CSEP505, Spring 2006 (original) (raw)

CSE P505: Programming Languages

Course Information

Extra-Credit Policy
Anonymous Feedback
Meetings: Tuesdays 6:30-9:20PM, Allen Center Room 305 _and_Microsoft Building 113, Room 1159

Class Materials

  1. Mar 28: Course introduction; Caml; Functional programmingppt slides Code: tar file zip file
  2. Apr 4: Functional programming, syntax, semantics via interpretation or translation ppt slides Code: tar file
  3. Apr 11: Semantics via translation, equivalence & properties, lambda introduction ppt slides Code: tar file
  4. Apr 18: Untyped lambda-calculus, inference rules, environmentsppt slides Code: Caml file <imp.pdf>
  5. Apr 25: Continuations, typesppt slides Code: Caml file
  6. May 2: Types, subtypingppt slides
  7. May 9: Coercions, type variablesppt slides Code: Caml file
  8. May 16: Types wrap-up; Object-oriented programmingppt slides
  9. May 23: Fancier OOP; Concurrencyppt slides Code: Caml file
  10. May 30: Atomicity; Memory Managementppt slides Lecture Slides and Audio/Video Archives


  1. Assignment 1: assignment pdf, source files in tar-file, zip-file.
  2. Assignment 2: assignment pdf, <logo.pdf> <imp.ml> <logo.ml>.
  3. Assignment 3: assignment pdf, <hw3.ml>.
  4. Assignment 4: assignment pdf, <lang.pdf>, source files in tar-file, zip-file.
  5. Assignment 5: assignment pdf, source files in tar-file, zip-file.

Exam Information

Our final: without solutions with solutions
Sample problems: without solutions with solutions
Interesting/Relevant Papers

Caml Information

Caml home page
The manual: at OCaml website, local copy of previous version
The O'Reilly book (free!)
Running Caml locally and using the Seminal version
Emacs mode: <caml%5Femacs.tar.gz> contains exactly the code Dan uses. The Web may have more recent stuff.


Instructor: Dan Grossman, , Allen Center Room 556
(careful: the userid grossman belongs to a different person)
TA: Ben Lerner, (first initial + last name) {at} cs.washington.edu


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Homework 0 "due" March 31, worth zero points