An Historical Scrapbook (original) (raw)





Mary Van Horne’s Diary, 1896
Minister’s Island, St. Andrews, NB

Thursday, July 2nd
Rugs down and most of the house in order

Friday, July 3rd
A warm, sunny day. Walked to town to order supplies as expect the family down tomorrow and McQuoid to go in for a load with Norm, took Mrs. Doherty back. Was caught on the other side by the tide. Jack O’Halloran working on sail boat at bar, came over and rowed me over.

Saturday, July 4th
Spent morning pressing out curtains and toilet sets and watching for train which was over two hours late. Addie Jr. with Lily, Annie the cook, and Mrs. Dryer and Johnny arrived. Addie Sr. detained because of an appointment with the dentist. Foggy and rain later.

Monday, July 6th
I went over to meet William and Addie and the Baroness Macdonald of Earnscliffe, all of whom we expected. The day threatened rain and as rather foggy all day. On bar met agent coming to look after telephone wires, gave me message saying that William and Addie could not arrive until Tuesday. Did errands in town then met the train at Bar Station, neither private car on but the car with Dryer and horses was there. This was left at Bar Station. I took the dogs over with me, McQuoid hurried back to help Dryer. Spent afternoon packing things and getting them in order. A later telegram said they would arrive on evening train. Addie and I decided to row over and leave the buck-board meet us later as the tide was on at train time. We stopped at Mr. Marshall Andrews to borrow some silver as ours had been forgotten and left in Addie Sr.’s trunk, had some fun over the cows chasing the dogs. We went into town on the Earnscliffe where the buckboard met us, and the Baroness with Brookes her maid, and Miss Ritchie of Ottawa, drove over with us. We had a cup of cocoa and some cold tongue and got to bed somewhat after twelve.

Wednesday, July 8th
The weather very sunny and bright. Spent morning on veranda. I gathered some berries about a quart from our garden, also some gooseberries, first of season. Miss R and I bathed in the afternoon, we went to the end of the Island for tea, built a fire on the beach. Addie and Miss Ritchie rowed up the rest of us walked. They found that the tea was forgotten, and Jack went back for it, and arrived soon after the rest of us did. William showed some card tricks, and we played grabouche.

Friday, July 10th
Another bright and sunny and warm day. William painted on the veranda, the rest of us did odds and ends about, I bathed, and Addie took a foot bath in the sea. Miss Emma Andrews took luncheon with us, later Mr. and Mrs. M. Andrews and later still Mrs. E. L. Andrews, Bessie and Daisy came in. William left for Montreal. Drove over early to finish a sketch of the island from the station. We did errands in town then arrived in time to see him before he started, Addie, Miss Andrews and I drove over. In evening we practiced bicycle for a little while.

Tuesday, July 13th
Intended to going to St. Stephen today by boat, but awaking early found it was foggy. The fog horn blowing indicated fog outside in Bay of Fundy, so feared boats would be delayed, and postponed the trip another day. Later it proved to be a perfect day not so warm as days last week, but bright and sunny all day. Finished my bicycle skirt made a sketch from my window made a custard for luncheon, and the two Addies and I had a fine bath—the water was warm. Read Emerson’s essay “On Friendship.” We drove in afternoon a few errands in town, then drove to Joe’s Point in see the new Golf Club House. Practiced bicycle after dinner.

Wednesday, July 15th
Rained slightly at 6 am. Thought we would not go to St. Stephen, but it brightened up later and we decided to go. Went by boat which left at 8 am arriving at Calais at 10:20. Went to St. Stephen on the electric cars first went to Vroom’s to see about a piano and to buy a table. Did a few other errands. Took dinner at the Windsor, Returned at 2:00. Soon after starting a heavy rains storm came up, had some time to wait for the buckboard, did some errands. Arrived home a little before dinner. Rain still continues with lightning.

Monday, July 20th
Foggy in early morning. The fog came in from the south, later the sun came out, but rain fell about five in the afternoon and continues. We were asked to a euchre party at the Hotel this evening, Addie Sr. and I drove to town for the mail at noon in the pony cart, came home by the way of Rose Lane. Worked on my petticoat a part of the day. Addie Jr. and I had another tramp in the woods in search of mushrooms, found two fine groups of Cantharellas Cibarius, Addie Sr. and I played two games of grabouche in the evening. Dryer, Jack caught 12 Had. and 1 cod.

Friday, July 24th
Spent morning in the woods. Drove to town in afternoon in pony cart with Addie Sr. Dryer having had his head hurt by one of the horses, sent the chanterelles up to William who was to have Messrs. Matsuki, and Sugio and Prof. Morse and another gentleman to spend Sunday with him. Temperature of the water 60 degrees. Dr. and Mrs. Parker and daughter and Mrs. Street and John called.

