The 1917 Australian federal election was held in Australia on 5 May 1917. All 75 seats in the House of Representatives and 18 of the 36 seats in the Senate were up for election. The incumbent Nationalist Party, led by Prime Minister Billy Hughes, defeated the opposition Labor Party led by Frank Tudor in a landslide. Hughes, at the time a member of the ALP, had become prime minister when Andrew Fisher retired in 1915. The Australian Labor Party split of 1916 over the conscription issue had led Hughes and 24 other pro-conscription Labor MPs to split off as the National Labor Party, which was able to form a minority government supported by the Commonwealth Liberal Party under Joseph Cook. Later that year, National Labor and the Liberals merged to form the Nationalist Party, with Hughes as leader and Cook as deputy leader. The election was fought in the aftermath of the 1916 plebiscite on conscription, which had been narrowly defeated. The Nationalists won a decisive victory, securing the largest majority government since Federation. The ALP suffered a large electoral swing against it, losing almost seven percentage points of its vote share compared with 1914. The swing was magnified by the large number of former Labor MPs who followed Hughes out of the party. This election would be the last federal election using the first past the post election system as Australia switched to the preferential voting system in 1919. This is the first of two elections (the other in 1922 also with Hughes as the incumbent Prime Minister), in which the incumbent Prime Minister, Hughes, had successfully transferred to another seat. At this election, Hughes had abandoned West Sydney, which he won with 75.3% of the vote as the Labor candidate at the previous election in 1914, and moved to Bendigo instead, winning it as the Nationalist candidate: unlike 1922, Hughes made his seat transfer in 1917 by defeating that seat’s incumbent member, Alfred Hampson, for re-election, the only time that an incumbent Prime Minister has defeated another MP for his seat. Except for the 1917 and 1922 elections, all other elections have seen the incumbent Prime Minister recontest the seat that they held prior to the election. (en)
Les élections fédérales australiennes de 1917 ont eu lieu le 5 mai 1917, afin d'élire 75 sièges à la Chambre des représentants et 18 des 36 sièges au Sénat. Le Parti nationaliste en place, dirigé par le Premier ministre Billy Hughes, a vaincu le Parti travailliste de l'opposition dirigé par Frank Tudor. * Portail de la politique * Portail des années 1910 * Portail de l’Australie (fr)
Wybory parlamentarne w Australii w 1917 roku odbyły się w dniu 5 maja. Przedmiotem głosowania była obsada wszystkich 75 mandatów w Izbie Reprezentantów oraz połowy, czyli 18 z 36, mandatów w Senacie. W wyborach zwyciężyła debiutująca w nich Nacjonalistyczna Partia Australii, która powstała niespełna trzy miesiące wcześniej w wyniku połączenia Związkowej Partii Liberalnej i Narodowej Partii Pracy. Zarówno dotychczasowy premier Australii Billy Hughes, jak i lider opozycji Frank Tudor, zachowali po wyborach swoje stanowiska. (pl)
Les élections fédérales australiennes de 1917 ont eu lieu le 5 mai 1917, afin d'élire 75 sièges à la Chambre des représentants et 18 des 36 sièges au Sénat. Le Parti nationaliste en place, dirigé par le Premier ministre Billy Hughes, a vaincu le Parti travailliste de l'opposition dirigé par Frank Tudor. * Portail de la politique * Portail des années 1910 * Portail de l’Australie (fr)
Wybory parlamentarne w Australii w 1917 roku odbyły się w dniu 5 maja. Przedmiotem głosowania była obsada wszystkich 75 mandatów w Izbie Reprezentantów oraz połowy, czyli 18 z 36, mandatów w Senacie. W wyborach zwyciężyła debiutująca w nich Nacjonalistyczna Partia Australii, która powstała niespełna trzy miesiące wcześniej w wyniku połączenia Związkowej Partii Liberalnej i Narodowej Partii Pracy. Zarówno dotychczasowy premier Australii Billy Hughes, jak i lider opozycji Frank Tudor, zachowali po wyborach swoje stanowiska. (pl)
The 1917 Australian federal election was held in Australia on 5 May 1917. All 75 seats in the House of Representatives and 18 of the 36 seats in the Senate were up for election. The incumbent Nationalist Party, led by Prime Minister Billy Hughes, defeated the opposition Labor Party led by Frank Tudor in a landslide. This is the first of two elections (the other in 1922 also with Hughes as the incumbent Prime Minister), in which the incumbent Prime Minister, Hughes, had successfully transferred to another seat. (en)