New Character Post (original) (raw)

Thu, Nov. 8th, 2007, 03:15 pm

gilted_effigy: New Character Post

Please comment here to announce your new characters, preferably with their bio and basic information. If only announcing one, please use their icon in your comment. If announcing multiples ... well. We'll guess on the icons :)

If you are interested in seeing what new characters are added, please track comments to this post.

Fri, Nov. 9th, 2007 12:26 am (UTC)


Name: Nox Lovegood
Age: 14
House: Hufflepuff

About: Being Luna Lovegood's son definitely gave Nox an interesting perspective on life. He is open and honest and interested in everyone's life story. As a chaser on the Quidditch team, Nox performs various good luck ceremonies in the weeks before a match. These usually take place in the common room and he encourages everyone to join, but isn't discouraged in the least if no one does.

Fri, Nov. 9th, 2007 05:03 am (UTC)


Celestial Aurora Lovegood
16, 7th year, Gryffindor

Not sure on the about yet. I have to test run her first XD

Edited at 2007-11-18 03:22 am (UTC)

Sun, Nov. 11th, 2007 03:13 am (UTC)


Name: Lily Potter
Age: 11
House/Year: Slytherin//First
Parents: Harry and Ginny (Weasley) Potter
About: Lily is an energetic, ambitious girl with traits coming from all throughout her family tree. She has her mother's bluntness and affinity for hexes, but her father's strength. She has her grandmother's Potions ability, not to mention her name. She has inherited Fred and George's love of trickery and mischievous behaviors, though she's more sneaky and clever about it, which is likely what landed her alongside her brother in Slytherin. [[Full Bio in Profile]]

Name: Jackson Davies
Age: 15
House/Year: Slytherin//Fifth
Parents: Roger and Katie (Bell) Davies
About: Jackson is six feet, one inch, and 157 pounds of pure sarcasm. He always goes for witty insults, and he always gets laughs, and not just from other Slytherins. He doesn’t have a huge amount of respect for authority, but he’s not stupid either. His classmates, of course, are fair game. He doesn’t like to take life too seriously. He’d much rather be out flying around the grounds in the middle of the night than inside studying. [[Full Bio in Profile]]

Mon, Nov. 12th, 2007 02:44 am (UTC)


Name: Luna Lovegood
Age: 38
Position: Divination Professor
House/Year: Ravenclaw/Graduated
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Xenophilius Lovegood (wife's first name unknown)
About: Since her days as a student at Hogwarts, Luna has always been considered a bit weird. Alright, more than a bit weird. Incredibly strange would be a better way to put it, perhaps. She was known and mocked for her belief in a number of strange creatures and her unusual choice of accessories. At any rate, Luna has always been and still is quite bright and very loyal to those she cares for.

Mon, Nov. 12th, 2007 05:29 am (UTC)

gilted_effigy: Wendy Ridge - Ancient Runes

Age: 39 as of September 14
Marital Status: Single
Schooling: Graduate of Hogwarts (Hufflepuff)
Wand: 8 1/2" vinewood, unicorn tail core
Patronus: Badger
Boggart: Unknown
Blood status: Halfblood
About: After graduating from Hogwarts, Wendy skipped the somewhat traditional exploration of Europe to settle into a job at the Ministry. She was a very minor part of the cleanup effort after the fall of the Dark Lord - but she'd like to think she did her part. She soon found that working at the Ministry didn't suit her, and she spent a few years roaming around different career paths before settling on the art of studying runes. Shortly thereafter, she found employment at Hogwarts. So far ... she rather likes it.

Sun, Nov. 18th, 2007 03:22 am (UTC)

gilted_effigy: Astrid & Sabine

Astrid Sylvia Rosnes
Alpha bitch / Durmstrang pack
Student of Durmstrang
16 years old
Backstory forthcoming

Sabine Giselle Dorr
Student of Beauxbatons
17 years old
Backstory hopefully forthcoming.

Tue, Nov. 20th, 2007 09:08 pm (UTC)

gilted_effigy: Eventual Proposed Character List

These are just the ones currently kicking around in my head.

