2014 FIFA U-17 Women's World Cup (original) (raw)
- كأس العالم للسيدات تحت 17 سنة 2014 هي النسخة الرابعة من مسابقة كرة قدم للسيدات وسوف تجرى في كوستاريكا. اقيمت البطولة ربيع عام 2014 واستضاف ملعب استاديو ناسيونال دي كوستاريكا المباراة النهائية التي جمعت منتخبيّ اليابان وإسبانيا وحقق المنتخب الياباني كأس البطولة . (ar)
- Mistrovství světa ve fotbale žen do 17 let 2014 je čtvrtým ročníkem tohoto turnaje. (cs)
- Die U-17-Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft der Frauen 2014 (offiziell 2014 FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup) war die vierte Ausspielung dieses Wettbewerbs für Fußballspielerinnen unter 17 Jahren (Stichtag: 1. Januar 1997) und fand vom 15. März bis 5. April 2014 in Costa Rica statt. Das Turnier wurde auf der Sitzung des FIFA-Exekutivkomitees am 21. März 2013 endgültig an Costa Rica vergeben, nachdem die Regierung von Costa Rica entsprechende Garantien gegeben hatte. Es war das erste FIFA-Turnier überhaupt, welches in Costa Rica stattfand. Am Turnier nahmen 16 Mannschaften teil, die zunächst in vier Gruppen und danach im K.-o.-System gegeneinander antraten. Die französischen Weltmeisterinnen von 2012 konnten sich nicht für diese Endrunde qualifizieren. (de)
- The 2014 FIFA U-17 Women's World Cup was the fourth edition of the youth association football tournament for women under the age of 17. The final tournament was hosted in Costa Rica. The competition was played from 15 March to 4 April 2014. Japan beat Spain in the final 2–0, the same score the same match ended in the group stage. Japan emerged as the fourth different champion in four editions. The opening match of the tournament set a new tournament record with 34,453 spectators. In total 284,320 supporters attended matches averaging 8,885 per match beating the 2012 record. (en)
- La IV Copa Mundial Femenina de Fútbol Sub-17 se llevó a cabo entre el 15 de marzo y el 4 de abril de 2014. El país organizador del evento fue Costa Rica, que fue designada como tal el 3 de marzo de 2011. (es)
- La Coupe du monde féminine de football des moins de 17 ans 2014 est la quatrième édition de la Coupe du monde féminine de football des moins de 17 ans et se déroule au Costa Rica. C'est la deuxième fois que la compétition est organisée sur le continent américain. Le pays organisateur a été choisi par le comité exécutif de la Fédération internationale de football association (FIFA) le 3 mars 2011. Le remporte cette 4e édition en battant l'Espagne en finale sur le score de 2 à 0. Pour sa première phase finale, l' termine sur le podium. (fr)
- 2014 FIFA U-17女子ワールドカップ(英: FIFA U-17 Women's World Cup Costa Rica 2014)は、2014年3月15日から4月4日にかけて、コスタリカで開催された第4回目のFIFA U-17女子ワールドカップである。日本が出場4回目にして初優勝を果たし、同国代表の杉田妃和が大会最優秀選手に選出された。 (ja)
- 2014년 FIFA U-17 여자 월드컵(영어: 2014 FIFA U-17 Women's World Cup)은 2014년 3월 15일부터 4월 4일까지 코스타리카에서 개최된 4번째 FIFA U-17 여자 월드컵 대회이다. (ko)
- Il Campionato mondiale di calcio femminile Under-17 2014, quarta edizione della manifestazione organizzata dalla Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) e destinata alle nazionali di calcio femminile al di sotto dei 17 anni d'età, si è disputato nella Costa Rica dal 15 marzo al 4 aprile 2014. Il Giappone ha vinto il titolo per la prima volta nella sua storia sportiva, battendo in finale la Spagna. (it)
- Het FIFA Wereldkampioenschap voetbal vrouwen onder 17 - 2014 was de vierde editie van het Wereldkampioenschap voetbal vrouwen onder 17. Het toernooi werd worden gehouden in Costa Rica. Op 28 februari 2013 werd bekend dat Costa Rica de organisatierechten verloor omdat ze achterliepen met het bouwen van nieuwe stadions, maar op 21 maart 2013 kreeg Costa Rica de organisatierechten terug door de financiële garanties die de CONCACAF en de overheid van Costa Rica toezegde aan de FIFA. De meisjes van Japan versloegen in de finale met 2–0 de meisjes van Spanje. (nl)
