El Colgate-Palmolive 1978 és el circuit de tennis professional masculí de l'any 1978 organitzat per l' (ILTF). Fou la novena edició del circuit de tennis Grand Prix i consistia amb els torneigs de tennis reconeguts per la ILTF. Els torneigs es disputaren entre el 9 de gener i el 24 de desembre de 1978. En aquesta edició es van incorporar els vuits darrers torneigs que formaven part del circuit rival i que va desaparèixer finalment. (ca)
The 1978 Colgate-Palmolive Grand Prix was a professional tennis circuit held that year. It consisted of four Grand Slam tournaments, the Grand Prix tournaments and the Nations Cup, a team event. In addition eight World Championship Tennis (WCT) tournaments, a separate professional tennis circuit held from 1971 through 1977, were incorporated into the Grand Prix circuit. The 28 tournaments with prize money of 175,000ormoreformedtheSuperSeriescategory.JimmyConnorswon10ofthe84tournamentswhichsecuredhimthefirstplaceintheGrandPrixpointsranking.Howeverhedidnotplayenoughtournaments(13)toqualifyforlargestshare(175,000 or more formed the Super Series category. Jimmy Connors won 10 of the 84 tournaments which secured him the first place in the Grand Prix points ranking. However he did not play enough tournaments (13) to qualify for largest share (175,000ormoreformedtheSuperSeriescategory.JimmyConnorswon10ofthe84tournamentswhichsecuredhimthefirstplaceintheGrandPrixpointsranking.Howeverhedidnotplayenoughtournaments(13)toqualifyforlargestshare(300,000) of the bonus pool, which instead went to third–ranked Eddie Dibbs. (en)
Is liosta é seo de na heachtraí a tharla sa bhliain 1978 i leadóg ar an Grand Prix. Bhuaigh Jimmy Connors na craobhacha is mó le agus na pointí is mó le 2,030 pointe agus bhuaigh Eddie Dibbs an airgead is mó le $575,273. Ba é Björn Borg imreoir na bliana agus John McEnroe imreoir nua na bliana. (ga)
Résultats des principaux tournois de tennis organisés par l'ATP en 1978. (fr)
Il Colgate-Palmolive Grand Prix 1978 fu una serie di tornei maschili di tennis, che includeva i quattro tornei del Grande Slam, nove tornei del circuito WCT e tutti gli altri tornei del Grand Prix. Iniziò il 9 gennaio con l'ATP Birmingham e si concluse il 14 gennaio 1979 con la finale del Masters. (it)
El Colgate-Palmolive 1978 és el circuit de tennis professional masculí de l'any 1978 organitzat per l' (ILTF). Fou la novena edició del circuit de tennis Grand Prix i consistia amb els torneigs de tennis reconeguts per la ILTF. Els torneigs es disputaren entre el 9 de gener i el 24 de desembre de 1978. En aquesta edició es van incorporar els vuits darrers torneigs que formaven part del circuit rival i que va desaparèixer finalment. (ca)
The 1978 Colgate-Palmolive Grand Prix was a professional tennis circuit held that year. It consisted of four Grand Slam tournaments, the Grand Prix tournaments and the Nations Cup, a team event. In addition eight World Championship Tennis (WCT) tournaments, a separate professional tennis circuit held from 1971 through 1977, were incorporated into the Grand Prix circuit. The 28 tournaments with prize money of 175,000ormoreformedtheSuperSeriescategory.JimmyConnorswon10ofthe84tournamentswhichsecuredhimthefirstplaceintheGrandPrixpointsranking.Howeverhedidnotplayenoughtournaments(13)toqualifyforlargestshare(175,000 or more formed the Super Series category. Jimmy Connors won 10 of the 84 tournaments which secured him the first place in the Grand Prix points ranking. However he did not play enough tournaments (13) to qualify for largest share (175,000ormoreformedtheSuperSeriescategory.JimmyConnorswon10ofthe84tournamentswhichsecuredhimthefirstplaceintheGrandPrixpointsranking.Howeverhedidnotplayenoughtournaments(13)toqualifyforlargestshare(300,000) of the bonus pool, which instead went to third–ranked Eddie Dibbs. (en)
Is liosta é seo de na heachtraí a tharla sa bhliain 1978 i leadóg ar an Grand Prix. Bhuaigh Jimmy Connors na craobhacha is mó le agus na pointí is mó le 2,030 pointe agus bhuaigh Eddie Dibbs an airgead is mó le $575,273. Ba é Björn Borg imreoir na bliana agus John McEnroe imreoir nua na bliana. (ga)
Résultats des principaux tournois de tennis organisés par l'ATP en 1978. (fr)
Il Colgate-Palmolive Grand Prix 1978 fu una serie di tornei maschili di tennis, che includeva i quattro tornei del Grande Slam, nove tornei del circuito WCT e tutti gli altri tornei del Grand Prix. Iniziò il 9 gennaio con l'ATP Birmingham e si concluse il 14 gennaio 1979 con la finale del Masters. (it)