| GHOST IN THE SHELL 2 INNOCENCE INTERNATIONAL VER. [DVD] DVD・ブルーレイ - 大塚明夫, 田中敦子, 山寺宏一, 押井守 (original) (raw)





アニメという点を考えてもこれだけ美麗なアニメは中々ない。見ているだけで溜息が出るような美しさ。DVD版でもそこそこ綺麗ですが、次元が違う綺麗さがあります。他のBD作品と比べても圧倒的に綺麗な部類に入ります。音もかなりすごい。アニメなのに実に迫力がありリアルなサウンド。リニアPCM/7.1chサラウンドという自分の環境では対応しきれないオーバースペック。ストーリーは非常に難解。「GHOST IN THE SHELL 攻殻機動隊」を見ていないと訳が分からない可能性もあります。見ていても付いて行くのが難しい。難しい言葉や格言の羅列が多く、さらに仮想世界と現実世界の境界線も分かりにくいため置いてけぼりをくらいかねません。何度か見ればそれなりに分かるのかもしれませんが、個人的には難しくし過ぎた感があります。押井守好きなら楽しめると思います。ストーリーは好みが別れそうですが、映像や音楽面だけでも味わってもらいたいし、それだけの価値のある作品。特典はSD画質ですが「イノセンスの情景」が入っていたりと中々豪華でした。



上位レビュー、対象国: 日本























色々なレビューが混ざっているが、GHOST IN THE SHELL 2: INNOCENCE(北米版) BLU-RAY+DVD+DIGITAL HDのレビューをさせて頂きたい。内容は、文句ナシに面白く、それに関しては既に多くのレビューで言及されている為割愛する。




①The Making of Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence、②Trailers、③Commentary with Director Mamoru Oshii and Animation Director Toshihiko Nishikubo、④Japanese Trailer






圧倒的な世界観 理屈っぽいところを除けば
これ以上無い素晴らしい作品だと思います 何度観かえしたか判らないくらい面白い
















ラストで流れる「Follow Me」が、この作品に更なる余韻と感慨を与えていると思う。

「Follow Me」の部分は、「一緒に来て下さい。」と和訳されているが、





5つ星のうち5.0 Un collector de bonne qualité pour un grand film



J'attendais la disponibilité de ce chef d'œuvre depuis des années.
Fan du premier film dans ma jeunesse, j'ai par la suite découvert les bandes dessinées avant de voir ce deuxième opus.
Le doigt pris dans l'engrenage j'ai adoré Stand Alone Complex & SAC 2nd Gig. Quand Arise est apparu, j'ai laissé un temps avant de m'y intéresser.
Le coffret est classique d'aspect extérieur, le livret est succinct mais intéressant. La qualité du film est indéniable, et le bonus dvd est très complet. La qualité du produit est indéniable, même si j'eus aimé une version Steel.

5つ星のうち5.0 Even better than the first!



If you liked the first Ghost in the shell movie, then you will love this one! The animation is some of the best I have ever seen in a anime movie. It perfectly combined 2D and computer animation making for a beautiful looking movie. I usually prefer all 2D animated films over computer animated ones, but this film does such a good job blending the two that half the time, I couldn't even tell if some of the characters were 2D or computer animated! The story focuses on the character "Batou" from the first movie and how he is dealing with the departure of his partner "The Major". It starts off as sort of a detective film with Batou trying to figure out why certain service androids are going crazy and killing their owners, but by the end delves into some seriously deep philosophical questions on life. Now if you don't care for deep philosophical arguments that require you to really think hard, then stay away from this movie at all costs. This movie has so many different metaphors and deep symbolism that it makes the first movie look symplistic by comparison. That said, the story is still very entertaining. The characters were interesting and all animated very well(extremely well actually), the art direction in it is just freakin beautiful to watch. If you don't believe me, just watch the trailer to this movie on line. Every scene in this film just looks beautiful! A downside for some people is that the character from the first movie "The Major" is not in this one all that much except for the very end. We do get a lot more character development on Batous character though which is nice to see(turns out, Batou was a pretty likable character). The action sequences sprinkled throughout were all done very well, and the world in which this movie takes place in was breathtakingly gorgeous in its design and art direction(think of the city from blade runner). Over all, this is a great Science fiction anime with some of the best visual animation I have ever seen. The story can be a bit hard to follow at times and defiantly takes multiple viewings to understand everything, but that's what makes it so great. While I didn't agree with all of the movies moral standpoints on humans vs robots, the story itself was still interesting and thought provoking. If you like good deep science fiction like the first movie or if you just want to watch some great animation, than defiantly get this!

