1990 Slovenian parliamentary election (original) (raw)
- Volby do Sociálně-politické komory Skupščiny Socialistické republiky Slovinsko se konaly 8. dubna 1990. Volební účast byla 83,5 %. Voleno bylo 78 poslanců z 80, zbylí dva byli delegáti národnostních menšin. Zbývající dvě komory tehdejší slovinské skupščiny byly voleny nepřímo. (cs)
- Parliamentary elections were held in the SR Slovenia on 8 April 1990, together with the first round of presidential elections. They were the first direct elections held in Slovenia since World War II, and the first relatively free elections held there since 1925. It was actually a transitional election leading to the country's first fully democratic election on 6 December 1992, by which time Slovenia had already gained its independence. 80 delegates were elected to the Sociopolitical Chamber and 80 delegates to the Chamber of Communes of the . On 12 April 1990, 80 delegates to the Chamber of Associated Labour were elected. More than 55% of the vote for the Sociopolitical Chamber went to the DEMOS coalition, formed by newly established parties of the Slovenian Spring. The United List of Social Democrats emerged as the largest party in the Sociopolitical Chamber, winning 14 seats. In total 1,490,136 people had the right to vote and 1,241,212 of them (83.3%) participated, of which only 1,238,189 people actually cast their ballots. (en)
- Die Parlamentswahl in Slowenien 1990 fand am 8. April 1990 statt. Bei der Wahl wurden die Abgeordneten der Staatsversammlung bestimmt. Es handelte sich um die erste freie und demokratische Wahl Sloweniens innerhalb der Sozialistischen Föderativen Republik Jugoslawiens. Alle Wahlberechtigten konnten über 78 der 80 Sitze in der Staatsversammlung entscheiden. Zwei Sitze waren für Vertreter der ungarischen und italienischen Minderheit reserviert. (de)
- Les Élections législatives slovènes de 1990 se sont déroulées le 8 avril 1990 pour les 80 députés de l'Assemblée nationale. Il s'agit des premières élections législatives libres en Slovénie. L'opposition, réunie au sein de la coalition DEMOS (Opposition démocratique de Slovénie) remporte l'élection, et réalisera l'indépendance de la Yougoslavie. (fr)
- Le elezioni in Slovenia del 1990 si tennero l'8 aprile, constestualmente al primo turno delle elezioni presidenziali, per eleggere gli 80 delegati della ; il 12 aprile furono designati gli 80 delegati della . Si trattò delle prime elezioni multipartitiche e delle ultime elezioni nella Repubblica Socialista di Slovenia. L'Opposizione Democratica della Slovenia (DEMOS), che comprendeva l'Unione Democratica Slovena (SDZ), l'Alleanza Socialdemocratica di Slovenia (SDZS), i Democratici Cristiani Sloveni (SKD), la Lega Agricola Slovena (KZ-SLS) e i Verdi, ovvero i partiti della , ottenne oltre il 55% dei voti e formò il primo governo multipartitico della storia. Tuttavia, la Socialdemocratici (Slovenia), nata nel gennaio del 1990 da una scissione della Lega dei Comunisti di Jugoslavia, risultò essere il partito più votato, ottenendo 14 seggi nella . (it)
- 1990년 슬로베니아 총선거(슬로베니아어: Volitve v Skupščino Socialistične Republike Slovenije, 1990)는 1990년 4월 유고슬라비아 사회주의 연방공화국 산하 슬로베니아 사회주의 공화국에서 열린 총선이다. 제2차 세계 대전 이후 슬로베니아에서 열린 첫 직접 선거이며 1925년 이후 처음으로 치뤄진 자유 선거이다. 1990년의 총선거는 1992년 12월 6일 를 이끈 과도기적인 선거였다. 1990년 4월 8일에는 의 사회정치의회 대의원 80명과 코뮌의회 대의원 80명이 선출되었다. 4월 12일에는 노조연합의회 대의원 80명이 뽑혔다. 사회정치의회 대의원 중 55%가 당시 수립된 신생정당인 슬로베니아 민주야당(DEMOS) 소속 의원이었다. 선거 결과 사회정치의회에서 이 14석으로 원내 1석을 차지하였다. (ko)
