'' is a malformed CVE-ID. (original) (raw)
'' is a malformed CVE ID. It does not conform to the expected CVE ID syntax, and it could not be converted into a valid ID.
CVE entries are of the form CVE-YYYY-NNNN where:
- YYYY is a year (exactly 4 digits), and
- NNNN is a number (with at least 4 digits, or more than 4 when needed.)
Examples of CVE IDs that conform to the syntax: CVE-1999-0003, CVE-2014-9999, CVE-2014-12345, CVE-2014-7654321
Note: Beginning in 2014, more than 4 digits are allowed in the last portion of CVE IDs. For more information, see theCVE-ID Syntax Change page.
Old-style candidate names (CAN-YYYY-XXXX) are also accepted, but this style was discontinued in 2005, and further use is strongly discouraged.