5つ星のうち5.0 EPICO



Difficile scrivere una recensione senza cadere nel banale.
Lascio i commenti precedenti per le info tecniche del blu ray, vorrei fare un incipt per coinvolgervi nell'acquisto di quest'opera monumentale.
Era difficile fare qualcosa di superiore al primo film, ma ci sono riusciti.
La storia parte da degli omicidi/suicidi effettuati dalle ginoidi che perdono il controllo di loro stesse.
Nell'evoluzione della trama ci troveremo di fronte, oltre che al "normale" svolgimento delle indagini da parte di Batou e Togusa del distretto 9, anche a dilemmi quali anima, filosofia, umanità dei robot e uso di quest'ultimi.
Tutte le tematiche che vengono proposte fanno riflettere, ci pongono davanti a un problema che sicuramente nel prossimo futuro si dovrà valutare sempre più insistentemente.
Il concetto umano di voler copiare se stesso, perfezionandolo per scoprire cosa c'è "oltre".
Il dilemma del "chi siamo" e da "dove veniamo" ci viene spiattellato nei concetti di vita e morte, dove una "rete" potrebbe accogliere infinite anime, ma soprattutto il dilemma del "dove andiamo" viene riproposto intensamente fino a sgorgare in un finale che definirei epico per concetto e sfumature.
Questo film è un trattato di ETICA e FILOSOFIA, ci pone domande e dubbi per tutta la durata, ma ci dà anche una visione di come potrebbe essere il nostro futuro.
Spero che questa recensione serva per incuriosire chi sta pensando di acquistarlo e affermi negli indecisi la volontà di potersi gustare un'opera che diverrà nel futuro una pietra miliare dell'animazione fantascientifica come Blade Runner lo è stato per il cinema.
Audio e Video sono fenomenali, una nota particolare alla colonna sonora che ha un che di mistico, musiche che vi entreranno nella testa e non usciranno più.
Personalmente visiono i miei film con PS3 e Panasonic plasma da 42" full HD.
Concludo affermando che il film è impressionante, rimarrete senza parole, e consiglio vivamente di recuperare l'edizione blu ray del primo episodio.
Conservateli gelosamente.

5つ星のうち5.0 Much Better Than I Expected.



I will give a review on each of the films included in this set, but first let me explain something.

It's been a while since I have seen any Japanese Manga anime films, and having recently watched Akira, which I bought on DVD about 6 to 7 years ago, I found I was getting the Manga bug again and I wanted to see more. I was looking for another great anime film that I could compare to Akira, and get a similar sort of feel as I had whenever I watch Akira. Well I have to say, GITS is one of those films. The scale of the anime, and the futurist architecture is fantastic. Yes, like most of Japanese anime story's it takes a while to really understand it, but if I'm honest, I love this stuff because I appreciate the artwork, and the time it takes to complete something like this.

FYI: There are altogether three movies in this set. The original GITS, The GITS 2.0 Redux movie, and finally GITS Innocence.
Anyway onto my reviews about the films.

GITS Original.
What can I say, I thought this was excellent, right down to the artwork and yes the story takes a bit of getting use to, but definitely worth the watch if you liked Akira or even Blade Runner, (I know that's not Manga, but any SiFi fan would appreciate what I've just said), then you will love this.