- Парламентские выборы прошли в Республике Словения в апреле 1990 года. Это были первые прямые выборы, прошедшие в Словении с окончанием Второй мировой войны, и первые относительно свободные выборы, проведённые там с 1925 года. Фактически выборы были на переходный период, окончившийся полностью демократическими выборами 6 декабря 1992 года, когда Словения уже обрела свою независимость. 8 апреля 1990 года было избрано 80 депутатов в Общественно–политическую палату и 80 депутатов в Палату коммун Собрания Социалистической Республики Словении. 12 апреля 1990 года были выбраны 80 депутатов Палаты ассоциации трудящихся. Более чем 55% голосов набрала коалиция Демократическая оппозиция Словении, состоящая из новообразованных партий в результате «». Объединенный список социал-демократов был крупнейшей среди них, и получивший 14 мест в Общественно–политической палате. (ru)
- 1990-04-08 (xsd:date)
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- dbr:Parliamentary_elections_in_Slovenia
- dbr:Democratic_Opposition_of_Slovenia
- dbr:Jože_Pučnik
- dbr:Jožef_Školč
- dbr:DEMOS_(Slovenia)
- dbr:1990_Slovenian_presidential_election
- dbr:1992_Slovenian_parliamentary_election
- dbc:1990_elections_in_Yugoslavia
- dbc:1990_in_Slovenia
- dbc:April_1990_events_in_Europe
- dbc:Parliamentary_elections_in_Slovenia
- dbc:Slovenian_Spring
- dbc:Election_and_referendum_articles_with_incomplete_results
- dbr:Liberal_Democracy_of_Slovenia
- dbr:Lojze_Peterle
- dbr:Slovenian_Democratic_Party
- dbr:Slovenian_People's_Party
- dbr:Social_Democrats_(Slovenia)
- dbr:Delo_(newspaper)
- dbr:France_Bučar
- dbr:Direct_election
- dbr:Ivan_Oman
- dbr:Ten-Day_War
- dbr:League_of_Communists_of_Slovenia
- dbr:Socialist_Republic_of_Slovenia
- dbr:Ciril_Ribičič
- dbr:Greens_of_Slovenia
- dbr:World_War_II
- dbr:Socialist_Party_of_Slovenia
- dbr:Slovene_Christian_Democrats
- dbr:Slovenian_Democratic_Union
- dbr:Slovenian_Spring
- dbr:Liberal_Democratic_Party_(Slovenia)
- dbr:Assembly_of_the_Socialist_Republic_of_Slovenia
- dbr:File:DZRS_1990.svg
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- SR Slovenia (en)
- 1990-04-08 (xsd:date)
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- 1853908 (xsd:integer)
- 3 (xsd:integer)
- BucarFrance.JPG (en)
- Dušan Plut 2014.JPG (en)
- Ivan Oman.jpg (en)
- Lojze Peterle 2011-07-30.jpg (en)
- SkoljcJozef.jpg (en)
- Viktor zakelj.JPG (en)
- 130 (xsd:integer)
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- dbr:Jožef_Školč
- dbr:Lojze_Peterle
- dbr:France_Bučar
- dbr:Ivan_Oman
- dbr:Ciril_Ribičič
- Dušan Plut (en)
- Viktor Žakelj (en)
- Vitomir Gros (en)
- 1992 (xsd:integer)
- 1992 (xsd:integer)
- dbr:DEMOS_(Slovenia)
- dbr:Liberal_Democracy_of_Slovenia
- dbr:Slovenian_Democratic_Party
- dbr:Slovenian_People's_Party
- dbr:Social_Democrats_(Slovenia)
- dbr:League_of_Communists_of_Slovenia
- dbr:Greens_of_Slovenia
- dbr:Socialist_Party_of_Slovenia
- dbr:Slovene_Christian_Democrats
- dbr:Slovenian_Democratic_Union
- dbr:Liberal_Democratic_Party_(Slovenia)
- List of Independents (en)
- Alliance of Retired Societies of Maribor (en)
- Civic Green List (en)
- Democratic Alliance of Kosovo (en)
- League for Citizens' Equality (en)
- List of Single Candidates (en)
- New Social Movement (en)
- Slovenian Crafts Entrepreneurship Party (en)
- Slovenian Handicraft and Business Party (en)
- 3.54
- 17.28
- 5.37
- 9.51
- 7.39
- 12.55
- 14.49
- 8.84
- 12.98
- 38269 (xsd:integer)
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- 95640 (xsd:integer)