- A Copa do Mundo de Futebol Feminino Sub-17 de 2014 foi a quarta edição do evento organizado pela Federação Internacional de Futebol (FIFA), realizada na Costa Rica entre 15 de março e 4 de abril. O Japão venceu a Espanha na final por 2–0 e conquistou seu primeiro título na categoria. (pt)
- U17-världsmästerskapet i fotboll för damer 2014 var det fjärde U17-världsmästerskapet i fotboll för damer och arrangerades i Costa Rica under perioden 15 mars–4 april 2014. Japan vann mästerskapet efter att ha besegrat Spanien i finalen med 2–0, inför 29 814 åskådare. Italien vann matchen om tredjepris efter att ha besegrat Venezuela på straffar med 2–0, efter ett oavgjort resultat (4–4) efter fulltid. Japan vann utmärkelsen för fair play. Hina Sugita från Japan vann utmärkelsen för bästa spelare i turneringen (adidas Golden Ball). och från Venezuela gjorde sex mål i turneringen och delade på utmärkelsen för spelare med flest gjorda mål (adidas Golden Boot). från Japan vann utmärkelsen för turneringens bästa målvakt (adidas Golden Glove). Mästerskapet avgjordes efter 32 spelade matcher, 113 gjorda mål och sågs av 284 610 åskådare. (sv)
- Чемпионат мира по футболу среди девушек до 17 лет 2014 года — турнир под эгидой ФИФА, который проходил в Коста-Рике и является четвёртым чемпионатом мира по футболу среди девушек до 17 лет. Турнир стартовал 15 марта 2014 года и завершился 4 апреля 2014 года. (ru)
- 2014年國際足協U-17女子世界盃為第 4 屆國際足協U-17女子世界盃。最初的主辦權是給哥斯達黎加 ,因為場館興建的問題主辦權於2013年2月28日被取消。之後收到中北美洲及加勒比海足球協會和哥斯大黎加政府的擔保後,3月21日的執行委員會上又重新取得主辦權。 (zh)
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- dbr:Carina_Vitulano
- dbr:San_José,_Costa_Rica
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- dbr:Sandra_Owusu-Ansah
- dbr:New_Zealand_Football
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- dbc:International_association_football_competitions_hosted_by_Costa_Rica
- dbr:2012_FIFA_U-17_Women's_World_Cup
- dbr:2013_AFC_U-16_Women's_Championship
- dbr:2013_African_U-17_Women's_World_Cup_Qualifying_Tournament
- dbr:2013_CONCACAF_Women's_U-17_Championship
- dbr:Bea_Beltrán
- dbr:Belén_Cruz
- dbr:Brazilian_Football_Confederation
- dbr:2013_South_American_Under-17_Women's_Football_Championship
- dbr:Hungarian_Football_Federation
- dbr:Joy_Bokiri
- dbr:Ju_Hyo-sim
- dbr:Patricia_Guijarro
- dbr:Pernilla_Larsson
- dbr:Peruvian_Football_Federation
- dbr:Ricarda_Walkling
- dbr:Rikako_Kobayashi
- dbr:Uchenna_Kanu
- dbr:Valentina_Bergamaschi
- dbr:Vida_Opoku
- dbr:Viridiana_Salazar
- dbr:Sian_Massey
- dbr:Tibas
- dbr:Confederation_of_African_Football
- dbr:Costa_Rica
- dbr:Estadio_Edgardo_Baltodano_Briceño
- dbr:Fuka_Kono
- dbr:Fuka_Nagano
- dbr:Gabriela_García
- dbr:Gladys_Amfobea
- dbr:Gloria_Marinelli
- dbr:Grace_Chanda
- dbr:Mizuki_Saihara
- dbr:Nahikari_García
- dbr:Nana_Ichise
- dbc:2013–14_in_Costa_Rican_football
- dbc:2014_in_women's_association_football
- dbc:2014_in_youth_association_football
- dbc:2014_in_youth_sport
- dbr:Andrea_Falcón
- dbr:Annamaria_Serturini
- dbr:Liberia,_Costa_Rica
- dbr:Lisa_Boattin
- dbr:Mamiko_Matsumoto
- dbr:Yu_Endo
- dbr:Yui_Hasegawa
- dbr:Overtime_(sports)
- dbr:Penalty_shoot-out_(association_football)
- dbr:Central_Time_Zone
- dbr:Tibás
- dbr:UEFA
- dbr:Wi_Jong-sim
- dbr:2014_UEFA_Women's_Under-17_Championship
- dbr:2016_FIFA_U-17_Women's_World_Cup
