"My mind rebells at stagnation. Give me work. Give me problems."
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce rhoncus orci eu augue luctus porta. Curabitur interdum convallis posuere. Integer egestas lectus eget tellus ullamcorper eleifend. Quisque vulputate adipiscing odio eget pulvinar. Ut in lorem lorem. Ut tempus, nisl eu varius vehicula, risus ante laoreet nulla, id tempus erat nibh sed tortor.
INSTALLATION1. Copy code from the box. Go to Edit Profile on your LJ sidebar.2. Paste the code into the Bio area.3. Choose your header. Upload it to your own server. Paste the link in between the quotation marks around "HEADER" (delete the word first) in the code.4. Upload the divider bar image to your own server. Paste the link in between the quotation marks everywhere it says "BAR" (the delete the words first) in the code.5. Replace the quotation ("my mind rebells...") and the main body text("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...") with your own information, if you so desire.6. Replace the links with your links. Urls go into the 'yourlinkhere' area and the text for the links can be added by replacing the 'LINK TEXT' areas.6. Save your work.
**CREDITS & RULES:**Screencaps used for the header and bar images are from the closing credits of the 2009 Sherlock Holmes film. They were made by Home of the Nutty.Feel free to edit any aspect of the profile code that you want to.Comment and credit (either songstressicons or citadel_icons is appreciated, but not required.If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.Hope you enjoy!