- The .NET Foundation is an organization incorporated on March 31, 2014, by Microsoft to improve open-source software development and collaboration around the .NET Framework. It was launched at the annual Build 2014 conference held by Microsoft. The foundation is license-agnostic, and projects that come to the foundation are free to choose any open-source license, as defined by the Open Source Initiative (OSI). The foundation uses GitHub to host the open-source projects it manages. Anyone who has contributed to .NET Foundation projects can apply to be a .NET Foundation member. Members can vote in elections for the board of the directors and will preserve the health of the organization. The foundation began with twenty-four projects under its stewardship including .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") and the ASP.NET family of open-source projects, both open-sourced by Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. (MS Open Tech). Xamarin contributed six of its projects including the open source email libraries MimeKit and MailKit. As of May 2020, it is the steward of 556 active projects, including: .NET, Entity Framework (EF), Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF), MSBuild, NuGet, Orchard CMS and WorldWide Telescope. Many of these projects are also listed under Outercurve Foundation project galleries. As of June 2022, its board of directors consisted of Bill Wagner, Javier Lozano, Rich Lander, Frank Odoom, Mattias Karlsson, Rob Prouse and Shawn Wildermuth. (en)
- .NET Foundation (ドットネット・ファウンデーション、.NET財団) は、マイクロソフトによって設立された.NETエコシステムについてオープンソース開発と協力の促進を行う非営利団体である。マイクロソフトが開催したで発表された。OSIで定義されているように特定のライセンス依存することはなく、任意のオープンソースライセンスを選択することができる。.NET Foundationでは管理するオープンソースプロジェクトをホストするのにGitHubを利用している。 .NET FoundationはMicrosoft Open Technologies, Inc. (MS Open Tech) によって.NETコンパイラプラットフォーム (Roslyn) やASP.NETオープンソースプロジェクトなどの24のプロジェクトから始まった。Xamarinはオープンソースの電子メールライブラリであるとを含む6つのプロジェクトに貢献した。2018年7月現在、.NET Core・Entity Framework・・Umbraco・MSBuild・NuGet・・など556のプロジェクトを管理している。 (ja)
- A .NET Foundation é uma organização independente, constituída em 31 de março de 2014, pela Microsoft Corporation, para melhorar o desenvolvimento de software de código aberto e colaboração em torno do .NET Framework. Ela foi lançado na reunião anual Build de 2014, conferência realizada pela Microsoft. A fundação está de licença-agnóstica, e os projetos que vêm para a fundação são livres para escolher qualquer licença de código aberto, conforme definido pela Open Source Initiative (OSI). A fundação utiliza o GitHub para hospedar os projetos de código aberto que ela gerencia. A fundação começou com vinte e quatro projetos sob a sua mordomia, inclusive .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") e a família de projetos de código aberto ASP.NET, ambos tiveram o código fonte aberto pela Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. (MS Open Tech). A Xamarin contribuiu com seis de seus projetos, incluindo as bibliotecas de e-mail de código aberto MimeKit e MailKit. Como em julho de 2015, a fundação mantém trinta e seis projetos, incluindo: .NET Core, Entity Framework (EF), Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF), Umbraco, MSBuild, NuGet, Orchard CMS e o WorldWide Telescope. Muitos destes projetos são também listados na galaria de projetos da Outercurve Fundation. Seu conselho de administração é composto por Gianugo Rabelino (Microsoft Open Technologies), Jay Schmelzer (Microsoft), e Miguel de Icaza (Xamarin). (pt)
- .NET基金會(英語:.NET Foundation),2014年3月31日由微軟公司成立與贊助的獨立自由軟體組織,其宗旨在於推進與維護微軟公司開放原始碼後的.NET框架。它扮演軟體社群與商業開發者之間的對話窗口,希望能夠擴大與加強以.NET框架技術為核心的軟體生態系統。其理事會成員包括米格爾·德伊卡薩、Gianugo Rabellino與Jay Schmelzer,由Jay Schmelzer擔任辦公室總裁。 (zh)
- .NET Foundation (ドットネット・ファウンデーション、.NET財団) は、マイクロソフトによって設立された.NETエコシステムについてオープンソース開発と協力の促進を行う非営利団体である。マイクロソフトが開催したで発表された。OSIで定義されているように特定のライセンス依存することはなく、任意のオープンソースライセンスを選択することができる。.NET Foundationでは管理するオープンソースプロジェクトをホストするのにGitHubを利用している。 .NET FoundationはMicrosoft Open Technologies, Inc. (MS Open Tech) によって.NETコンパイラプラットフォーム (Roslyn) やASP.NETオープンソースプロジェクトなどの24のプロジェクトから始まった。Xamarinはオープンソースの電子メールライブラリであるとを含む6つのプロジェクトに貢献した。2018年7月現在、.NET Core・Entity Framework・・Umbraco・MSBuild・NuGet・・など556のプロジェクトを管理している。 (ja)
- .NET基金會(英語:.NET Foundation),2014年3月31日由微軟公司成立與贊助的獨立自由軟體組織,其宗旨在於推進與維護微軟公司開放原始碼後的.NET框架。它扮演軟體社群與商業開發者之間的對話窗口,希望能夠擴大與加強以.NET框架技術為核心的軟體生態系統。其理事會成員包括米格爾·德伊卡薩、Gianugo Rabellino與Jay Schmelzer,由Jay Schmelzer擔任辦公室總裁。 (zh)
- The .NET Foundation is an organization incorporated on March 31, 2014, by Microsoft to improve open-source software development and collaboration around the .NET Framework. It was launched at the annual Build 2014 conference held by Microsoft. The foundation is license-agnostic, and projects that come to the foundation are free to choose any open-source license, as defined by the Open Source Initiative (OSI). The foundation uses GitHub to host the open-source projects it manages. (en)
- A .NET Foundation é uma organização independente, constituída em 31 de março de 2014, pela Microsoft Corporation, para melhorar o desenvolvimento de software de código aberto e colaboração em torno do .NET Framework. Ela foi lançado na reunião anual Build de 2014, conferência realizada pela Microsoft. A fundação está de licença-agnóstica, e os projetos que vêm para a fundação são livres para escolher qualquer licença de código aberto, conforme definido pela Open Source Initiative (OSI). A fundação utiliza o GitHub para hospedar os projetos de código aberto que ela gerencia. (pt)
- .NET Foundation (en)
- .NET Foundation (ja)
- .NET Foundation (pt)
- .NET基金會 (zh)