Requiem (m/Beauxbatons)
Caleb (m/Beauxbatons or Hogwarts)
Lutari (m/Durmstrang, really kind of just a joke, and I don't know if I will actually go through with this)
Isolde (f/Beauxbatons)
Perion (f/?)
Natasha (f/Durmstrang)

And more as they poke me with their sharp, pointy, pokey things.

Wed, Nov. 21st, 2007 05:02 am (UTC)

gilted_effigy: Requiem

Requiem Deville
17, 7th year Beauxbatons, Aigle
Personality: Generally good-natured, friendly, somewhat flirty, tends to joke around a lot.

Edited at 2007-11-24 07:40 am (UTC)

Wed, Nov. 21st, 2007 05:19 am (UTC)

gilted_effigy: Isolde Merril

Isolde Merril
16, 6th year, Beauxbatons, Reynard
Personality: Catty. Not exactly bitchy, but very grudge-holdy. She and Sabine have a serious grudge (over a boy) going on between them. Otherwise, she's very determined, and she likes getting what she wants (who doesn't?) and she tends to cross whatever lines she has to to get it.

Fri, Nov. 23rd, 2007 02:42 am (UTC)

hourglassdreams: Victoire Weasley

Age: Nineteen as of April 20th
Marital Status: Single
Graduate of: Hogwarts (Gryffindor)
Wand: Mahogany, 8 and three-quarters inches, unicorn hair
Patronus: Mockingbird
Boggart: Grindylows (she had a nasty encounter with them one summer)
Blood status: Pureblood
About: Victoire has quite a bit of her mother in her and isn’t the least bit surprised when relatives comment on it. She’s pretty and knows it. Haughty at times, and a real pain to be around when things aren’t going quite as she planned. While in Hogwarts, she did fairly well with classes and always managed to stay out of trouble even when dating Teddy. With what little Veela blood had transferred down from her great-grandmother, she never expected boys to be able to resist her. When Teddy decided that the two of them needed to become more mature before getting into anything too serious, Victoire quickly spread it around the lie that the decision was mutual.

Sat, Nov. 24th, 2007 07:40 am (UTC)

gilted_effigy: The Goyles

Character study coming eventually for ...

Gregory Goyle and his daughter, Samantha. Sam's a first year Gryffindor - nearly gave her father a heart attack.

Wed, Nov. 28th, 2007 03:37 pm (UTC)

gilted_effigy: Alex

Alex ?
16, 7th year Slytherin (Albus' temporary Quidditch replacement)
Personality forthcoming, along with last name.

Sat, Dec. 1st, 2007 06:18 am (UTC)


Isaac Randolph Farnsworth


Acevona Sumner

Point of introduction: Secret society (Moonwatchers)

Ace is the head of the "Other" faction (to be renamed when we think up something clever), and Isaac is on the counsel. Bios coming in profile, soon.

Sat, Jan. 5th, 2008 01:33 am (UTC)


Name: Eric Sanson Lepine
Age: 13
House/Year: Slytherin//Third
About: Eric is a moody, easily irritated boy with a streak of pureblood prejudice that could give even Lucius Malfoy a run for his money. He's one of those types who doesn't let anyone tell him what to do, and takes a special sort of pleasure in causing people trouble and irritating professors.

Sat, Jan. 12th, 2008 05:49 pm (UTC)


Name: Palmer Creevey
Age: 11
House/Year: Gryffindor/First
About: Palmer is a smaller, more toned down version of his sister. He can be very excitable, but for the most part he talks as much as a normal eleven year old. He's curious about a lot of things in the wizard world, but he's nowhere near as gullible as Paige. If someone tells him something, he's going to go about figuring out a way to prove it true or not.

Name: Lucy Weasley
Age: 18
House/Year: NA
About: After studying mainly Potions for her N.E.W.T.s, Lucy is out looking for a job. She's thought about the Ministry, but right now she's working on taking a year off from a real career to get things sorted. Lucy is a very tolerant person, and she's agreeable with almost anything. Need an extra hand at a job somewhere this year? Lucy is the one to ask. Right now odd jobs are her life.

