Family Application (original) (raw)

I, bellyra, wish to start my own Rose Family under the name of Rosa Leilani.

I will be held responsible for my family.

I promise to uphold our integrity, act as a role model for my Soeur, and help and guide her wherever necessary.

I will consider any member of this community who wishes to become my Soeur however the choice to accept or not accept any applicant as my Soeur is mine, and mine alone.

My name is: Sara

Interests that I wish to share with my family are: Dr. Who, Anime, Music, Art Therapy, Going to Gigs, Cosplaying, Sewing, General Silliness, Paganism, Blogging

What can I offer my soeur? Trust, Love, Support, and Respect. To be there for her when she needs me in both the happy time and the sad times. To share with her the little and the big excitements. But above all, simply to be a friend.

What should my soeur be able to offer me? The same in return. I realize that these things will wax and wane like all positive things in good relationships, but to have someone be there for me as much as I am there for her is important to me.

My age is: 30

Thank you to Rosa Chanelle and Rosa Nakita.
Welcome to Rosa Moondance.