- dbc:FIFA_U-17_Women's_World_Cup_tournaments
- dbr:Alajuela
- dbr:Daisy_Cleverley
- dbr:Daniuska_Rodríguez
- dbr:Ernestina_Abambila
- dbr:Estadio_Alejandro_Morera_Soto
- dbr:Estadio_Nacional_de_Costa_Rica_(2011)
- dbr:Estadio_Ricardo_Saprissa_Aymá
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- dbr:Fanny_Godoy
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- dbr:Football_Association_of_the_Czech_Republic
- dbr:Pannipar_Kamnueng
- dbr:Football_Federation_of_Ukraine
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- dbc:March_2014_sports_events_in_North_America
- dbr:Hina_Sugita
- dbr:Italian_Football_Federation
- dbr:Jamaica_Football_Federation
- dbr:Jane_Ayiyem
- dbr:Japan_Football_Association
- dbr:Asato_Miyagawa
- dbr:Asian_Football_Confederation
- dbr:Association_football
- dbr:Jessie_Fleming
- dbr:Katalin_Kulcsár
- dbr:Kateryna_Monzul
- dbr:Kika_Moreno
- dbr:Sung_Hyang-sim
- dbr:Tahicelis_Marcano
- dbr:Deyna_Castellanos
- dbr:Manuela_Giugliano
- dbr:Marie_Levasseur
- dbr:Sofía_Varela
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- dbr:Mexican_Football_Federation
- dbr:Michelle_Romero
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- dbr:Rasheedat_Ajibade
- dbr:Rebeca_Bernal
- dbr:Shiho_Matsubara
- dbr:Yosneidy_Zambrano
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- dbr:Togolese_Football_Federation
- dbr:Swedish_Football_Association
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- dbr:Sandra_Hernández_(footballer,_born_1997)
- dbr:Pilar_Garrote
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- dbr:File:Estadio_Nacional_de_Costa_Rica_du..._los_90_minutos_por_la_vida,_2015.JPG
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- dbr:File:Ricardo_Saprissa-Clasico_2020.jpg
- 1812 (xsd:integer)
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- 25624 (xsd:integer)
- 29814 (xsd:integer)
- 34453 (xsd:integer)
- 4 (xsd:integer)
- 6 (xsd:integer)
- 1 (xsd:integer)
- Costa Rica (en)
- 2014-03-15 (xsd:date)
- 2014-03-16 (xsd:date)
- 2014-03-18 (xsd:date)
- 2014-03-19 (xsd:date)
- 2014-03-22 (xsd:date)
- 2014-03-23 (xsd:date)
- 2014-03-27 (xsd:date)
- 2014-03-31 (xsd:date)
- 2014-04-04 (xsd:date)
- 0001-03-15 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- (en)
- Mamiko Matsumoto (en)
- 113 (xsd:integer)
- Falcón (en)
- Giugliano (en)
- Moreno (en)
- Nagano (en)
- Zambrano (en)
- Fleming (en)
- Bernal (en)
- Araya (en)
- Martínez (en)
- Salazar (en)
- Varela (en)
- Crowther (en)
- Marinelli (en)
- J. González (en)
- Barrios (en)
- Hernández (en)
- Cruz (en)
- Godoy (en)
- G. García (en)
- Bergamaschi (en)
- Simonetti (en)
- Hasegawa (en)
- Kobayashi (en)
- Kono (en)
- Huerta (en)
- Páez (en)
- Castellanos (en)
- Beltrán (en)
- Luzardo (en)
- Kanu (en)
- Matsubara (en)
- Fellhauer (en)
- Owusu-Ansah (en)
- Endo (en)
- Nishida (en)
- Yakubu (en)
- Miyagawa (en)
- Marcano (en)
- Cleverley (en)
- Bokiri (en)
- Sugita (en)
- Chen Yudan (en)
- Cui Yuhan (en)
- Fan Yuqiu (en)
- Ju Hyo-sim (en)
- Kinzner (en)
- Levasseur (en)
- Sung Hyang-sim (en)
- Wi Jong-sim (en)
- Guijarro (en)
- Sehan (en)
- Abambila (en)
- Ajibade (en)
- Amfobea (en)
- And. Rodríguez (en)
- Ang. Rodríguez (en)
- Ayiyem (en)
- Ehegötz (en)
- G. Chanda (en)
- Hiratsuka (en)
- Ichise (en)
- Kim Jong-Sim (en)
- N. García (en)
- P. Garrote (en)
- Ri Ji-hyang (en)
- Saihara (en)
- Serturini (en)
- Walkling (en)
- 32 (xsd:integer)
- 2016 (xsd:integer)
- 16 (xsd:integer)
- Copa Mundial Femenina de Fútbol Sub-17 de 2014 (en)
- Giugliano (en)
- Moreno (en)
- Romero (en)
- Simonetti (en)
- Goyo (en)
- Opoku (en)
- D. Rodriguez (en)
