The 1946 United States House of Representatives elections took place 19 months after President Harry S. Truman assumed office upon the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Truman was vice president under President Franklin D. Roosevelt and was thrust into the presidency following Roosevelt's death. Truman did not garner the same support as the deceased president. Democrats had controlled Congress since 1931, for 16 years, and Roosevelt had been elected to a record four terms in office. The 1946 election resulted in Republicans picking up 55 seats to win majority control. Joseph Martin, Republican of Massachusetts, became Speaker of the House, exchanging places with Sam Rayburn, Democrat of Texas, who became the new Minority Leader. The Democratic defeat was the largest since they were trounced in the 1928 pro-Republican wave that brought Herbert Hoover to power. The vote was largely seen as a referendum on Truman, whose approval rating had sunk to 32 percent over the president's controversial handling of a wave of post-war labor strikes, including a United Auto Workers strike against Ford and General Motors in 1945, a United Mine Workers strike starting in April 1946, and a national railroad worker strike that began in May. Further damage resulted from the back-and-forth over whether to end wartime price controls, unpopular with the American business constituency, to handle shortages, particularly in meat and other foodstuffs. While Truman's early months in the White House had been plagued with questions of "What would Roosevelt do if he were alive?" Republicans now began to joke "What would Truman do if he were alive?" and "To err is Truman." The Republican majority was short-lived however, with Democrats winning control of the House two years later. (en)
Bei den Wahlen zum Repräsentantenhaus der Vereinigten Staaten 1946 wurden am 5. November 1946 die Abgeordneten des Repräsentantenhauses gewählt. Im Bundesstaat Maine fand die Wahl bereits am 9. September statt. Die Wahlen waren Teil der allgemeinen Wahlen zum 80. Kongress der Vereinigten Staaten in jenem Jahr, bei denen auch ein Drittel der US-Senatoren gewählt wurden. Da die Wahl etwa in der Mitte der ersten Amtszeit des Demokratischen Präsidenten Harry S. Truman stattfand (Midterm Election), galt sie auch als Votum über Trumans bisherige Politik. Zum Zeitpunkt der Wahl bestanden die Vereinigten Staaten aus 48 Bundesstaaten. 435 Abgeordnete waren zu wählen. Die Sitzverteilung basierte auf der Volkszählung von 1940. Die Republikaner gewannen 246 Sitze, 57 mehr als bei der Wahl zuvor. Die Demokraten verloren 56 Sitze und erhielten 188 Sitze. Sie verloren die absolute Mehrheit, die sie seit 1931 gehalten hatten.Der im April 1945 nach dem Tod von Franklin D. Roosevelt ins Amt gekommene Präsidenten Harry S. Truman genoss von Anfang an nicht die Popularität seines Vorgängers. Hinzu kamen sein umstrittenes Vorgehen in verschiedenen Arbeitskämpfen jener Zeit und die umstrittene Aufhebung der vormals kriegsbedingten Preiskontrollen, vor allem bei Lebensmitteln. Vor allem in den Südstaaten knüpften Gesetze das Wahlrecht an ein bestimmtes Mindest-Steueraufkommen. Dadurch hatten ärmere Weiße und viele Nicht-Weiße (unter anderem Afro-Amerikaner) kein Wahlrecht. Diese Einschränkungen galten bis zur Verabschiedung des 24. Zusatzartikel zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten im Januar 1964. (de)
1946년 미국 하원선거 %605040302010053.5%45%0.6%0.2%0.1%0.2%공화당민주당를 확인해 주세요자유당금주당무소속득실표율1944년 선거와 정당별 득실율 비교 % 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8+6.4%−6.8%+0.4%+0.2%± 0.0%± 0.0% 공화당민주당를 확인해 주세요자유당금주당무소속 1946년 미국 하원의원 선거는 1946년 11월 5일 1946년 미국 상원의원 선거와 같이 치러졌다. 제2차 세계대전이 끝나자 밀려온 전후 노동문제와 민주당의 장기집권으로 인해 공화당이 14년 만에 다수당이 되었다. (ko)
1946년 미국 하원선거 %605040302010053.5%45%0.6%0.2%0.1%0.2%공화당민주당를 확인해 주세요자유당금주당무소속득실표율1944년 선거와 정당별 득실율 비교 % 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8+6.4%−6.8%+0.4%+0.2%± 0.0%± 0.0% 공화당민주당를 확인해 주세요자유당금주당무소속 1946년 미국 하원의원 선거는 1946년 11월 5일 1946년 미국 상원의원 선거와 같이 치러졌다. 제2차 세계대전이 끝나자 밀려온 전후 노동문제와 민주당의 장기집권으로 인해 공화당이 14년 만에 다수당이 되었다. (ko)
The 1946 United States House of Representatives elections took place 19 months after President Harry S. Truman assumed office upon the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Truman was vice president under President Franklin D. Roosevelt and was thrust into the presidency following Roosevelt's death. Truman did not garner the same support as the deceased president. Democrats had controlled Congress since 1931, for 16 years, and Roosevelt had been elected to a record four terms in office. The 1946 election resulted in Republicans picking up 55 seats to win majority control. Joseph Martin, Republican of Massachusetts, became Speaker of the House, exchanging places with Sam Rayburn, Democrat of Texas, who became the new Minority Leader. The Democratic defeat was the largest since they were trounced (en)
Bei den Wahlen zum Repräsentantenhaus der Vereinigten Staaten 1946 wurden am 5. November 1946 die Abgeordneten des Repräsentantenhauses gewählt. Im Bundesstaat Maine fand die Wahl bereits am 9. September statt. Die Wahlen waren Teil der allgemeinen Wahlen zum 80. Kongress der Vereinigten Staaten in jenem Jahr, bei denen auch ein Drittel der US-Senatoren gewählt wurden. Da die Wahl etwa in der Mitte der ersten Amtszeit des Demokratischen Präsidenten Harry S. Truman stattfand (Midterm Election), galt sie auch als Votum über Trumans bisherige Politik. (de)