Sunday, July 26th
A perfect day. Read all morning, wandered about in afternoon and read on veranda, servants all went to church in evening as the tide “served” them.

Monday, July 27th
Morning pleasant. Rained in afternoon and evening. Addie Jr. and I went fishing for flounders, caught ten. Then we went to see how the men were getting on with the new path to the black rock, found some more chanterelles, and a very peculiar vile smelling fungus. Drove to town in afternoon, got some material for a denim skirt and cut it out after our return. Rained all the time we were driving. Addie Sr. and I played two games of grabouche in the evening and did a little hemming. Letter on Sat. William enclosing one from Bennie. Rec’d letter from Cousin Rose today.

Tuesday, July 28th
Bright and sunny and unusually warm. Thermometer 80 degrees, water 65 degrees according to Lily who took the temperature early afternoon. Tide high at 1:34. Made a denim skirt, spent the whole morning over it, finished some mats for the dark blue guest room bureau, Mrs. M. Andrews called, we went for a drive in afternoon, did some errands in town, then drove out on St. Stephen Road, returning through Ghost Lane where we found a lot of Chanterelles. Bessie and Jack Andrews dined with us and we placed euchre after dinner after sitting some time on the verandah, the evening was so lovely.

Saturday, Aug. 1st
Weather bright and sunny. Looking for William down today, drove to Station to learn if he was coming, no word from him, on our return found Ethel and Annah at Bar Station. Horses sent over to be shod in afternoon. Annah, Addie and I sent for a walk and to look for chanterelles, then took a bath temperature of water 54 degrees. Addie rode to gate on bicycle and I rode back. Played one game of grabouche with Addie in evening then helped Ethel with another game. The servants all went to town in the evening.

Sunday, Aug 9th
A bright sunny day. Bathed, temp. water 60 degrees. Rather rough. Read several chapters of “Power Through Repose” and several stories in Harper and Scribners. Addie, Annah and I rode the bicycle toward evening, a light shower fell in late afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Hosmer with Elwood and Olive and Mrs. Henry and daughter Margery called in afternoon, servants went to church in evening.

Tuesday, Aug 11th
Another very warm day, but reports tell of great heat all over the continent, although warm here not at all uncomfortable. Was up early made some new bands for my curtains and did a little work on my petticoat. Had a delightful bath at about half-past ten temperature of water 64 degrees. Seemed quite warm on surface. William arrived with Mrs. and Miss and Master Hugh Osler, of Toronto, Mr. Osler was called back from Montreal when on his way here. Addie, Annah, Miss Osler and Hugh went for a sail. Mrs. Osler and I drove to town in pony cart and went to hotel to inquire for Miss Merritt. I sent a Post Office Order to Morgans 10.56whichincludedpaymentformybeltribbonandcorset,10.56 which included payment for my belt ribbon and corset, 10.56whichincludedpaymentformybeltribbonandcorset,5.11. We all spent evening on verandah, Wm. explaining position of stars to Addie. Mrs. Dryer taken ill at night.

Tuesday, Aug 18th
A bright, pleasant day with occasional darkening. Addie, Annah, Miss O. and Hugh with Mr. and Mrs. Matsuki who arrived this morning went to see the weir fished, had to go to head of Bay in sail boat. Mrs. O. Ethel, Addie Sr. and I drove to Chamcook by lower road then to town. Found a lot of Chanterelles in Ghost Lane, the Oslers left on afternoon train. Mr. Matsuki taught us a game with Japanese cards and we taught him grabouche in the evening.

Saturday, Aug 22nd
Rather foggy and cool, rain in late afternoon. Richard B. arrived in the morning with Don Ross. Mr. Harahan and Col. Ray left in the early morning before we were up, to take a boat to Eastport. After getting over to town so early this boat did not leave until ten o’clock. Wm., Mr. Meysenburg and Mr. Matsuki took a walk up the east side of the Island came back later with blueberries, flowers and puff balls, inspired the others to a walk to gather berries, after luncheon Ben and Don drove to town with Brownie. Wm., Mr. Meysenburg and Mr. Matsuki drove in the buckboard. Mr. Meysenburg left on the afternoon train with Mr. Harahan and Col. Ray. Mr. Wells of Toronto who came down in the car with William and was ill yesterday and went to the Algonquin came over with Wm. and Mr. Matsuki. In the evening Addie, Mrs. Matsuki, Don and Ben played Bagatelle. Ethel, Addie Sr., Annah and I played grabouche. Wm. and Mr. Wells played chess while Mr. Matsuki looked on.

