that, too. We all are. That's not what this place is about.

2. Don't agree with the community idea? DON'T JOIN. Don't go off and call us horrible bitches when you don't know us, or our reasons for being here. You're ranting about a ranting community. Don't be a hypocrite unless you actually know what you're talking about. Honestly.

3. Yup. Some of us capslock in the comments. Some of us don't. I'm sorry if you don't like capslocking, I really am. However, if you think that we're a bunch of teenaged, capslocking fangirls--think again. We are just as capable of having in-depth, intelligent conversations as we are flailing. Again, we come here to blow off steam. Sometimes you just need to do it in capslock.

4. We're not monsters. We're not heartless bitches who are out to troll fandom and cause flame wars. We're here because we've been hurt, or offended, or saw someone who we deeply respected ripped off and stolen from. That affects us. It affects you. But don't think that we exist to be horrible people.

5. I started this community because someone who I cared about got hurt by someone she cared about. She's one of our mods here. So...keep in mind that we're here because we're sick of people messing with us, and hurting us.

Now do you want to join? Go ahead. If you don't--well, thanks for stopping by.

-Teh Mod-ly Vic

Welcome to

cheap_knockoffs. Turn around if you're in a good mood.

RULES: 1. READ THE DAMN RULES. 2. You know what? We're not going to be nice here. That's not how we do it. If someone rips you off, or steals your stuff to claim as their own, it makes you fucking angry. This is a place to rant your ass off, not to try and mollycoddle someone who is a thief.
3. ALL POSTS ARE PUBLIC. MEMBERSHIP, HOWEVER, IS MODERATED. Don't get us wrong--we want you in this community. Unless you are, in fact, a troll. Trolls get a very special post all to themselves, where they will be severely ridiculed for being asshats. Stay the hell out.
EDIT: Yeah, no. LJ TOS and all that jazz.
4. Feel free to post the accusee's name and offense in your rant. I don't care. Just make sure any images bigger than 600x600 pixels go behind an LJ-Cut.
5. Thieves: DO. NOT. START. WARS. Want to talk? Fine. DO IT HERE. Want to spam, and yell, and act like a jackass? Go do it in your own journal. DON'T GO TO THE PERSON WHO CALLED YOU OUT'S JOURNAL AND TROLL THEM. Use your goddamn brain and grow up. They will block and ban you from their journal. It's that easy.
6. Tag your entry with whatever medium you're ranting about. IE Icons, videos, headers, layouts, codes, etc. You get the idea.
7. We aren't iconrants. Don't like a style of icon, or that really annoying texture that's all the rage? That's nice. Don't talk about it here. This isn't the place for it.
8. Points for whoever's post is the most snarky. We like snarky. It's hot.
And, finally:
9. Have a good fucking time. You know you love it.

Apply. You'll be accepted. You'll be kicked out if you turn out to be an asshat. Easy as pie.
Have a question? Contact me at DO NOT GO TO MY JOURNAL. That's my place. E-Mail me instead.

Feel free to pimp the comm around. We would love affiliates and, oh, I don't know, members.