ribbonized layouts and profiles (original) (raw)

30 October 2015 @ 11:35 pm

I have a theme tumblr now because I have created my first tumblr theme. Go check it out and follow: http://remapthesouls.tumblr.com/

02 January 2015 @ 01:00 pm

You might have noticed but imageshack has deleted all images I had hosted there. I managed to recover the previews for the layouts. I will try and recover the previews for the archive later.

Unfortunaly I can not recover anything else. So all backgrounds, tiny icon images etc are gone. Sorry!!!

I made a community to do a 365 project. It will be 365 songs I like. However since I have no idea if I can post each day you will get 7 songs a week. Which can be all on one day.

silenceheaven / Go watch

08 January 2013 @ 08:42 pm


I'm sure this won't come as an suprise but this community is closed. I've had this community for almost 4 years. But it just doesn't work anymore. I'm not making as many layouts any more as before. And somehow with so many watchers I felt like I had to update atleast once a month. That resulted in me sort of losing my inspiration and making some half ass layouts. This place will stay open. Just not updated anymore

However don't fear. I will stil make layouts. Just not here. I created a new community called mixedfeeling. So if you want to stay updated with whatever layout, profile etc I make then you can join that one.

mixedfeeling mixedfeeling mixedfeeling

09 December 2012 @ 10:36 pm

Christmas/Winter your journal

From time to time I will highlight a theme idea you can use for journal. With each theme I will link you to some colorpallets as well as backgrounds to use. This time it's Christmas/Winter.

( under the cutCollapse )

20 November 2012 @ 06:00 pm

Retro your journal

From time to time I will highlight a theme idea you can use for journal. With each theme I will link you to some colorpallets as well as backgrounds to use. This time it's retro.

( under the cutCollapse )