Wednesday, Aug 26th
A beautiful day. Temp. water 60 degrees. Mr. and Mrs. Matsuki left by boat for Boston in the afternoon. They had to sail around at the harbor. Ben and Don went with them. The others went for a drive around Big Head. We rode the bicycle for a while. I rode half a mile and mounted alone three times. Ben and Don went to an entertainment for the Library at the Hotel in the evening. The rest played grabouche.

Tuesday, Sept 1st
A bright pleasant day. Drove in the morning with Addie Sr. and Jr.. We went to Chamcook Lake, found a peculiar kind of fungus, large and yellow, with veins or ribs, color of a pumpkin. Also, a cup shaped fungus resembling somewhat the Chanterelle. We found also a quantity of Clavaria. We then drove later to town, and in the afternoon Addie Jr. and I bathed, tem. water 58 degrees, then we bicycled. In the evening we went up to Mr. E. L. Andrews to meet Mrs. Meehen of St. Stephen and Mrs. Mowatt of Vancouver.

Saturday, Sept 5th
A bright pleasant day, quite warm in the sun. Addie Sr. and I spent most of the morning in the woods. Found quite a number of Chanterelles and several specimens of other fungi and 2 agarics. In the afternoon Addie Sr. and I drove to town in the pony cart. Richard and Don went for a ride. Addie went to look for field mushrooms. Later we rode the bicycle we both improving. In the evening the boys went for a row. Addie marked some towels, and Addie Sr. and I played grabouche. This morning Addie finished a second sofa pillow in red denim for the hall. I finished the binding on my dress.

Tuesday, Sept 8th
A bright sunny day. Addie Jr. went to gather blackberries. I went to hunt for mushrooms found enough chanterelles for luncheon, Addie and I had a bath, temperature of water 56 degrees. Very quiet William arrived alone came over bar in a boat. We paid a few visits and did some errands in afternoon. Called at the Mowatt Farm on Mrs. Kimball and others. Mr. E. L. Andrews came in the evening. Addie and I popped some corn.

Tuesday, Sept 15th
Another bright warm day, Addie Sr. and I drove out on the Bay Road to Mr. Lawrence’s to get some apples. Had a slight fright from some supposed run-a-way horse, they were however not loose. Found Old Mr. Lawrence a “character,” very talkative. We afterwards went to town where I met a man who had some apples to sell said he was the “Apple King” of the region and a man by the name of Johnson, who has a nursery about 16 miles away. In the afternoon I cut the runners from the strawberries. In the evening Addie Sr. and I went up to Old Mr. Andrews with a couple bottles of whiskey. Addie Jr. at home all day with a cold.

Saturday, Sept 19th
Rather cloudy in the morning. Bennie and Jack started hunting partridges early in the morning, I got up to see about the luncheon and Ben’s breakfast. They had to hurry on account of the tide. Had a man over from town to see what was the matter with the boiler, which has been making all sort of disagreeable noises. Cleaned it out but did not help matters much. It rained quite heavily in the afternoon. Bennie brought home one partridge.

Sunday, Sept 27th
A cloudy day, a little warmer than yesterday, the sun came out faintly about noon. I painted Boletus Edulis, and the gills surface of the lavender toad stool and read Emerson’s “Essay on Spiritual Laws.” Addie Jr. bathed, temperature of water 60 degrees. We all went for a walk in afternoon to follow the road staked out by the surveyor. Could follow it only a part of the way. Returned by the beech woods. Found quite a number of mushrooms, also some interesting toad-stools, among them a Hydnum. Wrote to Belle Vaughan and Emma in the evening.

Tuesday, Sept 29th
A bright sunny day seemed quite warm, Tem. 60 degrees. We drove to town in the morning after overseeing some packing. Finished paying bills except that of Mowatt’s which we cold not get from P. O. as it was closed. After our return Addie and I had a bath which we enjoyed very much. Temperature of water 58 degrees. After luncheon Addie and I went to town in the sail boat to get the mail, and pay Mowatt’s bill. Had a good wind both ways. Came in less than three quarters of an hour. Addie rode the bicycle. I planted some cherry stones. After dinner we were just going up to see Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Andrews when Mrs. Mowatt and Bessie came in. After they left the two Addies played grabouche, I finished the half of the border of my table center.

Friday, Oct 2nd
A cloudy and foggy morning, brightened a little about mid-day but quite threatening and a heavy shower about half past four in the afternoon. Undecided about going, but a telegram from Mr. Timmerman said all was right, so we hurried with our arrangements and got over before the tide which was on the bar at 4 pm. Bessie and Mabel Andrews came down to drive some of us over. We left at 5 pm, the servants went as far as McAdam then took the train for Montreal. We went in the car Earnscliffe on to St. John.