Because after Morrissey, what else is there? (original) (raw)

Стоп быдло! Роспотребнадзор издевается над людьми и животными [24 Mar 2017|11:37am]
Еще недавно я и подумать не могла, что смогу всерьез озаботиться проблемами реабилитационного приюта для животных, однако ситуация, о которой я хочу поведать, настолько вопиющая и дикая, что я не имею никакого морального права оставаться в стороне.О том, что произошло в одном из московских приютов, я узнала буквально несколько дней назад от своего хорошего знакомого, который является куратором некоторых питомцев, содержащихся в данном приюте. Он и другие неравнодушные люди искренне и совершенно бескорыстно помогают брошенным животным обрести новый дом и заботливых хозяев. А до того момента обеспечивают их кормление, лечение и уход.( Read more...Collapse )
piccadilly palare?
ridiculous question...but... [24 Mar 2009|11:09pm]
[ mood | "We may be hidden with rags" ] ....I think some of you might be sympathetic to my predicament.I am going to my first Mozzer show next week and...WHAT DO I WEAR???! It wouldn't be as big of a deal at any other show but...Moz is pretty sartorially-minded himself and I don't want to be appear out of place! If it helps, I am a 22 year old woman and I "haven't got a stitch to wear", more or less, though that can be remedied.(Oh yeah, and I'm going with my boyfriend and my brother, both of whom are also concerned about this issue. Any clothing advice, male Moz fans?)Thank you!! :P
7 silly slang between me and the boys in my gang | piccadilly palare?
Years of Refusal! [24 Oct 2008|02:59pm]
[ **mood** | cranky ] I'm desperatley trying to find ANY songs off of Moz's new album "Years of Refusal" to be released February of next year.ANYTHING would be extremeley appreciated. Anything at all!- With love and much thanks.
piccadilly palare?
Sat Jan 26 - PANIC - Retro party with The Smitsh/Morrissey Fest - Toronto [24 Jan 2008|11:07am]
Join hundreds of retro lovers on Saturday Jan 26 for Toronto's best retro party. The backroom this month will be the annual The Smiths/Morrissey Fest. This may be the last PANIC event at Funhaus so come out and show your support.Saturday January 26, 2008PANIC - the ultimate retro partyFunhaus - 526 Queen St West - Toronto10pm-4am 19+ eventFREE before 11pm $5 afterhttp://www.djlazarus.comMainroom: DJ Lazarus (retro 80's & 90's, classic alternatives, new wave, manchester, and more)Backroom: MOZFEST 2008 - The Music of The Smiths & Morrissey---------SPECIAL EVENTS : Jan 26 - PANIC - the ultimate retro party - backroom: The Smiths & Morrissey Fest 2008 Feb 2 - DARKRAVE v.96 *ALL AGES*Feb 16 - Fetish Masquerade - Theme: Mardi Gras Feb 23 - PANIC - the ultimate retro partyMarch 1 - DARKRAVE v.97 @ ???March 8 - EBM Party @ ??? *Becomes a new monthly event on the 2nd Saturday* March 15 - Fetish Masquerade @ ???March 29 - PANIC - the ultimate retro party @ ???April 5 - DARKRAVE v.98 @ ???
4 silly slang between me and the boys in my gang | piccadilly palare?
[26 Nov 2007|12:26am]
I'm writing a paper on the how the Smiths influenced music for my English class and I am required to have some testimonials... I was hoping some of you guys would help me out! :) If you're interested please answer the following questions. If you feel uncomfortable disclosing certain information but would still like to answer the questions, you may skip one and continue on.What is your age?Where do you live? **Did you hear of The Smiths from a different band that they influenced?-If yes, what band? What made you decide to listen to The Smiths?-If no, how did you hear of them?If The Smiths were to do a reunion tour, do you think it would be sucessful? Why or why not?How would you describe The Smiths to someone who has never heard of them?What is your favorite CD of The Smiths, and why?Favorite song?What seperates The Smiths from other bands of their time? (what makes them stand out)Do you believe that The Smiths influenced music? If yes, please explain.**Thank you in advance :) x-posted to the_smiths and morrissey_dailyMods: if this is not allowed, feel free to delete it.
6 silly slang between me and the boys in my gang | piccadilly palare?
Moz shirt anyone? [07 Nov 2007|01:31am]
Hellooooo everyone. I have 3/4 of a shirt that Moz wore at a gig in Glasgow last November I's one huge piece and then a slightly smaller piece (and it still has the smell of some sort of aftershave :P) and's been lying around my house ever since and I was wondering if anyone wanted to buy it or swap it for some other Moz related product? I thought I'd offer it to all you cool cats first then stick it on ebay...give me a shout if you're interested?ashx
6 silly slang between me and the boys in my gang | piccadilly palare?
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