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「ジョーゼフ・キャンベル&ビル・モイヤーズ : 神話の力」 その5。宗教とは何か? イエスの昇天が意味するものとは?“Joseph Campbell & Bill Moyers : The Power of Myth” No.5. What is religion? What is the meaning of the Ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven?

宗教は、私たちの心を豊かにする隠喩に満ちている?――バイリンガルで、どうぞ。 Is religion full of metaphors that enrich the heart of ourselves?――more to come both in English and in Japanese. Campbell : You see, religion is really a kind of second womb. It’s designed to bring this extremely complicated thing, which is a human being, to ma…