- 102931 (xsd:integer)
- 135808 (xsd:integer)
- 140403 (xsd:integer)
- 156843 (xsd:integer)
- 186928 (xsd:integer)
- Prime Minister after election (en)
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry representatives (en)
- Hungarian minority representative (en)
- Italian minority representative (en)
- Local communities representative (en)
- Minority representatives (en)
- Trade Unions representatives (en)
- Businesses, Societies, Associations and Army representatives (en)
- 0 (xsd:integer)
- 1 (xsd:integer)
- 2 (xsd:integer)
- 3 (xsd:integer)
- 5 (xsd:integer)
- 6 (xsd:integer)
- 7 (xsd:integer)
- 8 (xsd:integer)
- 9 (xsd:integer)
- 11 (xsd:integer)
- 12 (xsd:integer)
- 14 (xsd:integer)
- 16 (xsd:integer)
- 20 (xsd:integer)
- 29 (xsd:integer)
- 51 (xsd:integer)
- All 80 seats in the Sociopolitical Chamber (en)
- Nohlen & Stöver (en)
- Nohlen & Stöver, Delo (en)
- Prime Minister (en)
- 0 (xsd:integer)
- 83.29
- 83.09
- parliamentary (en)
- 691898 (xsd:integer)
- 1128435 (xsd:integer)
- 1155302 (xsd:integer)
- 1428789 (xsd:integer)
- 3240 (xsd:integer)
- 4113 (xsd:integer)
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- 4715 (xsd:integer)
- 5276 (xsd:integer)
- 17021 (xsd:integer)
- 21583 (xsd:integer)
- 26629 (xsd:integer)
- 38269 (xsd:integer)
- 58082 (xsd:integer)
- 79951 (xsd:integer)
- 95640 (xsd:integer)
- 102931 (xsd:integer)
- 135808 (xsd:integer)
- 140403 (xsd:integer)
- 156843 (xsd:integer)
- 186928 (xsd:integer)
- dbc:1990_elections_in_Yugoslavia
- dbc:1990_in_Slovenia
- dbc:April_1990_events_in_Europe
- dbc:Parliamentary_elections_in_Slovenia
- dbc:Slovenian_Spring
- dbc:Election_and_referendum_articles_with_incomplete_results
- owl:Thing
- schema:Event
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- dbo:SocietalEvent
- wikidata:Q1656682
- wikidata:Q40231
- dbo:Election
- dbo:Event
- Volby do Sociálně-politické komory Skupščiny Socialistické republiky Slovinsko se konaly 8. dubna 1990. Volební účast byla 83,5 %. Voleno bylo 78 poslanců z 80, zbylí dva byli delegáti národnostních menšin. Zbývající dvě komory tehdejší slovinské skupščiny byly voleny nepřímo. (cs)
- Die Parlamentswahl in Slowenien 1990 fand am 8. April 1990 statt. Bei der Wahl wurden die Abgeordneten der Staatsversammlung bestimmt. Es handelte sich um die erste freie und demokratische Wahl Sloweniens innerhalb der Sozialistischen Föderativen Republik Jugoslawiens. Alle Wahlberechtigten konnten über 78 der 80 Sitze in der Staatsversammlung entscheiden. Zwei Sitze waren für Vertreter der ungarischen und italienischen Minderheit reserviert. (de)
- Les Élections législatives slovènes de 1990 se sont déroulées le 8 avril 1990 pour les 80 députés de l'Assemblée nationale. Il s'agit des premières élections législatives libres en Slovénie. L'opposition, réunie au sein de la coalition DEMOS (Opposition démocratique de Slovénie) remporte l'élection, et réalisera l'indépendance de la Yougoslavie. (fr)
- 1990년 슬로베니아 총선거(슬로베니아어: Volitve v Skupščino Socialistične Republike Slovenije, 1990)는 1990년 4월 유고슬라비아 사회주의 연방공화국 산하 슬로베니아 사회주의 공화국에서 열린 총선이다. 제2차 세계 대전 이후 슬로베니아에서 열린 첫 직접 선거이며 1925년 이후 처음으로 치뤄진 자유 선거이다. 1990년의 총선거는 1992년 12월 6일 를 이끈 과도기적인 선거였다. 1990년 4월 8일에는 의 사회정치의회 대의원 80명과 코뮌의회 대의원 80명이 선출되었다. 4월 12일에는 노조연합의회 대의원 80명이 뽑혔다. 사회정치의회 대의원 중 55%가 당시 수립된 신생정당인 슬로베니아 민주야당(DEMOS) 소속 의원이었다. 선거 결과 사회정치의회에서 이 14석으로 원내 1석을 차지하였다. (ko)
