CompPad Home (original) (raw)

| | CompPad is an / LibreOffice extension for performing units-aware engineering calculations within a Writer document, allowing calculations to be documented using all of the resources of the Writer application. It has functionality similar to Mathcad, but is not intended to be a Mathcad clone. Rather, I hope it might prove more flexible and extensible, and that it might encourage other free / open-source alternatives to a proprietary engineering "Killer App." | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |

CompPad allows you to create technical calculations in the form of conventional-looking mathematical expressions using the equation editor. This editor has a simple text syntax that some consider to be faster and more intuitive than other equation editors. Then, with the click of a toolbar icon, CompPad will evaluate the expressions and display the results, embedded in your document. All of the features of are available for documenting and formatting your document so that it can be presented with pride to co-workers, customers, professors, etc.

NOTE: This page is fairly static. The most up-to-date information may be found in the wiki.


Here is an example of how you might use CompPad. It is a simple mechanical harmonic oscillator example based on the Wikipedia topic . You can download this example here: example - harmonic oscillator.odt.

Now, you can add text, pictures, formatting, and other elements using all of the features of Writer. If you need to change a parameter in the calculation, you can make your changes using the equation editor, and thenEvaluate
Expression to re-evaluate the document.

CompPadDemo.odt demonstrates all the features of CompPad in a writer document. Also, check out the example files.


Click thumbnails for full-size image. example fluid mechanics.png example fluid mechanics.png


CompPad is an / LibreOffice extension implemented in Java. In theory it should run on any platform that supports / LibreOffcie 3 and Sun Java 1.5 or higher. It is being developed under Ubuntu 10.05, NetBeans 6.9.1, Openoffice 3.2 and Java 1.6.0_15. It should run in on Windows, Linux, OS X, and other operating systems that support OOO/LibO and Java.

Using CompPad

Example Files

CompPadDemo.odtis a document which contains examples of most CompPad features.

example - fluid mechanics.odt

Current Status

CompPad is currently in alpha release. It is quite usable, and has been reportedly used to evaluate documents with hundreds of formulas. I expect to finally move to a Beta release in the 0.3 branch (release

Here are a few of the features that are supported in the most recent version:

If you require a certain feature for CompPad to be useful to you, please let me know. I may be able to give it priority.


CompPad is being actively developed.

Following are a few features I hope to implement eventually:

A roadmap is located here: Roadmap. However, it is not kept very current.


Currently the best way to contribute is to try out CompPad, and post your question and comments to the Mailing List. Your comments help me know what is important to users. I would especially like to know how you would like to use CompPad. If you require a certain feature in order for CompPad to be useful to you, then let me know. I may be able to give it priority.

If you like CompPad, please let people know by posting a message in your blog, in on-line forums, or other news outlets. If you don't like it, then ping the dev list and tell me why! If you find a discrepancy in the documentation on the Wiki, then feel free to fix it yourself, or at least flag the problem with a comment, eg. "THIS SECTION NEEDS MORE DETAILS" so myself or another contributor can correct the problem. Translation work would be helpful. Spanish, Russian and Chinese would be especially valuable, but anything would be welcomed.


Source code is provided under the terms of the GPL Ver. 3. It is available through GIT on the Sourceforge Project Page.

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Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved.


File Releases

Stable (feature complete)

Unstable (under development)