- Abambila (en)
- Amfobea (en)
- Ayiyem (en)
- Boattin (en)
- Kuzagbe (en)
- Serturini (en)
- Vergani (en)
- 0 (xsd:integer)
- 3 (xsd:integer)
- Hina Sugita (en)
- 2012 (xsd:integer)
- Carina Vitulano (en)
- Jana Adámková (en)
- Katalin Kulcsár (en)
- Kateryna Monzul (en)
- Pannipar Kamnueng (en)
- Silvia Reyes (en)
- Cardella Samuels (en)
- Lucila Venegas (en)
- Fusako Kajiyama (en)
- Pernilla Larsson (en)
- Aissata Amegee (en)
- Ana Marques (en)
- Anna–Marie Keighley (en)
- Miriam Leon (en)
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- FIFA U-17 Women's World Cup (en)
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- كأس العالم للسيدات تحت 17 سنة 2014 هي النسخة الرابعة من مسابقة كرة قدم للسيدات وسوف تجرى في كوستاريكا. اقيمت البطولة ربيع عام 2014 واستضاف ملعب استاديو ناسيونال دي كوستاريكا المباراة النهائية التي جمعت منتخبيّ اليابان وإسبانيا وحقق المنتخب الياباني كأس البطولة . (ar)
- Mistrovství světa ve fotbale žen do 17 let 2014 je čtvrtým ročníkem tohoto turnaje. (cs)
- Die U-17-Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft der Frauen 2014 (offiziell 2014 FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup) war die vierte Ausspielung dieses Wettbewerbs für Fußballspielerinnen unter 17 Jahren (Stichtag: 1. Januar 1997) und fand vom 15. März bis 5. April 2014 in Costa Rica statt. Das Turnier wurde auf der Sitzung des FIFA-Exekutivkomitees am 21. März 2013 endgültig an Costa Rica vergeben, nachdem die Regierung von Costa Rica entsprechende Garantien gegeben hatte. Es war das erste FIFA-Turnier überhaupt, welches in Costa Rica stattfand. Am Turnier nahmen 16 Mannschaften teil, die zunächst in vier Gruppen und danach im K.-o.-System gegeneinander antraten. Die französischen Weltmeisterinnen von 2012 konnten sich nicht für diese Endrunde qualifizieren. (de)
- The 2014 FIFA U-17 Women's World Cup was the fourth edition of the youth association football tournament for women under the age of 17. The final tournament was hosted in Costa Rica. The competition was played from 15 March to 4 April 2014. Japan beat Spain in the final 2–0, the same score the same match ended in the group stage. Japan emerged as the fourth different champion in four editions. The opening match of the tournament set a new tournament record with 34,453 spectators. In total 284,320 supporters attended matches averaging 8,885 per match beating the 2012 record. (en)
- La IV Copa Mundial Femenina de Fútbol Sub-17 se llevó a cabo entre el 15 de marzo y el 4 de abril de 2014. El país organizador del evento fue Costa Rica, que fue designada como tal el 3 de marzo de 2011. (es)
- La Coupe du monde féminine de football des moins de 17 ans 2014 est la quatrième édition de la Coupe du monde féminine de football des moins de 17 ans et se déroule au Costa Rica. C'est la deuxième fois que la compétition est organisée sur le continent américain. Le pays organisateur a été choisi par le comité exécutif de la Fédération internationale de football association (FIFA) le 3 mars 2011. Le remporte cette 4e édition en battant l'Espagne en finale sur le score de 2 à 0. Pour sa première phase finale, l' termine sur le podium. (fr)
- 2014 FIFA U-17女子ワールドカップ(英: FIFA U-17 Women's World Cup Costa Rica 2014)は、2014年3月15日から4月4日にかけて、コスタリカで開催された第4回目のFIFA U-17女子ワールドカップである。日本が出場4回目にして初優勝を果たし、同国代表の杉田妃和が大会最優秀選手に選出された。 (ja)
- 2014년 FIFA U-17 여자 월드컵(영어: 2014 FIFA U-17 Women's World Cup)은 2014년 3월 15일부터 4월 4일까지 코스타리카에서 개최된 4번째 FIFA U-17 여자 월드컵 대회이다. (ko)
