- Štefan Margita (* 3. srpna 1956 Košice) je operní pěvec – tenor slovenského původu, žijící v Praze. V minulosti již působil na scénách světových operních domů v milánské La Scale, londýnské Covent Garden a v roce 2008 i v newyorské Metropolitní opeře. Mezi jeho stěžejní repertoár patří opery Leoše Janáčka (Káťa Kabanová, Z mrtvého domu, Osud) a postava Tambourmajora z opery Woczek od Albana Berga, s níž vystoupil v Paříži, Římě či Berlíně. (cs)
- Štefan Margita (born 3 August 1956) is a Slovak opera singer who has had an active international career since 1981. He began his career singing mostly roles from the lyric tenor repertoire but in recent years he has tackled a number of dramatic tenor roles. His career has taken him to the stages of many of the world's best opera houses, including La Scala, the Royal Opera, London, the Deutsche Oper Berlin, the Liceu, and the Opéra Bastille. Margita has had his debut performance at the Metropolitan Opera in November 2009 as Luka Kuzmič in Leoš Janáček's From the House of the Dead. (en)
- Štefan Margita (* 3. srpna 1956 Košice) je operní pěvec – tenor slovenského původu, žijící v Praze. V minulosti již působil na scénách světových operních domů v milánské La Scale, londýnské Covent Garden a v roce 2008 i v newyorské Metropolitní opeře. Mezi jeho stěžejní repertoár patří opery Leoše Janáčka (Káťa Kabanová, Z mrtvého domu, Osud) a postava Tambourmajora z opery Woczek od Albana Berga, s níž vystoupil v Paříži, Římě či Berlíně. (cs)
- Štefan Margita (born 3 August 1956) is a Slovak opera singer who has had an active international career since 1981. He began his career singing mostly roles from the lyric tenor repertoire but in recent years he has tackled a number of dramatic tenor roles. His career has taken him to the stages of many of the world's best opera houses, including La Scala, the Royal Opera, London, the Deutsche Oper Berlin, the Liceu, and the Opéra Bastille. Margita has had his debut performance at the Metropolitan Opera in November 2009 as Luka Kuzmič in Leoš Janáček's From the House of the Dead. (en)