Robin Hood Ficlet: Again (original) (raw)

Title: Again
Author: corrielle
Rating: PG-13
Character: Guy
Disclaimer: Robin Hood belongs to legend, this version belongs to the BBC.
Notes: This is what happens when I watch way too many angsty Guy-centric music videos. Set during "A Dangerous Deal."
Warnings: Discussion of canon character death.

Marian, too, had been light in his arms, her blood the same deep shade of red.

In the Holy Land, he had wanted to scream at Death to bring her back, to beg that he might take her place, and the same words rose in his throat now.

Again, he was helpless. There was no undoing what had been done.

He had held Marian just as gently, lowering her to the ground in the moments before he fled.

Her eyes, too, had been wide with pain, and filled with the knowledge of her own death.

But in one way, Meg was different.

She smiled up at him as she died.