- Il Campionato mondiale di calcio femminile Under-17 2014, quarta edizione della manifestazione organizzata dalla Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) e destinata alle nazionali di calcio femminile al di sotto dei 17 anni d'età, si è disputato nella Costa Rica dal 15 marzo al 4 aprile 2014. Il Giappone ha vinto il titolo per la prima volta nella sua storia sportiva, battendo in finale la Spagna. (it)
- Het FIFA Wereldkampioenschap voetbal vrouwen onder 17 - 2014 was de vierde editie van het Wereldkampioenschap voetbal vrouwen onder 17. Het toernooi werd worden gehouden in Costa Rica. Op 28 februari 2013 werd bekend dat Costa Rica de organisatierechten verloor omdat ze achterliepen met het bouwen van nieuwe stadions, maar op 21 maart 2013 kreeg Costa Rica de organisatierechten terug door de financiële garanties die de CONCACAF en de overheid van Costa Rica toezegde aan de FIFA. De meisjes van Japan versloegen in de finale met 2–0 de meisjes van Spanje. (nl)
- A Copa do Mundo de Futebol Feminino Sub-17 de 2014 foi a quarta edição do evento organizado pela Federação Internacional de Futebol (FIFA), realizada na Costa Rica entre 15 de março e 4 de abril. O Japão venceu a Espanha na final por 2–0 e conquistou seu primeiro título na categoria. (pt)
- Чемпионат мира по футболу среди девушек до 17 лет 2014 года — турнир под эгидой ФИФА, который проходил в Коста-Рике и является четвёртым чемпионатом мира по футболу среди девушек до 17 лет. Турнир стартовал 15 марта 2014 года и завершился 4 апреля 2014 года. (ru)
- 2014年國際足協U-17女子世界盃為第 4 屆國際足協U-17女子世界盃。最初的主辦權是給哥斯達黎加 ,因為場館興建的問題主辦權於2013年2月28日被取消。之後收到中北美洲及加勒比海足球協會和哥斯大黎加政府的擔保後,3月21日的執行委員會上又重新取得主辦權。 (zh)
- U17-världsmästerskapet i fotboll för damer 2014 var det fjärde U17-världsmästerskapet i fotboll för damer och arrangerades i Costa Rica under perioden 15 mars–4 april 2014. Japan vann mästerskapet efter att ha besegrat Spanien i finalen med 2–0, inför 29 814 åskådare. Italien vann matchen om tredjepris efter att ha besegrat Venezuela på straffar med 2–0, efter ett oavgjort resultat (4–4) efter fulltid. Mästerskapet avgjordes efter 32 spelade matcher, 113 gjorda mål och sågs av 284 610 åskådare. (sv)
- كأس العالم للسيدات تحت 17 سنة لكرة القدم 2014 (ar)
- Mistrovství světa ve fotbale žen do 17 let 2014 (cs)
- U-17-Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft der Frauen 2014 (de)
- 2014 FIFA U-17 Women's World Cup (en)
- Copa Mundial Femenina de Fútbol Sub-17 de 2014 (es)
- Coupe du monde féminine de football des moins de 17 ans 2014 (fr)
- Campionato mondiale di calcio femminile Under-17 2014 (it)
- 2014 FIFA U-17女子ワールドカップ (ja)
- 2014년 FIFA U-17 여자 월드컵 (ko)
- Wereldkampioenschap voetbal vrouwen onder 17 - 2014 (nl)
- Copa do Mundo de Futebol Feminino Sub-17 de 2014 (pt)
- Чемпионат мира по футболу 2014 (девушки до 17 лет) (ru)
- U17-världsmästerskapet i fotboll för damer 2014 (sv)
- 2014年國際足協U-17女子世界盃 (zh)
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- FIFA U-17 Women's World Cup (en)
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- dbr:Canada_women's_national_under-17_soccer_team
- dbr:Romania_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Royal_Spanish_Football_Federation
- dbr:Sandra_Luzardo
- dbr:Sandra_Owusu-Ansah
- dbr:Sarah_Morton_(footballer)
- dbr:Sarah_Stratigakis
- dbr:2012_FIFA_U-17_Women's_World_Cup
- dbr:2013_AFC_U-16_Women's_Championship
- dbr:2013_African_U-17_Women's_World_Cup_Qualifying_Tournament
- dbr:2013_CONCACAF_Women's_U-17_Championship
- dbr:2020_UEFA_Women's_Under-17_Championship
- dbr:Belgium_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Bhutan_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Bianca_St-Georges