Sat, Jan. 12th, 2008 09:00 pm (UTC)


Name: Dennis Creevey
Age: 35
Job: Writer for the Prophet.
About: Dennis is still his same over-energetic self even with nearing forty. His enthusiasm is still a bit of an irritant to those around him, and Dennis' persistent interviews have become notorious at the Ministry.

See profile soon for update on Lucy Weasley (ignore her earlier stats here! :O) and full bios.

Thu, Jan. 17th, 2008 06:24 pm (UTC)

gilted_effigy: Proposed new Characters

To be developed more fully this weekend.

Jenny (ravenclaw seeker), 6th year

?? (flight instructor, who will not be named Scott, because that would break the Cardinal Rule and make me giggle)

Translator for Durmstrang (Tasha somethingoranother)

Yes, they are mine, no you can't have them.

Sun, Jan. 20th, 2008 08:57 am (UTC)


Jenny Anderson
5th year 'claw

Personality: Ravenclaw's response to Brenna XD

Sun, Jan. 20th, 2008 10:21 pm (UTC)


Molly Kathryn Weasley
Age 17
7th Year Ravenclaw and twin to Lucy.
About: Molly is, to tell the truth, almost nothing like her sister. She’s just as intelligent, as her placement in Ravenclaw would imply, but being “by the books” is something that doesn’t matter at all to her. She’d much rather have some fun, as long as she doesn’t get caught in the process.

Zoe Nicole Finch-Fletchley
Age 14
4th Year Gryffindor
About: Zoe carries the weight of the world on her shoulders. All of her life, she’s been the one that people have come to for advice or just to get something out. She doesn’t judge people based on anything. At the same time, while she may be sweet and caring, she’s not afraid in the least to stand up for herself, be it verbally or with wands raised, and she’s no dunce when it comes to wand-work.

Kristian Stahrberg
Age 17
About: Kristian is the eternal optimist. Even though he can get really stressed out and worried about everything, at the same time, he tries to believe that everything’s going to work out for everyone involved. He’s extremely friendly, and loves to laugh and make other people laugh. However, if you get around him and you’re in a bad mood, he can be either really effective at cheering you up or really annoying.

Wed, Jan. 23rd, 2008 09:41 pm (UTC)

gilted_effigy: The muses are strong in this one ...

Bobby Sykes
5th year 'claw boy
why yes, we are filling up the quidditch teams. Join us, won't you?

The only thing I know 'bout him is, he's got a stutter. ::Glee:: I blame this on the fact I recently finished It, and am keen on playing a stutterer. But his name is not Bill, because that would be wrong. I believe, however, it may be Bobby. Which rules out at least one PB, but that's okay. Sean's too old to be a 5th year. XD

Edited to add ...
He has a twin sister. whoa! She's a 5th year gryffindor.

Edited at 2008-01-25 04:10 am (UTC)

Thu, Jan. 24th, 2008 01:44 pm (UTC)


Name: Acanthus Bletchley
Age: 14
House/Year: Slytherin/Fourth
Parents: Miles Bletchley/Melinda (Bobbin) Bletchley (yay obscure canons!)
About: Acanthus is a spoiled, rich boy with no tangible sense of humor. His parents have inherited the Bobbins' chain of apothecaries, so his lot in life is secure. As soon as he gets out of Hogwarts, he'll be groomed to take over the family business. He's got no problem with this arrangement, but because of it his grades are barely in the green. What's the point of studying hard, he says, if you've got no use for the stuff after school? He knows his hexes, at least, but that's all he has claim to.

Sun, Jan. 27th, 2008 09:20 am (UTC)

gilted_effigy: Because random new characters are love?

Rhys St. Laurent
5th, Hufflepuff, taking one of the last two quidditch spots. ::clings protectively::
PB to come when it's not 1:20 am and i'm not sleepy.

Wed, Feb. 13th, 2008 09:15 pm (UTC)

gilted_effigy: new 'claw - Juliet St. Laurent

Juliet St. Laurent, who doesn't yet have a played by.

That's not true. She does, but it's a random kid plucked off a random model site, and I've no idea what her name really is, and I haven't gotten around to turning it into an icon yet.

Juliet is a 1st year 'claw, and I just now finished her character study, hooray! It also includes mentions of Raph (who is Nate's), and the other two St. Laurent boys.