- Parliamentary elections were held in the SR Slovenia on 8 April 1990, together with the first round of presidential elections. They were the first direct elections held in Slovenia since World War II, and the first relatively free elections held there since 1925. It was actually a transitional election leading to the country's first fully democratic election on 6 December 1992, by which time Slovenia had already gained its independence. 80 delegates were elected to the Sociopolitical Chamber and 80 delegates to the Chamber of Communes of the . (en)
- Le elezioni in Slovenia del 1990 si tennero l'8 aprile, constestualmente al primo turno delle elezioni presidenziali, per eleggere gli 80 delegati della ; il 12 aprile furono designati gli 80 delegati della . (it)
- Парламентские выборы прошли в Республике Словения в апреле 1990 года. Это были первые прямые выборы, прошедшие в Словении с окончанием Второй мировой войны, и первые относительно свободные выборы, проведённые там с 1925 года. Фактически выборы были на переходный период, окончившийся полностью демократическими выборами 6 декабря 1992 года, когда Словения уже обрела свою независимость. (ru)
- Volby do Skupščiny Socialistické republiky Slovinsko 1990 (cs)
- Parlamentswahl in Slowenien 1990 (de)
- 1990 Slovenian parliamentary election (en)
- Élections législatives slovènes de 1990 (fr)
- Elezioni parlamentari in Slovenia del 1990 (it)
- 1990년 슬로베니아 총선거 (ko)
- Парламентские выборы в Словении (1990) (ru)
- wikidata:1990 Slovenian parliamentary election
- dbpedia-be:1990 Slovenian parliamentary election
- http://bs.dbpedia.org/resource/Skupštinski_izbori_u_SR_Sloveniji_1990.
- dbpedia-cs:1990 Slovenian parliamentary election
- dbpedia-de:1990 Slovenian parliamentary election
- dbpedia-et:1990 Slovenian parliamentary election
- dbpedia-fr:1990 Slovenian parliamentary election
- dbpedia-it:1990 Slovenian parliamentary election
- dbpedia-ko:1990 Slovenian parliamentary election
- dbpedia-ru:1990 Slovenian parliamentary election
- dbpedia-sl:1990 Slovenian parliamentary election
- https://global.dbpedia.org/id/4oMir
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/BucarFrance.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/SkoljcJozef.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/3x4.svg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/DZRS_1990.svg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Dušan_Plut_2014.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Ivan_Oman.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Lojze_Peterle_2011-07-30.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Viktor_zakelj.jpg
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
- dbr:1990_Slovene_parliamentary_election
- dbr:Slovenian_parliamentary_election,_1990
- dbr:Slovene_parliamentary_election,_1990
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Prime_Minister_of_Slovenia
- dbr:Elections_in_Yugoslavia
- dbr:Parliamentary_elections_in_Slovenia
- dbr:Breakup_of_Yugoslavia
- dbr:Revolutions_of_1989
- dbr:DEMOS_(Slovenia)
- dbr:Croatian_War_of_Independence
- dbr:1990
- dbr:Andrej_Čuš_and_Greens_of_Slovenia
- dbr:Liberal_Democracy_of_Slovenia
- dbr:Slovenian_Democratic_Party
- dbr:Slovenian_People's_Party
- dbr:Social_Democrats_(Slovenia)
- dbr:Yugoslavism
- dbr:History_of_Slovenia
- dbr:1990_Slovene_parliamentary_election
- dbr:League_of_Communists_of_Slovenia
- dbr:Socialist_Republic_of_Slovenia
- dbr:Milan_Aksentijević
- dbr:National_Assembly_(Slovenia)
- dbr:Socialist_Party_of_Slovenia
- dbr:Slovenian_parliamentary_election,_1990
- dbr:Slovene_parliamentary_election,_1990
is foaf:primaryTopic of