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- dbr:Devon_Kerr
- dbr:Honduras_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Hungary_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Lithuania_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Patricia_Guijarro
- dbr:Pernilla_Larsson
- dbr:Right_to_Dream_Academy
- dbr:Rikako_Kobayashi
- dbr:Uchenna_Kanu
- dbr:Ukraine_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:United_States_women's_national_under-17_soccer_team
- dbr:Uruguay_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Uzbekistan_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Valentina_Bergamaschi
- dbr:Vanessa_Flores
- dbr:Venezuela_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Vida_Opoku
- dbr:Timeline_of_association_football
- dbr:Colombia_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Confederation_of_African_Football
- dbr:Mary_Wilombe
- dbr:Memory_Phiri
- dbr:Russia_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Rylee_Foster
- dbr:Estadio_Edgardo_Baltodano_Briceño
- dbr:Christy_Ucheibe
- dbr:Elizabeth_Anton
- dbr:England_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Franyely_Rodríguez
- dbr:Fuka_Nagano
- dbr:Germany_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Ghana_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Gloriana_Villalobos
- dbr:Greece_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Moeka_Minami
- dbr:Montenegro_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Montserrat_Hernández
- dbr:Morocco_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Mónica_Rodríguez
- dbr:Nahikari_García
- dbr:Nana_Ichise
- dbr:2018_African_U-17_Women's_World_Cup_Qualifying_Tournament
- dbr:2018_CONCACAF_Women's_U-17_Championship
- dbr:2018_FIFA_U-17_Women's_World_Cup
- dbr:2018_South_American_U-17_Women's_Championship
- dbr:2018_UEFA_Women's_Under-17_Championship
- dbr:2019_AFC_U-16_Women's_Championship
- dbr:2020_OFC_U-17_Women's_Championship
- dbr:Andorra_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Angie_Castañeda
- dbr:Anna-Marie_Keighley
- dbr:Lisa_Boattin
- dbr:Lorena_Alonso
- dbr:Maite_Oroz
- dbr:Mallory_Pugh
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- dbr:Slovenia_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Yui_Hasegawa
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- dbr:Australia_women's_national_under-17_soccer_team
- dbr:Austria_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Azume_Adams
- dbr:Bangladesh_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Barbra_Banda
- dbr:Bulgaria_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Tunisia_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:UEFA
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- dbr:Gambia_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:2013_South_American_U-17_Women's_Championship
- dbr:2014_UEFA_Women's_Under-17_Championship
- dbr:2015_AFC_U-16_Women's_Championship
- dbr:2016_African_U-17_Women's_World_Cup_Qualifying_Tournament
- dbr:2016_CONCACAF_Women's_U-17_Championship
- dbr:2016_FIFA_U-17_Women's_World_Cup
- dbr:2016_OFC_U-17_Women's_Championship
- dbr:2016_South_American_U-17_Women's_Championship
- dbr:2016_UEFA_Women's_Under-17_Championship
- dbr:2017_AFC_U-16_Women's_Championship
- dbr:2017_OFC_U-16_Women's_Championship
- dbr:2021_FIFA_U-17_Women's_World_Cup
- dbr:2022_AFC_U-17_Women's_Asian_Cup
- dbr:2022_African_U-17_Women's_World_Cup_Qualifying_Tournament
- dbr:2022_CONCACAF_Women's_U-17_Championship
- dbr:2022_FIFA_U-17_Women's_World_Cup
- dbr:2022_FIFA_U-20_Women's_World_Cup
- dbr:2022_South_American_U-17_Women's_Championship