GITS 2.0 Redux
This is exactly the same film as above, but with some scenes having been updated with more modern CGI artwork. Despite some reviews with very mixed opinions about this, I have to say I think this still worked ok, but it would have been a better idea to remake the movie in full with this type of CGI, and not just segments. But all in all, still a great attempt at something a bit different.

GITS Innocence
This sequel had allot to live up to with the first one. Even though the story is a continuation of the original, I felt like the film lost its way slightly, and the story was more difficult to follow. But I would not let this discourage you, as again the artwork and scale of this is fantastic. It's also another good anime film to have in your collection.

Buy this collection people, you will not be disappointed.

5つ星のうち5.0 Visuell unschlagbar.. aber..



Es war von Anfang an klar, dass es schwer werden würde den grandiosen ersten Teil von Ghost in the Shell zu toppen. Und man kann klar sagen, dass dies technisch gelungen ist. Detaillierte Computerhintergründe machen den Film sehr realistisch, aber auch wiederum künstlich und starr. Ich muss sagen, dass der erste Teil mehr Atmosphäre besaß und diese damals perfekt platziert war. Trotzdem würde ich sagen, dass man diesen Film schon allein wegen der Animation sehen sollte um zu erkennen wie weit die heutige Technik schon ist. In dem Film existiert eine ruhige Phase, die der im ersten Teil sehr ähnelt und von prächtigen Bilder bestückt ist, nur hier muss ich sagen, dass ich die Ruhephase im ersten Teil deutlich besser fand. Bei Innocence erschlagen einen stellenweise die überfüllten Bilder und gerade die Computergrafik macht es etwas undurchsichtig. So wird aus der Ruhephase eher ein Bilderchaos und der Zuschauer hat Probleme seine Gedanken zu ordnen. Schade, das hätte man besser machen können.

Inhaltlich streiten sich hier die Geister. Einige meinen gelungene Tiefsinnigkeit, andere tun es als philosophischen Müllhaufen ab. Nunja, auch wenn wirklich viel über das Sein diskutiert wird, so sind die Texte und Dialoge stellenweise wirkliche Herrausforderungen an den Zuschauer. Oftmals hat man Probleme den Gedanken der Darstellern zu folgen, deshalb sollte man sich den Film mehrmals ansehen. Aber das war ja auch beim ersten Teil der Fall. Dennoch wird stellenweise auch für meine Ansichten manchmal zu gezwungen philosophiert wobei man sich fragt "was hat das in dieser Szene zu tun?". Der Film ist intellektuell sehr anspruchsvoll und ich denke die wenigsten werden es beim einmaligen ansehen sofort verstanden haben. Inhaltlich fehlen mir allerdings die psychischen Konflikte, die beim ersten Teil klar herauskamen und so vermisste ich die Melancholie von Motoko Kusanagi, welche gedanklich den ganzen Film begleitet, aber physisch nie sichtbar wird. Das ist leider etwas schade, dass der Hauptcharakter von Gits so kurz kommt. Batou rückt in den Vordergrund und man versucht in ein anderes Licht zu rücken. Man merkt dass er charakterlich eine Wende erfahren hat, welches durch Interview im Bonusteil auch erwähnt wird.

Die Musik ist wohl der Rote Faden zwischen den beiden Filmen, denn viele Elemente wurde übernommen. Und auch wenn es die selben Stücke sind hat man hier mehr Dynamik eingebracht und neue Klänge hinzugefügt. Sehr gelungener Soundtrack.

Zur DVD ist zu sagen, dass ich mir wohl lieber mehr Bonusmaterial gewünscht hätte, als diese kleinen Ausdrucke aus dem Film, welche beiliegen. Denoch ist die Qualität recht gut.

Fazit: Wer den ersten Teil liebt sollte unbedingt auch diesen Film kaufen um den weiteren Verlauf von Batou zu verfolgen. Alles in allem visuell meisterhaft und mit inhaltlichen Tiefgang. Sehr zu empfehlen!