Banners for Week 12 (original) (raw)

Alrighty, sorry about the short wait...^^;;

First Place - animepunkamika
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Second Place - inuvampy
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Third Place - electricfizz
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Best Word Use - laryna6
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If there is anything wrong or something that you want me to change, please let me know. ^__^ Leave a comment when you've recieved yours!

Congrats to everyone!

No icons recieved yet... *sigh* which means i'm going to extend it till Friday. ^^ Plz submit your icons on this post:…

Here are the winners for 'Weapons'! Congrats! First Placekimni Second Placedevilgrl777 Third Place…

Sorry you guys, but we don't have enough votes to announce the winners! Please vote if you haven't yet, I'll try and post the results tomorrow! :D…