- dbr:2022_UEFA_Women's_Under-17_Championship
- dbr:Aitana_Bonmatí
- dbr:Albania_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Algeria_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Czech_Republic_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Daisy_Cleverley
- dbr:Easther_Mayi_Kith
- dbr:Ernestina_Abambila
- dbr:Estadio_Alejandro_Morera_Soto
- dbr:Estadio_Nacional_de_Costa_Rica_(2011)
- dbr:Estonia_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:FIFA_U-17_Women's_World_Cup
- dbr:Faroe_Islands_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Finland_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:France_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Nigeria_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Nikol_González
- dbr:North_Korea_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Pakistan_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Italy_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Leidy_Asprilla
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- dbr:Haiti_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Hazel_Nali
- dbr:Hikaru_Kitagawa
- dbr:Hina_Sugita
- dbr:Japan_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Tanzania_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Costa_Rica_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Argentina_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Arlett_Tovar
- dbr:Asako_Takakura
- dbr:Asato_Miyagawa
- dbr:African_U-17_Cup_of_Nations_for_Women
- dbr:Chile_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:China_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Jessica_Martínez
- dbr:Jessie_Fleming
- dbr:Kazakhstan_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Kimberly_Rodríguez
- dbr:Latvia_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Lea_Schüller
- dbr:Lebanon_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Sung_Hyang-sim
- dbr:Sura_Yekka
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- dbr:Switzerland_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Tahicelis_Marcano
- dbr:Deyna_Castellanos
- dbr:Azerbaijan_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Manuela_Giugliano
- dbr:Marie_Levasseur
- dbr:Martina_Piemonte
- dbr:Martine_Puketapu
- dbr:South_American_Under-17_Women's_Football_Championship
- dbr:South_Asian_Football_Federation
- dbr:South_Korea_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Spain_women's_national_football_team
- dbr:Spain_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:India_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Indonesia_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Kirsty_Howat-Thomson
- dbr:Mexico_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Natalia_Villarreal
- dbr:New_Zealand_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Ngambo_Musole
- dbr:OFC_U-16_Women's_Championship
- dbr:Oceania_Football_Confederation
- dbr:Rasheedat_Ajibade
- dbr:Serbia_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Yaniela_Arias
- dbr:Yosneidy_Zambrano
- dbr:Netherlands_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:FC_Barcelona_(women)_B
- dbr:FIFA_Fair_Play_Award
- dbr:Poland_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Ugochi_Emenayo
- dbr:Republic_of_Ireland_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Paraguay_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Women's_football_in_Spain
- dbr:South_Africa_women's_national_under-17_soccer_team
- dbr:Trinidad_and_Tobago_women's_national_under-17_football_team
- dbr:Costa_Rica_2014
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